Fixed: RealTracks Picker will crash if no RealTracks are selected when switching to a different track.
Fixed: Changing the fret position in the Guitar Window did not trigger the Notation window to redraw.
Fixed: Changing user memo in Song Memo dialog was not undoable, and did not prompt user to save song.
Fixed: Changing user memo in Song Memo dialog could not be canceled.
Fixed: "Set program" sub menu was missing from the plugin context menu for plugins that have a program list.
Fixed: Audio > Plugin effects would fail and create distorted audio.
Fixed: Audio > Plugin effects should apply to the currently selected track, and currently selected region if applicable.
Fixed: Erase Track causes tracks to change solo state.
Fixed: "flat, dry, and center" option in the Drop Plus dialog should be available for dragging single tracks.
Fixed: MIDI files containing sysex data would fail to import.
Fixed: Dropping a MIDI file onto Band-in-a-Box would be ignored if the file extension was ".midi”.
Fixed: When importing MIDI files "Merge with existing data" did not work correctly.
Fixed: Rendering compressed formats (mp3, wma, m4a) would fail if "One file per track" was checked.
Improved: Render speed improved.
Summary of changes for Build 838 (since 835)
Fixed: Drum notes in bottom staff saved to XML file were shown too low.
Fixed: Frozen RealDrums RealCharts were not saved in song files.
Fixed: Track Actions > Save as performance track would fail.
Fixed: Using Copy/Move Tracks to copy audio to a non-editable track (eg Soloist) would fail.
Fixed: Issues with chord sheet scrolling when near end of song.
Fixed: File > Revert to saved should not ask user if they want to save their current song.
Fixed: Band-in-a-Box should automatically copy to stylz1.bin if stylz1.bin is missing.
Fixed: Drag and drop Master track to MIDI quadrant, and 1 track is soloed, should be SMF type 0 instead of 1.
Fixed: The time signature does not update on the chord sheet after selecting a style.
Fixed: Using mouse wheel over Track Selector control does not work to select None (eg in Record dialog).
Added: Feature Browser menu item added to the Help menu.
Fixed: Memory leaks when regenerating RealTracks or playing songs several times in a program session.
Fixed: New Xtra Style might not display correctly in the StylePicker.
Fixed: If starting playback from a bar that contains a % tempo change, the tempo change is applied twice.
Fixed: Plugin file path is listed twice in Plugin selector dialog.
Fixed: "Utility Tracks were automatically transposed.” message shows after leaving song settings when no transpose settings were changed.
Fixed: "Also generate MIDI Drums in the MIDI file" did not export the underlying MIDI style if the song has RealDrums RealCharts.
Fixed: Delete Beats at Bar was not undoable.
Fixed: Delete Beats at Bar should ask for chorus/bar numbers rather than just a bar number.
Fixed: Insert Beats at Bar should ask for chorus/bar numbers rather than just a bar number.
Fixed:Original song tempo was not restored after finishing playback.
Fixed:If starting playback from a bar that contains a % tempo change, the tempo change is applied twice.
Fixed:Issue with playback synchronization when using the Conductor.
Fixed:Frozen RealTracks on Drums track are not saved in song.
Fixed:New Xtra styles do not show in the StylePicker for localized versions if the language patch is not up to date.
Fixed:VST plugin scans may be slower in some cases.
Fixed:Drag and drop individual MIDI tracks should be SMF type 0 instead of 1.
Fixed:Using arrow keys to change selection in Hi-Q patches dialog does not update the memo.
Fixed:Track context menu > Track Actions > Save track as WAV file should select stereo/mono automatically.
Added: "Save in current song directory” setting added to Render dialog.
Improved: Enabling render setting "Individual tracks flat, dry, and center” will improve rendering time.
Added: "Include Mix" option added to rendering options which can be disabled if rendering individual tracks.
Improved: File rendering time reduced.
Fixed:If scanning or loading a VST plugin causes Band-in-a-Box to crash, then that plugin should be automatically excluded the next time running the program.
Added: Plugin selector dialog shows info on listed plugins, such as the file path and unique identifier. This is useful for troubleshooting plugin installation problems, duplicates, etc.
Fixed:"Lyrics below by" changed to "Bar Lyric Position" and now serves as an adjustment when either Lyrics Above or Lyrics Below are selected in the combo for bar lyrics.
Fixed:Potential access violation in Lead Sheet window when Fake Sheet mode is selected and there are note-based lyrics.
Fixed:Issues with note colors.
Fixed:A menu item added to convert note-based lyrics to bar based lyrics.
Fixed:Clicking on bar based lyric in Lyrics Window will now start the song from that position.
Added: Preview N Bars to chord sheet right-click menu
Added: Message notifying that saved window size has completed
Added: Bar highlighting for midi preview
Fixed: Clicking anywhere on plugin while bbm4 window is open should bring window to front (plugin will now be greyed out while bb dialog is open)
Fixed: Change disabled Preview N Bars to Preview 4 Bars by default
Fixed: Chord sheet/track table view should not resize if horizontal size has been changed
Fixed: Some strings not externalized in chord builder
Fixed: PLAY/STOP buttons should be green/black to match BIAB
Fixed: Gain value changes when toggling volume slider
Fixed: Updated hints for "Render Flat Mix" and "Render Dry Mix" to include 2021 changes
Fixed: "Move media to project directory" when saving was not always working
Fixed: Limit for choruses and start bar were incorrect
Fixed: Selecting secondary chord display and then going back to none doesn't resize rows well
Fixed: Components incorrectly overlaid in confirmation dialog
Fixed: Expand clear renders feature to exclude currently generated tracks
Fixed: Expand auto-clear feature to work when starting new session
Fixed: Plugin sometimes resets when closing/reopening plugin editor
Fixed: "Auto-generate song" was not working with song demos
Fixed: noise when starting sync playback in the plugin
Fixed: chord sheet should get keyboard focus after any action
Fixed: generate "region" not working
Fixed: Save Window Size was not working
Fixed: Plugin now uses VSTSynthFont for midi rendering (e.g. used for chord preview feature)
Fixed: VST3 did not correctly load the dedicated synth.
