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A collaboration between Dan Lindroos and Pat Marr:



The night is fine, so fine
for a rendezvouz
babe, let´s get out to dine
just me and just you
a table for two
I´ll order online, online
so, babe, let´s go out and have a great ,great time tonight !

You´re lookin´great, so great
in that lovely dress
maybe getting´late
but don´t take no stress
gonna be great nonetheless
gonna be our special date
so, babe, let´s go out and have a great, great time tonight!

You know I love you so, never seen you so sweet before
that leaves me wanting you more and more
I just want to hold you tight
that´s gonna feel so right, so right
so, babe, let´s go out and have a great, great time tonight!


Let´s take some little trips
on the sea of love
may I kiss your lips
I just love them so
let´s take a chance on a dance
and a little romance
so, babe, let´s go out and have a great, great time tonight!

....... (by Dani) ©Dani Lindroos 2015

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Nice smooth jazz tune. The vocal is just has that late night, closing down the joint mellowness about it. OK, who's doing what here on this here number?

Now at bandcamp: Crows Say Vee-Eh @ bandcamp or soundcloud: Kevin @ soundcloud
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Great tune!! A little departure for Dani into the classic jazz club sound. I'm guessing Dean plays the jazzy axe and Pat plays the organ solo? (which fits in very sweetly!). I think the verb could come down a bit, and eq on the vocal may make the lyrics a bit clearer. Really nice stuff!! Take care. Greg

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Here's the story behind the song:

Dani wrote this charming little dinner tune, and created a very nice accompaniment for it in BIAB. He also contacted Me and Dean to collaborate, but I'm not sure if either of us knew the other was involved. You may already see where this is going... wink

Dani had originally asked me to add a cello part (presumably because Josie's song with cello had just hit the showcase?) I agreed, but when I heard Dani's song I couldn't come up with an application for a cello by itself. To me, the song needed a full string section.. so I asked if I could change assignments. Dani, being the nice and easy to get along with guy that he is, was OK with the change.

So I sequenced the strings note by note in the piano roll. Still not knowing that Dean was involved, I also sent along a rhythm guitar part "just in case". (Its the strumming guitar that is panned somewhat to the right)

Meanwhile, in another part of the world.. New England, to be exact... Dean was actually thinking like an accomplished jazz master... and I literally mean master of all trades.... he was creating an arrangement with customized intro and ending and fascinating guitar, bass and keyboard delights! The entire fantastic intro is Dean!! Wow! Likewise the entire ending was created by Dean and appended to the end of the song as it was delivered to him! I just LOVE stuff like that, but if terrorists lined me up against a wall and said they'd cut my head off if I couldn't write a cool ending.. I'd be a dead man. Dean, on the other hand, would probably end up signing autographs for the terrorists.

Dean also played the organ solo in the middle... and I'm pretty sure he played a lot more than that.. maybe everything except what I played. (I can't say for sure because I worked from an MP3 and I never had all the tracks. But in one of the emails I recall Dani saying that Dean had played everything! )

By this time I was thinking that playing guitar in a song where Dean is also playing is kind of like a dwarf standing beside a giant. No matter how spiffy the dwarf dresses, he just ain't gonna compare well to the giant. Soooo, I begged the other guys to ditch my parts so the two of them could really make it shine (I really like the chord pattern, lyrics, melody and Dani's vocal delivery on this song! And I *ALWAYS * like Deans musical craftsmanship... but in THIS case, his embellishments were so perfect for the song and the intro and ending were so creative and interesting that the song was already excellent before I got there. And how about that organ solo? WOW!)

In the final analysis, adding my stuff just meant that something awesome from Dean got left out. That's a good definition for "Aw, Bummer, man!". It did, however, allow for enough different parts that there was plenty of opportunity to trim redundant parts to keep new stuff happening the whole time.

In conclusion I want to thank Dani for inviting me to participate, and congratulate him on writing and singing such a nice song! And thanks to Dean for his willingness to share his vast musical knowledge and skills with others!

Dani, I hope that you live this song over your holiday in Spain! wink

(PS.. the final mix does have more reverb than any of the copies I worked to...)

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Bunches of good stuff here.

Dani - a good write - one of your best (the order online line made me chuckle - very original). Your vocal is excellent. Heck...Frank would be proud!

The organ solo is cool. The guitar, too. The strings are really nice - I think they need to come up in volume - to really make a statement (particularly on the last verse).

The reverb on the vocal needs a little work (a bit less). One idea (just an idea) is to dup the vocal track (make a copy) and leave it completely dry - then mix the two together - maybe panned 15% to either side - to give you that deep reverb, but add some definition to the vocal...

A wonderful collab, guys....


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What an excellent collaboration. Everything fit right in place. Dani and Dean are both at the top of their game but I have to say the versatility of Pat Marr is a pleasant revelation over the recent past. Not just his musicianship but the ease that he so proficiently crosses genres. Nice job by all.


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Hi, Dean and Pat !!:))

How great to have been granted the honor
and pleasure to get to collab with such
fine guys like you !!!!!!!!:))

Dean: You turned my mediocre and bleak tune into a masterpiece
with your absolutely magical intros, medios and outros
out of this world and so wonderfully played! Except for Pat´s
rhytm guit and the midistrings, I have a feeling you played
all other instruments, maybe even the drums ?

