Originally Posted by Warren P
I really don't understand the thought behind the OP's question.

Nobody is going to steal your songs.

Nobody is even going to listen to them.

They will be ignored as will the 3,000,000 other independant albums and EPs works published this year. You can put it on spotify and apple music, and pay someone to do that posting thing for you, and you might get between 100 and 1000 listens, who knows. You could spend some money on trying to get on playlists. You might be able to afford to buy 5000 listens. But your problems do not include any likelihood that Taylor Swift or someone big like her will steal your song and get a grammy with it.


That is a bleak outlook indeed. We are a couple of retirees who mostly hike/mountain bike and write/produce music strictly for fun.
However part of that fun has been getting 25+ songs (with BiaB tracks) licensed via Songtrader -- several by large worldwide companies. Another part of that fun has been being getting on Spotify user playlists and being placed on a SC editorial playlist. Income from it is marginal and inconsequential.

For us it simply nice to know that folks other than family and friends enjoy our productions. smile

No intent here to be braggadocio -- just pointing out that "Nobody is even going to listen to them" might be a bit of an overstatement.

FWIW, grains of salt, etc., etc.