Fixed: "Set default style" not working
Fixed: Moving files when saving doesn't work if style is loaded but not generated.
Added: "Preview N Bars [Cmd/Ctrl-P]" option in Generate menu. Hot key for this function is CMD/CTRL-P
Added: Option in "Preferences -> General Settings" to save current plugin size as default
Added: Option in "Preferences -> Render Settings" to auto-clear renders on startup. Note that this option should only be enabled if the DAW creates copy of media when importing. Enabling this setting will delete the entire renders folder whenever the plugin is first loaded without checking if tracks were dragged or not.
Added: Option in "Preferences -> Render Settings" to separate audio output channels for each track after generating
Added: Notification for missing media (tracks that will not generate)
Added: [PLAY] button to "Generation is complete!" message
Added: AU plugin now sends MIDI to DLS Music Device if "Send MIDI to DAW" is selected
Added: "Play Current Chord [Shift-Enter]" to right-click menu of chord sheet. Hot key for this function is SHIFT-ENTER
Added: Updated preferences dialog to be tabbed menu
Added: Global chord display options (in prefs dialog)
Added: Chord builder dialog
Added: Volume sliders
Added: Dedicated synth
Added: Make channel displays for midi and audio clickable to set from
Added: Ability to set folder path for saved tracks for that instance
Added: Preview chord progression as midi (click elsewhere on chord sheet to stop)
Added: 'Store/Load chord progression' to chord sheet context menu
Added: Hide top menu
Added: Button in preferences to open plugin log of green/yellow messages
Added: Custom chord font options in Preferences dialog
Fixed: BB frequently hangs a long time on "Retrieving Style"
Fixed: Changed "Paste Special" to "Paste Special (from Band-in-a-Box)" which is only enabled when system clipboard has song info
Fixed: Plugin sometimes does not prompt to save generated tracks with song
Fixed: Status message text has bad horizontal scale (should not be compressed)
Fixed: Updated audio output channel display to show track channels -> output channels
Fixed: "Chart" button text was cutoff
Fixed: Play button in Chord Builder crashed AU plugin
Fixed: "Preview Chord Progression" crashed AU plugin
Fixed: Chordsheet should get focus when generation is complete
Fixed: Issues with style picker (and other bb windows) hiding when CMD-TAB is used to navigate to another app and then back to DAW
Fixed: Multiple instances of bbm4 open when running AU and VST plugin and retrieving style upon launch
Fixed: Plugin should ask to save song before loading song demo
Fixed: Preferences dialog should not move position when selected tab changes
Fixed: Play/Stop buttons should still alert user that nothing is generated when they are disabled
Fixed: Moved "Preview Chord Progression" feature from right-click menu to button under chord sheet (next to C7 button)
Fixed: Plugin sometimes crashes in Pro Tools (when setting negative value for bar offset)
Fixed: Duplicate file name displayed in "Recent Files"
Fixed: Remove "(Mir)" from audio output channel label
Fixed: Could not load Midi Soloist on first Extra track from context menu
Fixed: Audio latency offset not working in DAW
Fixed: Selected font in chord font list should be highlighted
Fixed: Time signature changes in bar settings are not working
Fixed: Looping bars from chorus > 1 did not work
Fixed: Demo button stays disabled after DAW playback stops
Fixed: Render Settings button not showing when enlarging plugin window
Fixed: Loading new song should reset visual transpose "Key" colour
Fixed: Generate Custom -> All Pages (Ungenerated Tracks Only) should not be available when all tracks are generated
Fixed: Expanded audio output channel remapping feature to allow for Left, Right, and Summed selections when outputting stereo track to mono channel
Fixed: High cpu usage
Fixed: PGChords font not displaying correctly
Fixed: Saving a song does not add it to "Recently Opened" list
Fixed: Playback from bar at chorus x options disappear during playback
Fixed: Plugin hangs when trying to unfold choruses if it exceeds bar limit
Fixed: Demo button should not be disabled before generating
Fixed: Demo button should change colours to indicate when playing
Fixed: Crash when opening plugin after it closes
Fixed: Global (default) chord display should change current chord display
Fixed: Crash when right-clicking on bar in chord builder dialog
Fixed: [Play] button in the chord builder does not work (button moved to top right of bar)
Fixed: Made status message more pronounced during yellow flash
Fixed: Added "Cancel" button in chord builder dialog to undo instantaneous changes
Fixed: Choosing option to move project media while Saving As crashed the program
Fixed: "Preview Chord Progression" does not work
Fixed: Removed duplicate chord display option in "Also show..." to reduce redundancy. If main chord display is "Normal" then secondary display cannot be "Normal"
Fixed: Close bbm4 before opening plugin log
Fixed: Hiding top menu/toggling views had incorrect window resizing
Fixed: Cannot drag volume slider after moving it to right side
Fixed: Midi tracks play during demo playback
Fixed: Crash when closing Preferences dialog while style picker is open. Preferences dialog will now stay open until BB window is closed
Fixed: Bug preventing file browser from opening when Preferences dialog is open
Fixed: Folder search is more intelligent
Fixed: Bugs related to chord display in chord sheet
Fixed: Lag in plugin when using secondary chord display
Fixed: Retrieving localized style after changing language should preserve generated tracks
Fixed: Extra tracks are lost after changing language
Fixed: Bar Settings only shows 1 chorus when there are multiple choruses
Fixed: Organized track menu (remove mute/solo, midi/audio channels, and more from + menu in track sheet)
Fixed: Playback should pause if bbw4 dialog is opened
Fixed: Loading default style when plugin first starts shows incorrect style and description
Fixed: Chord sheet now recognizes "min" chord (Dmin as Dm)
Fixed: "Play from bar at chorus" played 1 chorus later than expected
Fixed: Plugin does not play the tag correctly
Fixed: Bar highlighting should not go past song length
Fixed: Opening a song file will ask to save when there have not been edits
Fixed: Changing tag should enable "generate is needed" blinking light
Release notes (build 835, June 16)
Fixed: Edit-Expand Chords item was sometimes adding extra part markers.
