When first loading the song and I tried it twice it only generated the drum track for all seventy-two bars hall of the tracks were blank.
The third time I tried I hit F4 to regenerate all tracks and it regenerate all tracks in the song played through all 72 bars with all tracks.

I went back and reloaded the song for a 4 time and can repeat the same bizarre behavior so there is something wrong with the file.
For me, it only plays drums the first time I hit play or double click on bar one.
Hitting F4 everything works fine.

Last edited by jpettit; 01/24/24 06:59 PM.

Studio One (latest version), Win 11 23H2 , i9 -10940X 3.3 GHz, 32GB Mem, a 4K 40" monitor, PreSonus Studio Live III Console as interface/controller. secondarily test on Reaper, Cakewalk, and S1 on Surface Pro 3 Win 10 (latest versions).