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Noel96 Offline OP
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PG Music's plugin called PG Dynamics is an excellent compressor and expander. If Realtracks, Realdrums or Audio tracks have substantial changes in dynamics, one way to achieve an overall more even volume in the track is through use of this plugin. It can be used within Band In A Box, Realband and external DAWs.

In the below example, I have used the plugin on the "Bass" track of Band In A Box.

1. Click on the VSTi button on the shortcut menu bar. (If you cannot see this button, click on the >> immediately to right of the yellow cross in the below image. This will show any buttons not on display.)

2. First, left-click on "Bass" on the window that pops up. Second, left-click on the top drop-down box in the column labeled "Plugin". Third, scroll down and select "PG Dynamics"

3. Adjust the "PG Dynamics" settings to those shown below. First, deactivate "Expander/Gate"; second, double-check that "Compressor" is active; third, deactivate "Auto Gain"; fourth, click on the black box under the 'Output Gain' knob, delete the number that's there (probably 6) and enter 12.

4. Left click on the title bar at the top of the plugin box (#1), hold the mouse button down, and drag the dialogue box down the screen so that the "Generate Play" button (#2) becomes visible.

5. Leaving the VST plugin box open, generate the song and start it playing. As the song plays, you'll see audio activity on the VU meters. If the bass is still quiet (i.e. the VU meters don't register much volume), try changing the "12", in the 'Output Volume' box, to a higher value (the max. is 24). These adjustments can be made while the song is playing and the changes heard in real-time.

If the sound is still not as uniform in volume as you'd like:

(a) Try changing the "Threshold" value to increasingly larger negative numbers (say -15, -18, -20, etc.);

(b) Try changing the "Ratio" value to increasingly larger positive values (say, 6, 7, 8, etc.).


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Hi Noel:

Your "How to" series of posts should be given a permanent sticky folder of its own. They're invaluable. Thanks,


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The new wondah from down undah.

Thanks for the information Noel. Learning to properly use these and all plugins is the ptoblem. No matter how many times i read up on plugins i still get tangled up on ratio, threshold, and such.

Lenovo Win 10 16 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2024, Realband, Reaper, Harrison Mixbus 32c , Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app, Komplete 49 key controller.
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Another great tip - thanks Noel.


"Balmer, Merlan"

Love that. My wife is from "Balmer". Looking forward to our next trip to Phillips.



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I'm glad the information is useful.

Audiophile BIAB 2024
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Noel, I want to follow your step-thru, but, in BIAB when I pull down the Plugin list, I don't have PG Dynamics...I use it all the time in RB, but it doesn't appear in the BIAB list...where do I go to add it?


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Hi Tano,

I don't have an answer for you. If you can see all the other PG plugins and it's only the Dynamics one that's missing, that strikes me as very unusual.

If this were me, I'd drop PG Music's Support an email and ask them what's the best way to get it back.


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Hi Noel:

Your "How to" series of posts should be given a permanent sticky folder of its own. They're invaluable. Thanks,



Thanks Noel!

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Noel, from PG tech's not the TOP Plugin box on the right, it's the one just below that which reveals the PG plugins..

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Hi Tano,

Thank you. When I captured the original screen shot, the top box worked if the track had a Realtrack on it. To be honest, I think to try if the track had a midi file on it. Also, I clicked on the relevant track (in the above image "Bass"). I just noticed that if the "Default Synth" selection is active, that also requires the second box down.

Once again, thank you for the information.

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Noel96 Offline OP
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Thanks, Danny. It's good to read that some of what I've posted is useful.

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Another grateful reader and user of this technique, Noel. Thanks.

"Gettin' a life."

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Hi DrDUBose,

I'm glad to read that the information was useful.


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Hi Noel. Is your process global or song specific? Later, Ray

Asus Q500A i7 Win 10 64 bit 8GB ram 750 HD 15.5" touch screen, BIAB 2017, Casio PX 5s, Xw P1, Center Point Stereo SS V3 and EWI 4000s.
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Hi Ray,

This method is song specific.


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Noel96, et. al., I would love to see these 'broken' jpegs and more explanation of this compressor. There is nothing on the web or the forum that's substantive enough for me to use it with confidence. I get the concept but don't know how to evaluate gain vs. clipping as indicated by the meters. Thanks!

Best, Warren

Warren A. Keller- Woodwindist/Producer
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Noel96 Offline OP
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Hi Warren,

Many of my older threads now have broken links to graphics. This came about when Dropbox changed their public folder a little while back. (I used Dropbox to host my images.)