Fixed: Click at end of drums track in some cases (drum ending shortened by 6 ticks).
Fixed: Changing part marker via right click didn't set flag for file save or regenerate song.
Fixed: Changing RealDrum substyle via right click didn't set flag for file save or regenerate song.
Fixed: Loading a new style should clear custom settings on tracks for Direct input/held/bluesy/double time/embellish (Undo restores them).
Fixed: Drum shots: Last drum shot on a song with no ending was missed sometimes.
Improved: RealDrums settings dialog: The settings for dB adjust of shots/holds and pushes have a wider range now (using dB).
Fixed: Song Demos for some MIDI styles (e.g. Look Ma no MIDI) were not found. All song demos should be found.
Fixed: The Guitar Tutor made no sound through plugins.
Fixed: [Load Song Demo] not finding demos for some MIDI styles in "Look Ma more MIDI" series.
Fixed: Drum click sometimes happening at the very end of a song.
Added: Notation color settings added to Display Options dialog.
Fixed: Mono Waves AU plugins are silent.
Fixed: Mono Waves VST plugins are silent on the right channel.
Fixed: Recently installed Waves VST plugins might not get added during a plugin scan.
Fixed: C:\Program Files\VstPlugins is added to VST search directories after it has been removed.
Fixed: "Fix sour notes" default track data is not set properly for new songs.
Fixed: Song audio transpose setting should not be applied if no Artist Performance Tracks are present.
Fixed: Artist Performance Tracks are transposed wrong if user changed key or changed setting.
Fixed: Artist Performance Tracks might not be displayed correctly on the Mixer.
Fixed: Artist Performance Tracks might play at the wrong tempo.
Fixed: The [X] button in the Big Piano window does not work.
Fixed: When using the "Quantize Track" function the "Ok" button does not close the dialogue box nor does it apply the selected settings.
Fixed: Melody > Edit Melody Track > Quantize, Time Adjust > Delete Beats in Melody, displayed "Insert at Bar number" instead of "Delete at Bar number".
Fixed: Selecting chorus begin/end should respond to clicking on a part marker on the chord sheet.
Fixed: Audio Edit timeline did not indicate tag ending.
Fixed: Shift+click on Notation button did not launch floating Notation window.
Fixed: Utility tracks might be out of sync after using loop-playback.
Fixed: Issues with RealDrums shot/pushes volume.
Added: Edit - Change Time Signature has a button to set the range to the whole song, and defaults to the whole song range if no range is selected.
Added: Note Colors option in the Notation Options now show Scriabin colors for all tracks (except drums).
Added: StylePicker shows better set names for disks like XPro 1, Loops-with-Styles (LoopsPAK1, LoopsPAK2), and MultiStyles PAK 1.
Added: StylePicker filter now searchable for set names e.g. "XPro" , "Xtra" or "RT372".
Improved: Confirmation message after batch saving txt files improved.
Improved: Song demos are found for more styles.
Fixed: Drum Transcriptions not showing up sometimes.
Fixed: Copy Text batch feature doesn't need to resave the song.
Changed: i# feature (e.g. i7 to insert 7 bars) now changed to in4 or ins4, because i is a roman numeral, and i7 is a valid chord entry.
Fixed: Copy first chorus to whole song - function in Edit - Copy Chords dialog sometimes didn't work as expected.
Fixed: Custom Note colors made weren't getting saved between sessions (stored in c:\bb\data\default.ncl).
Added: Songs\AboutSongsFolder.txt briefly describes the purpose of the songs folder.
Other Content, RealDrums, and RealTracks improvements, fixes, and additions. (June 16)
Fixed: Many RealDrums previously would play shots/holds/pushes incorrectly. Examples include BossaBrazilAlex^, CajonFolkPop8ths, DancehallClassicWesPerc^. This affected 112 RealDrums (663 individual variations/tempos in total).
Added: 26 Additional Pro compatible bonus styles that don't require RealTracks from the UltraPAK (.e.g. HURRY.STY, =PILOT.STY, SEAFLOOR.STY).
Fixed: RT2524: Bass, Electric, FunkHalfNotePulseSync Ev16 100 sometimes played incorrect chords.
Fixed: 203 MIDI "Style Demos Audio" files had bad audio or were missing. Some notable examples include "BIGPINK" and "MOONRVR".
Fixed: Shots and Holds 577 was not playing the correct notes.
