@Jim Fogle

It seems PG Music doesn't even bother making tutorial videos for RealBand. The latest video about RealBand I can find on YouTube is dated in 2019.

I would like to hear your opinions on RealBand from a musical perspective, not a technical perspective. So, if I ask you to create two songs from scratch, without using any DAW. Two same songs, but one is using BiaB 2023 only, the other one is using RB 2023 only (without BBPlugin).

Are you able to tell, off the top of your head, the top 10 life or death things/features/functionalities, of which can be easily done in BiaB 2023, but can not be done in RB 2023?

I will look into these things in details, so I can understand the true limitations of RB, and pull the trigger.

A Canadian music producer, singer songwriter, composer, and professional guitarist.