It didn't occur to me at the time but I should have included a downloadable pdf in the original post.

I'll recreate this thread with the original information.

Check back in a couple of days and I will have something for you.


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Boy, that's kind Noel! This is a nice generic resource I need to understand the clipping as shown in the middle meter as opposed to the L and R boxes up top. I got things to work pretty nicely tonight, but would like more confidence really knowing what I'm doing. Thanks again!

Best, Warren

Warren A. Keller- Woodwindist/Producer
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Our old friend Mac gave his explanation of compression for beginners many years ago here -

This explanation broke it down enough for me to grasp things and run with it.
It explains the basic concept very well IMO

Another good example is his explanation of Gain Staging

I'd almost forgot about audiominds, thanks for jarring my memory; lots of good basic stuff archived there.

Last edited by rharv; 06/09/18 02:22 PM.

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I would really, truly like to understand this plugin. I understand compression basics. I know what ratio, attack, and release are, as well as output gain makeup. I also know what the threshold setting is. What I don't get, and no other plugin I see uses, is the clipping indicators. There's a central red bar, and there are also the small L and R boxes up top. This is where I'm especially hung up. Is this clipping in the true sense of data loss, or is the term clipping used here to mean the level of peaks being attenuated? Is it OK to have the central bar light red at all, but not the L/R boxes?

I'd love to have one of the experts say " turn the Threshold counter-clockwise until... Turn the Gain clockwise until..." I manage to get PGD doing essentially what I want it to, but I'm shooting in the dark with guesswork.

Here from the RealBand User's Guide PDF is a good general explanation, but again I need some coaching with the Threshold setting and Clipping indicators:

Compressor checkbox enables PG Dynamics’ compressor module.
Threshold sets the level where compression begins. Below Threshold, the level is unchanged. Above Threshold, as
the input gets louder, the gain is gradually reduced.
Ratio adjusts how drastically the compressor behaves.
At a 2:1 ratio, an over-threshold input change of 6 dB would yield an output change of 3 dB. An input change of 12 dB
would yield an output change of 6 dB. Modest ratios are appropriate for smoothing a vocal or drum performance.
At a 10:1 ratio, the difference between loud and soft signals is changed more drastically. An input change of 6 dB
would yield an output change of only 0.6 dB. A 12 dB input change would yield an output change of 1.2 dB. At high
ratios, loud and soft input signals arrive at the output at nearly the same level. High ratios are useful for special
effects— add long sustain to clean guitar, or make spoken dialog loud and intelligible on small computer speakers.
Attack is the time required for the compressor to respond to an increase in amplitude.
As a general rule, use fast Attack values to compress individual notes, but use slow Attack values to compress the
overall level of a track.
With fast Attack, each note will be modified, which can keep the notes within a phrase more consistent. This can
tighten up an inconsistent performance, but also could remove the expressiveness from an expert expressive
With slow Attack, individual notes are not affected very much, but the compressor controls long-term level. Individual
notes can retain their expressive emphasis, but the long-term audio level is controlled.
Release is the time required for the compressor to respond to reductions in amplitude.
Fast Release lets the compressor “spring back” quickly after a loud passage.
Slow Release makes the compressor wait awhile before raising gain after a loud passage.
Use fast Release to compress individual notes. Use slow Release to compress the overall level of a track.
Very fast Attack and Release settings can sometimes cause intermodulation distortion on multi-instrument tracks (or
wide-frequency-range single instruments such as Grand Piano). For instance, on a track containing both kick drum and
hi-hat, the kick drum might audibly pump the hi-hat level.
Rule of thumb: Use moderate Attack and moderate-to-long Release on mixes, but use shorter Attack and Release on
individual instruments.
With Auto Gain enabled, makeup gain is automatically adjusted to match the compressor settings.
As the compressor Ratio and Threshold knobs are adjusted, Auto Gain adjusts the Output Gain knob to set the output
level to an “approximately good level.”
With slow Attack settings, the Auto Gain may be too high, causing the output to exceed 0 dB on fast note attacks. In
this case, disable Auto Gain, and manually adjust the Output Gain knob for the desired output level.
Output Gain applies make-up gain to the audio output, in case the compressor settings make the signal too quiet.

Last edited by Warren Keller; 07/16/18 08:50 AM.

Best, Warren

Warren A. Keller- Woodwindist/Producer
Spontaneous Groovin' Combustion
Tune 9 Music- SESAC
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Band-in-a-Box® 2024 for Mac® - RealCombos Booster PAK Styles Demo

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