Fixed: RT2613: Bass, Electric, FunkPumpingOffbeat8ths Ev 100 was playing incorrect chords in certain combinations.
Fixed: RT1614: Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm DixielandFast Sw 165 was playing parts with the wrong timing.
Fixed: RT1788: Banjo, Tenor, Rhythm DixielandMediumA-B Sw 110. When the A substyle was playing and the simple option was selected, freestyle chords would not play.
Fixed: Shots and holds 167 was playing the incorrect chords.
Fixed: Shots and holds 396 were not playing at all.
Fixed: RT 3281 and 3282 (Vocal Mmms, Background RockNRollGospel12-8Tenor..) sometimes had missing audio.
Improved: RT 3091:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm FolkyWaltzMike Ev 150 and MST 3092:Piano, Rhythm FolkyWaltzMike Ev 150 have better timing, transcription, and riff selection.
Fixed: RT3766 should not show RealChart.
Fixed: RT2757: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockHeavy8thsCraig Ev 120 was playing incorrect chords in places.
Fixed: The RealTracks Picker showed <Guitar, Electric, Soloist NashvilleRadioBalladDanny Ev16 075> as a rhythm style instead of a soloist.
Improved: RT1011: Bass, Electric, BritInvation EV 120 has improved transcriptions.
Fixed: RT2506: Piano, Electric, HeldChords 060 was not playing at all.
Fixed: _BOPNORG, _JAZGRIN, _POP_BRK, and _RAPROCK styles had instruments/loops that occupied the Melody or Soloist tracks when there were instrument tracks available.
Fixed: RT524:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 165 as not playing 2 beat chords properly.
Fixed: RT2474:Bass, Acoustic, Held Ev 085 was not playing 2 beat slash chords.
Fixed: RT2498: Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm RockabillySwingKevin Sw 165 and the MST 2490: Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm RockabillySwingKevin Sw 165 were playing behind the beat.
Fixed: Online Style Demos Audio for 200 MIDI and MIDI/RD styles have improved audio or have been added if previously missing.
Fixed: The RockabillySwing^ RD style previously played an incorrect count-in.
Fixed: Several of the "multi" RealTracks would previously play nothing when auditioning them in the RT picker.
Improved: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm FunkyGroove60s Ev16 095 and Guitar, Electric, Background FunkyGroove60sSoulRiff Ev16 095 now have a simple option available and transcriptions.
Fixed: Several styles were missing .SGU style demos.
Release notes (build 833, April 29)
Fixed: A clicking sound sometimes happened a few beats after a drum shot.
Fixed: Incorrect Drum track volume if loading frozen songs from earlier versions of Band-in-a-Box.
Fixed: MIDI export: "Drums on separate tracks" did not work.
Fixed: The progress bar was missing when batch rendering audio files.
Fixed: Drum Lead-in should be audible if drums are muted at bar 1.
Added: Xtra Styles PAK 11 support.
Fixed: Issue with chord sizes on Notation.
Fixed: Entries with garbage text in Song Titles database.
Release notes (build 832, April 23)
Fixed: MIDI Options: "Drum Bank Changes" setting was ignored for plugins, behaving as if it was always enabled. This allows plugins like XGLite to play drums correctly on the drums channel. Note: if using XGLite, make sure Prefs-MIDI Options- "Drum Bank Changes" is disabled (it defaults to disabled).
Fixed: "Include 2 bar lead-in in MIDI file" setting did not work for exported MIDI files.
Fixed: The Drum Kit window does not send MIDI events to plugins.
Fixed: Using hot keys to Cut/Paste/Delete in the Audio Edit window should not be possible on read-only tracks.
Fixed: Cancel in the Loops dialog would not cancel the selection.
Fixed: A minimized plugin window should be considered hidden when toggling visibility.
Added: "Allow jBridge" setting added to the Plugins Options dialog.
Updated: PDF manual, help file.
Release notes (build 829, April 12)
Fixed: Playback would not start if "ASIO Always On" was enabled, and only using MIDI tracks.
Fixed: Changes to MIDI File Options are ignored when choosing OK, if launched from Options > Preferences > MIDI File.
Fixed: MIDI would not record if recording audio.
Fixed: RT3583 showing from set 999.
Fixed: FunkRock70sSlow^ problem with variation 3.
Fixed: Honcho.sty problem with drums, and other misc .sty fixes.
Fixed: RealDrums MIDI Charts not generating in some cases.
Fixed: Various localization bugs.
Release notes (build 827, Mar 25)
Fixed: Play from Bar X Chorus Y chord sheet context menu item played from the end of the song.
Fixed: MIDI on the Melody track was not muted by Bar Settings.
Fixed: Tracks were not muted by Bar Settings if on bar 1.
Fixed: The Melody track might be set to channel 0 after importing a MIDI file.
Fixed: The JukeBox skips every second song.
Fixed: MIDI files fail to open if they are read-only.
Fixed: Chord sheet highlighting during playback stopped after 2 bars of the ending.
Fixed: If selecting Drums as the source for a Custom MIDI Track, the wrong drums style is generated.
Fixed: Custom MIDI Tracks might not generate if tracks are frozen.
Added: "Set all tracks to this:" selector added to the MIDI import dialog.
Release notes (build 825, Mar 4)
Fixed: Using Track Settings > Auto-Fix "Sour" Notes might cause program to freeze when generating RealTracks.
Fixed: Possible crash when stopping recording if using ASIO drivers and "ASIO Always On" is disabled.
Fixed: Files in DragDrop folder might be deleted during program exit, even if "Recycle (trash) all dropped files in this folder on bootup" is disabled.
