Red Fire Truck

Back for Christmas 2012. I did a little remixing -- I wasn't using any high pass filters or compression anywhere. The vocals need to be re-done, there is some crackling here and there that is not digital clipping, but more vocal technique or me crinkling the lyric sheet (ha, ha). The vocals might be a little to "close in" also. Maybe for next year.

I also have been reading up on master bus limiters and I always use the one that comes with Sonar: Boost11. Well, it seems everyone thinks Boost11 is pretty bad. Well I do have a bunch of Waves plugins and I downloaded a free one everyone is raving about, the limiter6. So I did a test on a song with Boost11, Wave L3 UltraMaximizer, Waves L3 MultiMaximizer and the limiter6. In trying to do a blind test, I think I liked the sound of the Boost11 about the best! How can that be, you ask? I guess I have been using it for a long time and I know not to drive it too hard. The others can get much louder, though. Red Fire Truck is using the L3 MultiMaximizer. I am going to have to test out the Wave L2 limiter also.

Some changes in instrumentation:
Kevin: Vocals, Acoustic Guitar (panned right 80%)
drums (NashEv8^7)
bass (midi 34?)
#854 12-string acoustic guitar (panned left 80%) on Intro, Verse1, chorus1, verse2 and bridge.
#406 acoustic guitar (panned 100% right) on chorus 2 only
harmonica (#685) -- lift 2 onward
piano (#1264) -- chorus1, lift2, chorus2, bridge, chorus3
mandolin (#1609) -- chorus2 and chorus3
mandolin (#436) -- beginning of chorus3 to make the mando entry more interesting. I tried to use it at the beginning of chorus2 also, but that didn't work out.


Now at bandcamp: Crows Say Vee-Eh @ bandcamp or soundcloud: Kevin @ soundcloud