Hi Bullmoon.

On the Count-in dialog box, the "Instrument" setting does nothing. Nothing changes when I make changes to it. Why? I can choose any sound in the list and it has no effect

The choice of instrument works for MIDI instrument. With Realdrums, the count-in instruments are preset. If you choose a MIDI-only style and if the drum track is "green" (which indicates that Realdrums are present), then right-click on the Drum track in the Mixer and choose "Force drums track to MIDI drums", you'll be able to try out the instruments. Make sure to regenerate after selecting this option, though, and then regenerate each time after a change is made. The various settings that you put in place simply tell BIAB how you would like it to organise the backing track when it is generated. With this in mind, the final step after any change whatsoever is usually "Regenerate".

[Linked Image - Only viewable when logged in]

As the image above shows, when you have MIDI drums in place, the track will be yellow.

BIAB's colour coding system... yellow = MIDI, green = audio (Realdrums, Realtracks), light blue = MIDI Supertrack.

I hope this helps,

Audiophile BIAB 2024