Fixed: Choosing a plugin for a .STY file in the More Settings dialog did not include sub-folders.
Fixed: Hot-keys for selecting next track did not work (CTRL+F5, CTRL+SHIFT+F5).
Fixed: Style description button on main toolbar should animate mouse hovering.
Fixed: If recording 32 bit audio with ASIO drivers, the "Overdub underlying Audio" setting is ignored.
Fixed: Custom settings for styles (Panning, Reverb, and Tone) were not updated on the Mixer when loaded.
Fixed: Exported MIDI files are panned wrong.
Fixed: Tracks with multiple RealTracks changes might be silent.
Fixed: Visual playback will be out of sync after pausing and un-pausing, if "Pause Play Until MIDI or Key received" is enabled.
Fixed: Possible stack overflow error if using the Conductor window.
Fixed: Mixer volumes restoring to original values after playback if song has volume changes in Bar Settings.
Fixed: Volume changes made by Bar Settings should be applied the same as in Band-in-a-Box 2020 for backwards compatibility.
Release notes (build 822, Feb 5)
Fixed: Individual decibel offsets for A & B substyles in RealDrums were not applied.
Fixed: RealCharts MIDI for Soloists might be heard during playback if added by the Soloist dialog.
Fixed: Bar Settings for bar 1 might not be applied.
Fixed: Issues with Notation display in Japanese.
Fixed: "Back to Normal" in Bar Settings did not restore previous volume levels.
Fixed: Song Settings "Fadeout ending # bars" did not work.
Fixed: Audio track might be deleted after editing and choosing not to save song.
Fixed: Volume change events were not included in exported MIDI files.
Fixed: MIDI export dialog: [Batch mode] button does nothing.
Fixed: Lyrics were not included when importing MIDI files.
Fixed: Tracks that have "Conform to Playback Tempo" disabled should still conform to the playback tempo percent.
Fixed: Disabling "New Plugins default to Mixer control" setting has no effect.
Fixed: It was not possible to export a notation video of any Utility tracks.
Fixed: Chord sheet video would be visually out of sync with audio if "Include 2 bar lead-in" was disabled in the Render dialog.
Fixed: Chord sheet video would fail to render if 16 bit-depth was not selected in the Render dialog.
Fixed: Choosing [Take Again] when recording audio might cause the Keep Take dialog to immediately appear when playback restarts.
Fixed: Drag and drop render might ignore the "Separate files for each track" setting.
Fixed: Song files containing ACW data, and saved in Band-in-a-Box 2017 or earlier, will play out of sync.
Fixed: Track display colour was green if adding a custom MIDI track on top of a RealTrack.
Fixed: Recorded audio will be out of sync if "Allow Lead-In Bars (all songs)" is disabled, or "1-bar lead-in" is enabled.
Fixed: Time line did not display all of the ending bars if "Allow Lead-In Bars (all songs)" was disabled.
Fixed: Drum transcriptions for MerengueAlex, NashClassicWaltzSw^, NashvilleBrushesBalladPushEv16, PopRockBasic^ are improved.
Fixed: RealDrums Picker might have entries for several nonexistent RealDrums, e.g. RockBasic.
Fixed: FunkRock70sSlow^3-Sidestck,Snare RD variation did not work.
Release notes (build 818, Jan 28)
Fixed: If 'Mute melody during middle chorus' is selected, last chorus is also muted.
Fixed: Delay before playback, especially for long songs with RealCharts.
Fixed: The track selector in the Notation window might display the wrong track number if using the 32 bit version.
Fixed: "Pause Play Until MIDI or Key received" caused MIDI hardware to play out of sync with RealTracks.
Fixed: Utility tracks would fail to render to audio via Drag and Drop.
Fixed: Audio plugins on slot 1 were not loading to Utility tracks when loading songs.
Fixed: Removing RealDrums or RealTracks does not automatically assign the Default Synth to a track.
Fixed: In the Choose from list dialog, an exclamation before a keyword does not filter out that keyword.
Fixed: Playback is visually 1 bar out of sync after looping to beginning of song if "1 bar lead-in" is enabled.
Fixed: Bar Settings changes for bar 1 should be applied at start of lead-in.
Fixed: Step advancing through Melody might not produce any sound if using a DXi synth.
Fixed: Selecting a Thru track patch would be applied to the currently selected track.
Fixed: RT2263, Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm 80sPopMedium Ev 120 cutting out.
Added: Transcriptions for RealTrack Bass, Electric, Pop HalfNotes Ev 085
Fixed: Bar Settings fades did not work for "All Instruments".
Fixed: MIDI hardware is out of sync with RealTracks on some computers.
Fixed: Copy/Move Tracks might change the destination track's MIDI channel.
Fixed: Sequencer Window: The "Play" check boxes did not filter notes being sent to plugins.
Fixed: "Also generate MIDI Drums in the MIDI file" was ignored when exporting MIDI files.
Fixed: Volume/Pan/Reverb were not loaded to Thru track from when loading songs.
Added: "Thru Volume, Pan, Reverb, Patches" setting added to the Overrides dialog.
Fixed: Issues with Bar Settings un-muting tracks.
Fixed: Rendering individual tracks to MP3 might fail if high bit rate is selected.
Fixed: Options > Preferences > [Colors] should launch the Display Options dialog instead of the old Colors dialog.
Fixed: Division By Zero error after recording audio if there are no input devices available.
Fixed: BodhranTradSlipjig RealDrums were playing the wrong audio.
