Thanks for giving it a listen Scott ... and I appreciate the the use of your ears!

Robert, thanks for the listen and the suggestion. I'm not sure I can pull it off, but I'll give it some thought.

Thank you for stoppin' in to give it a listen Alan. Hope Di is doing well today. I just listened again to the post you did with her voice!

Thanks for the suggestion Ray. I appreciate it, but it's often a little over my head a little ... but I keep reaching. For instance I'm not sure what you mean by proximity effect or the fundamental peak - am I just a little to close or far from the mic when laying the vocal?

Glad you listened Marty. I'll try and take you up on that encouragement. With Christmas just around the corner now, things around here are getting a little busier, so I could use a little musical break.

I'm glad you liked it Shigeki and appreciate you giving it a listen. I've got a quite a way to go before I can get the type of sounds and production you're putting together though.

You called it Vic! I'm never quite satisfied with my vocal recordings. I think Torrey Bliss does a lot of vocal doubling and I like his stuff, so I thought I'd try it. This was my first attempt.