Originally Posted by JoanneCooper
“I really cannot see how ai assisted songs cannot be copyrighted”
Mike Halloran
“No one has said that. The Librarian of Congress has ruled that AI generated songs cannot and the courts have backed her up. David's explanation is pretty good.”

Yes but the OP asked if anybody had tried ChatGPT to generate lyrics and was immediately shut down by the copyright police. The OP wasn't discussing ai generated songs but rather ai generated lyrics. Ai is just a tool. Same as BIAB is a tool. Use it, don’t use it but don’t shoot down those who do.

I find it a bit odd that people who use machines to assist with the generation of music are so against using machines to help generate lyrics.

LyricLab A.I assisted chords and lyric app. Export lyrics and import directly into Band-in-a-Box 2024.
Play-along with songs you know and love, download SGU files