Updated: Documentation files.
DAW Plugin 3.4.4
Added: Line between 'GENERATE' and 'CUSTOM...' buttons to separate the two visually
Fixed: Out-of-sync bar highlighting when there are tempo changes
Fixed: Generating with disabled style mix leaves blinking light on
Fixed: Transport buttons stay greyed out after stopping sync playback in DAW
Fixed: Localization display issues and bugs
Release notes (build 814, Jan 5)
Fixed: The "Output Chords" track was not included in exported MIDI files.
Fixed: Dragging Master to MIDI quadrant of drop station would fail.
Fixed: MIDI files exported using drag and drop was not channeled properly.
Fixed: Access violation when generating song that has style changes.
Fixed: RealDrums will be silent if BT1 and BT0 files are missing.
Fixed: Issues with muting & un-muting tracks using Bar Settings.
Fixed: Changing song position during playback did not work if using MME audio drivers.
Fixed: Deleting chords in the chord sheet did not trigger RealTracks to regenerate.
Release notes (build 813, Dec 29)
Fixed: Noise at end of songs with Loops.
Fixed: Range check error when launching the 32 bit version.
Fixed: Floating Mixer was not returning to its previous position and size.
Fixed: Mixer was not showing decibels when loading older song files.
Fixed: Reopening a song that contains an Audio Chord Wizard tempo map would play the Audio track out of sync.
Fixed: Exported MIDI did not include harmonies.
Fixed: "Melody > Mute Melody during Middle choruses" was ignored if using plugins or Default Synth.
Fixed: MIDI Import dialog was displaying one less track than was in the MIDI file.
Fixed: Importing a multi-track MIDI file should automatically choose separate destination tracks instead of Melody for all of them.
Fixed: VST plugins that do not have GUI should not automatically open a window when assigned.
Fixed: Nameless VST plugins should just display using DLL name.
Fixed: Some RealDrums Picker entries had incorrect or incomplete feel and tempo info.
Fixed: SkaSlow70sWes^ audition demos now playing correctly.
Fixed: MarkTreeFills extraneous noise.
Fixed: Copy/Move Track: "Merge with existing data" was ignored when copying or moving MIDI.
Fixed: PopRockBasic^ Drums might be silent.
Bonus "Half-time" and "Double-time" RealStyles! (Dec. 22)
With this patch, we've added more bonus half-time / double-time variation styles.
Total of new styles is:
111 new RealStyles
80 new RealTracks variations.
27 new RealDrums variations.
This includes:
variations of existing 16th-based bluegrass.
variations of existing celtic and train beat styles.
new styles with both 8th-based and 16th variations.
16th-based samba variations.
Watch this video that describes the new content:
Release notes (build 811, Dec 22)
Fixed: Notation context menu > Insert Section Text Event would cause access violation.
Fixed: Muting the Melody track would not mute the harmony voices.
Fixed: Melody harmony notes were not displayed on the Melody piano on the Mixer.
Fixed: The "Keep Take" dialog appears immediately starting to record MIDI.
Fixed: Loading some songs will remove the Defaulth Synth.
Fixed: Frozen MIDI tracks were not saved properly in song files.
Fixed: Compressed utility tracks were not loading with songs (WMA, M4A, etc).
Fixed: Distorted audio recording if using WAS drivers with 96kHz or higher sample rate.
Fixed: Pitch shifted audio recording if using ASIO drivers with sample rate other than 44.1kHz.
Fixed: Reverb can still be heard after song is stopped.
Fixed: Disabled MIDI tracks continued to play through the default synth.
Fixed: Exported MIDI would ignore range settings if selected.
Fixed: Lyrics were not included with exported MIDI files.
Fixed: Choosing Karaoke format was ignored when exporting MIDI files.
Fixed: Generating RealTracks on a Utility track would cause RealTracks on the Melody track to become silent until regenerated.
Fixed: StylePicker fixes for 12/8 and 6/8 time signatures and Sw/Ev errors.
DAW Plugin 3.3.5
Added: Preferences option to enable/disable style mix track by default. Note that when the style mix track is disabled, it will be excluded from generation. You can enable/disable the style mix track by using the "+" button or right-clicking on the track.
Fixed: Chords in midi marker file should hold past bar to next chord
Fixed: Generate single track from track table was not working
Fixed: Generating single style tracks does not activate transport buttons
Fixed: Generating individual tracks would render single tracks
Fixed: Plugin does not always mute style tracks correctly after generation
Release notes (build 808, Dec 14)
Fixed: Generating RealTracks on Utility tracks would fail with an error message.
Fixed: The Melody track was being erased after generating a RealTrack on a Utility track.
Fixed: Possible crash when rendering song with tempo changes and "one file per track" enabled.
Fixed: When rendering a song with tempo changes, individual tracks will be out of sync (wrong tempos).
Updated: PDF Manuals, Help file, Feature Browser.
Release notes (build 807, Dec 11)
Fixed: RealTracks might be silent after using more than 1 song or style (eg. _BALFRED.STY followed by _J085_GB.STY).
Fixed: No sound if using ASIO driver with the 32 bit version.
Fixed: No sound if using MME driver if there is no input available.
Fixed: If using MME audio drivers, and switching default devices while Band-in-a-Box is running, the new device was not used, and the program would freeze during exit.
Fixed: Slow redrawing while recording audio.
Fixed: Hot-Keys for Mixer volume, pan, reverb were not working.
Fixed: Disabled tracks not displaying the right color on the Mixer.
Fixed: Progress bar should be shown during VST plugin scan.