Pat: your contribution brought a nice touch to the tune
and added color to it in a very nice way, I am grateful for
that and......... Pat, I am looking forward to having your
cello on board in another tune that would perhaps suit it
better than this one !

What have I done to deserve this ?

Have the Most Great Holidays both of you, my brothers in arms !:))


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Hello composer-team
A lovely story of collaboration around the globe.
Love the result, take my hat off for your musical craftsmanship.
The reverb... I saw a dark brown smokey cafe (bar) with tree old :-) jazz players, I'd put in a roomy reverb
Grtz to you all

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Dani / Pat / Dean,

What to say ...

... the minute that laid-back swing jazz accompaniment started, I knew I was going to enjoy the ride. This is great! The melody is excellent, the musical atmosphere that the backing creates is calm and relaxing, and the presentation is a credit to everyone involved. Like floyd, I thought the strings could be lifted. There is some really nice harmonic movement happening that deserves its share of the spotlight.

All in all ... it's two confident thumbs up from me.

All the best,

Audiophile BIAB 2024
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Originally Posted By: floyd jane

Bunches of good stuff here.

Dani - a good write - one of your best (the order online line made me chuckle - very original). Your vocal is excellent. Heck...Frank would be proud!

The organ solo is cool. The guitar, too. The strings are really nice - I think they need to come up in volume - to really make a statement (particularly on the last verse).

The reverb on the vocal needs a little work (a bit less). One idea (just an idea) is to dup the vocal track (make a copy) and leave it completely dry - then mix the two together - maybe panned 15% to either side - to give you that deep reverb, but add some definition to the vocal...

A wonderful collab, guys....


+1 , Dani- your best write and best vocal!
Dean, fabulous organ solo and a great intro! I love your guitar chord work.
Pat, Nicely composed string section and I heard that guitar in there.

I think if you address the mix issues that floyd pointed out, it's a definite top shelf keeper!!! Tom

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There are a lot of very cool
things that have sprung forth
from this community over the
three years we've been here.

And about the coolest are the
increasing number of collabs.
The power of BiAB and the
internet is, indeed, potent. This
is a great example of what can
happen with the technology
allows members of somewhat
different music persuasions to
come together.

W/o getting redundant with all
the positive comments that have been
made about the three of you (and
for which we much agree), we'll
only say the concept worked, worked
well and every contribution is

Oh yeah, and we MUCH dig the
"Frank Vibe!" And the cool write.
And the musicianship. And the
smoooooth arrangement and


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+1 to all the comments.

BUT *hides behind settee* I prefer Dani in a less frenetic mode but I can see the beauty of all this.

Some good collaborations on this site

Happy Xmas to all involved


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I should have made clear who did what on this tune. I want to assure Forum members that my contribution was pretty marginal. The drums, bass and piano are RealTracks. I do blow a pretty good B3 solo in there. And the intro and outro arrangements.

No, the real credit has to go to the creative mind behind the tune, i.e., Dani's changes, lyrics and orchestration in BIAB. Bravo!


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Hi Dani, Dean and Pat,
Originally Posted By: c_fogle
What an excellent collaboration. Everything fit right in place. Dani and Dean are both at the top of their game but I have to say the versatility of Pat Marr is a pleasant revelation over the recent past. Not just his musicianship but the ease that he so proficiently crosses genres. Nice job by all.

Thanks Charlie, you said exactly what I think.
Dean, that organ solo is just fabulous.
Merry Christmas to you all.


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Great work going on here.

Wonderfully atmospheric song and production.

Like Floyd, I think the vocal reverb could be looked at and maybe then lift the voice a bit in the mix - it's such a good vocal delivery that it doesn't want to get lost.

Congrats to all involved.


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Hi guys,

After having heard this song, we felt quite relaxed. Exactly a song for this time of the year. Candles on the table, an open fire and a Christmas tree....
Fruitful cooperation!

Rob and Anne-Marie

We are Rob Meulman and Anne-Marie Bovenkamp from The Netherlands.

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This is pretty cool. Nice playing on the Hammond B3.... loved that retro sound.

The voice needs less reverb and to be a bit more upfront and present in the mix..... Don't hide behind the FX....

I'm no expert on the genre so I won't comment on the tune other than to say I could see this being set in a smokey old jazz club where the band, the singer, the bartender and one or two people nursing a glass filled with scotch on the rocks are the only folks there......

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Hi, ol´friend !

Nice of you to take time to listen
to this little collabtune of ours !
I think Dean answered your
question a little further down!
Wishing you a Merry Xmas and a most
wonderful New Year 2015

Dani for
The Team !

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Hi Greg !:)

Your guess was (chuckle)
almost right and Dean did
tell us some comments down
who´s playing what !:))
Othervise you are absolutely
right about the mix !:))

Hi, Greg, the Team wishes
you a Most Merry Christmas
and a Most Happy and Creative
Year 2015 !

For the Team

Last edited by dani48; 12/18/14 10:38 PM.
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Very cool collaboration. Lots going on. Excellent vocal. Back track and playing were also excellent..

Scott Collingwood
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