I don't think there is a problem with using AI to generate ideas, which I think is all anyone is really talking about, because I can't think of a single soul who would use any of the AI lyrics that I've seen generated without altering them significantly before trying to use them in any song.

You would just have to be really lame to use AI lyrics as they are.

But as an idea generator it's great.

I once spent a wonderful day with a Nashville Hall of famer and he talked about his songwriting process. He said that every Saturday him and his buddy would go to the record store and just spend the entire day flipping through records and looking at the titles of songs to get ideas that they would jot down in a notebook, and then they would take them back home and get drunk and piece together songs from the various ideas that they had written down from looking at the backs of albums.

It seems to me that using an AI generator tool is the same sort of thing.

You just come up with a bunch of stuff and then you get drunk and see what you can do with it.


I'm joking about the getting drunk part but you know what I mean.

Another thing is this: I've always noticed that the best song ideas that I've ever had are the ones that just pop into my head when I'm driving down the road and come out of nowhere, and I better have my phone available so I can turn on the tape recorder app and capture it or else those lyrics and the tune as well are gone forever.

I've never had AI do that for me so I'm not worried about AI.