Fixed: Possible crash when generating RealTracks on a Utility track.
Added: 2 additional Feel filters for StylePicker: 8th (Even 8th or Swing 8th), Swing (Swing 8th or Swing 16th)
Release notes (build 806, Dec 9)
Fixed: Audio harmonies failed to work if "Output to separate tracks" was disabled.
Fixed: Select Guitar/Bass Amp Plugin menu item was not working.
Release notes (build 805, Dec 8)
Fixed: VSTSynthFont should not ask for serial number if run from Band-in-a-Box.
Fixed: MIDI and audio go out of sync if using Tempo Percent feature.
Fixed: Issues with Tempo Percent change during playback.
Fixed: Possible crash during playback after importing MIDI files.
Fixed: Importing separate tracks of a MIDI file onto the same track in Band-in-a-Box would not merge the tracks together.
Fixed: Imported files were not playing on the right channels.
Fixed: Utility tracks don't show patch names in the Mixer.
Fixed: VST plugins with more than 2 inputs channels were silent (eg. Native Instruments Guitar Rig).
Fixed: Changes to the Plugins Exclude lists should be saved before adding new plugins from the Plugins Options dialog.
Fixed: MIDI on Utility tracks should transpose when changing song key.
Fixed: Utility track audio should transpose when changing key of song.
Fixed: Artist Performance Tracks were playing at the wrong tempo.
Fixed: The [Tutor] button in the Guitar window should be highlighted when the Tutor is enabled.
Fixed: The Guitar Tutor display did not work.
Added: “Transpose by Semitones" menu item added to Utility track context menu.
Added: "Erase Track" menu item added to Utility track context menu.
Added: [Add Plugins] button added to the Plugin Selector dialog.
Release notes (DAW Plugin 3.1.4)
Added: Render setting option to "Use high-quality tempo stretching"
Added: 'C7' Button (bottom right corner). Drag from there to export chords in MIDI file to the DAW. Click on the button for more options.
Added: Click status message area to bring any open bb window to front
Fixed: "End" in chord sheet overlapped with tempo change
Fixed: Changing render setting should notify that regeneration is needed
Fixed: Right-click play from chord sheet while a section is highlighted should loop that section
Fixed: Opening plugin window while DAW is playing shows warning message
Release notes (build 804, Dec 4)
Fixed: RealTracks could be assigned to the wrong track, if the target track was not selected.
Fixed: Distorted audio in rendered files if using 48kHz or 96kHz sample rates.
Fixed: MIDI controller 64 = 0 (sustain pedal) was not being sent to MIDI output when stopping playback.
Fixed: MIDI controller 74 = 0 (brightness) was being sent to MIDI output when stopping playback.
Fixed: Importing some MIDI files might cause access violation.
Fixed: If using Windows 7, the mouse wheel did not work for: Audio Edit window, Track Selector (various windows), Mixer controls.
Fixed: Excluding plugins manually would not list any plugins in the File Open dialog.
Fixed: jBridge did not work bridging 64bit/32bit plugins.
Fixed: "Auto Show/Hide Tracks" setting should apply (or not apply) to loading styles, songs, etc.
Added: Generating RealTracks on Utility tracks can be done from the track context menu, or from the Audio Edit window. Generate over the selected region, or otherwise the whole track.
To generate a RealTracks on a utility track, select the utility track in the mixer and right click to get the menu. Then select and generate Realtracks. The utility track will turn orange when it’s done. Then press play or view the Audio Edit Window to see the RT.
To generate a RT for a selected region, from the audio edit window of the utility track, select the region and use the audio edit window menu called "Edit", then choose to generate a RT, and it will appear for the selected region.
Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows is here, packed with major new features and an incredible collection of available new content! This includes 202 RealTracks (in Sets 449-467), plus 20 bonus Unreleased RealTracks in the 2025 49-PAK. There are new RealStyles, MIDI SuperTracks, Instrumental Studies, “Songs with Vocals” Artist Performance Sets, Playable RealTracks Set 4, two new sets of “RealDrums Stems,” XPro Styles PAK 8, Xtra Styles PAK 19, and more!
Special Offers
Upgrade to Band-in-a-Box® 2025 with savings of up to 50% on most upgrade packages during our special—available until December 31, 2024! Visit our Band-in-a-Box® packages page for all the purchase options available.
2025 Free Bonus PAK & 49-PAK Add-ons
We've packed our Free Bonus PAK & 49-PAK with some incredible Add-ons! The Free Bonus PAK is automatically included with most Band-in-a-Box® for Windows 2025 packages, but for even more Add-ons (including 20 Unreleased RealTracks!) upgrade to the 2025 49-PAK for only $49. You can see the full lists of items in each package, and listen to demos here.
If you have any questions, feel free to connect with us directly—we’re here to help!
New! Xtra Styles PAK 19 for Band-in-a-Box 2024 and Higher for Windows!
Xtra Styles PAK 19 for Windows & Mac Band-in-a-Box version 2024 (and higher) is here with 200 brand new RealStyles!
We’ve got 200 new styles coming your way spread across the rock & pop, jazz, and country genres as well as the second iteration of our Blues volume!
In this PAK you'll find: soft singer-songwriter pop, New Orleans grooves, lilting country waltzes, tight ‘n’ groovy funk, garage punk, smooth soul, gospel jazz, up-tempo train grooves, and more variations on the blues than you’ll know what to do with! Xtra Style PAK 19 features these styles and many, many more!
All the Xtra Styles PAKs 1 - 19 are on special for only $29 each (reg $49), or get all 19 PAKs for $199 (reg $399)! Order now!
Note: The Xtra Styles require the UltraPAK, UltraPAK+, or Audiophile Edition of Band-in-a-Box®. (Xtra Styles PAK 19 requires the 2024 or higher UltraPAK, UltraPAK+, or Audiophile Edition. They will not work with the Pro or MegaPAK version because they need the RealTracks from the UltraPAK, UltraPAK+, or Audiophile Edition.
New! XPro Styles PAK 8 for Band-in-a-Box 2024 and higher for Windows!
We've just released XPro Styles PAK 8 for Windows & Mac Band-in-a-Box version 2024 (and higher) with 100 brand new RealStyles, plus 32 RealTracks/RealDrums!
With XPro Styles PAK 8 there are the usual 75 styles spread across the rock & pop, jazz, and country genres (25 styles each), as well as 25 styles utilizing world music instruments, bringing the total to an even 100.
Here’s a sample of what XPro Styles PAK 8 has to offer: 12-8 country-rock ballads, cool soul-jazz, easy listening Americana, hip-hop beats, Latin jazz-fusion, classic rock, electronic dance music, heavy modern-jazz, charming indie-folk, and even some experimental ‘60s rock! Order’s up and hot to go!
Special Pricing! Until December 31, 2024, all the XPro Styles PAKs 1 - 8 are on sale for only $29 ea (Reg. $49 ea), or get them all in the XPro Styles PAK Bundle for only $149 (reg. $299)! Order now!
XPro Styles PAKs require Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or higher and are compatible with ANY package, including the Pro, MegaPAK, UltraPAK, UltraPAK+, and Audiophile Edition.
New! Xtra Styles PAK 19 for Band-in-a-Box 2024 for Mac!
Xtra Styles PAK 19 for Mac & Windows Band-in-a-Box version 2024 (and higher) is here with 200 brand new RealStyles!
We’ve got 200 new styles coming your way spread across the rock & pop, jazz, and country genres as well as the second iteration of our Blues volume!
In this PAK you'll find: soft singer-songwriter pop, New Orleans grooves, lilting country waltzes, tight ‘n’ groovy funk, garage punk, smooth soul, gospel jazz, up-tempo train grooves, and more variations on the blues than you’ll know what to do with! Xtra Style PAK 19 features these styles and many, many more!
All the Xtra Styles PAKs 1 - 19 are on special for only $29 each (reg $49), or get all 19 PAKs for $199 (reg $399)! Order now!
Note: The Xtra Styles require the UltraPAK, UltraPAK+, or Audiophile Edition of Band-in-a-Box®. (Xtra Styles PAK 19 requires the 2024 or higher UltraPAK, UltraPAK+, or Audiophile Edition. They will not work with the Pro or MegaPAK version because they need the RealTracks from the UltraPAK, UltraPAK+, or Audiophile Edition.
New! XPro Styles PAK 8 for Band-in-a-Box 2024 for Mac!
We've just released XPro Styles PAK 8 for Mac & Windows Band-in-a-Box version 2024 (and higher) with 100 brand new RealStyles, plus 32 RealTracks/RealDrums!
With XPro Styles PAK 8 there are the usual 75 styles spread across the rock & pop, jazz, and country genres (25 styles each), as well as 25 styles utilizing world music instruments, bringing the total to an even 100.
Here’s a sample of what XPro Styles PAK 8 has to offer: 12-8 country-rock ballads, cool soul-jazz, easy listening Americana, hip-hop beats, Latin jazz-fusion, classic rock, electronic dance music, heavy modern-jazz, charming indie-folk, and even some experimental ‘60s rock! Order’s up and hot to go!
Special Pricing! Until December 31, 2024, all the XPro Styles PAKs 1 - 8 are on sale for only $29 ea (Reg. $49 ea), or get them all in the XPro Styles PAK Bundle for only $149 (reg. $299)! Order now!
XPro Styles PAKs require Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or higher and are compatible with ANY package, including the Pro, MegaPAK, UltraPAK, UltraPAK+, and Audiophile Edition.
Generate Lyrics for your Band-in-a-Box songs with LyricLab!
Need some lyrics to complete your Band-in-a-Box song? LyricLab is here to help!
LyricLab (by Joanne Cooper) is an AI-powered tool designed to quickly create lyrics and chords to fit your music. Just enter a rough idea of your lyrics, and let the AI bring them to life. Once you're happy with the results, simply import the LyricLab file into Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or newer. From there, you can pick your style and generate melodies to match your song’s chords!
Ci siamo dati da fare e abbiamo aggiunto oltre 50 nuove funzionalità e una straordinaria raccolta di nuovi contenuti, tra cui 222 RealTracks, nuovi RealStyles, MIDI SuperTracks, Instrumental Studies, "Songs with Vocals" Artist Performance Sets, Playable RealTracks Set 3, Playable RealDrums Set 2, due nuovi set di "RealDrums Stems", XPro Styles PAK 6, Xtra Styles PAK 17 e altro ancora!
One of our representatives will be happy to help you over the phone. Our hours of operation are from
6:00AM to 6:00PM PST (GMT -8) Monday thru Friday, and 8:00AM to 4:00PM PST Saturday. We are closed Sunday. You can also send us your questions via email.
One of our representatives will be happy to help you on our Live Chat or by email. Our hours of operation are from
6:00AM to 6:00PM PST (GMT -8) Monday thru Friday; 8:00AM to 4:00PM PST (GMT -8) Saturday; Closed Sunday.