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floyd jane #679010 10/23/21 05:19 PM
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Hi Floyd,

Another good song - well played and sung. Mix is spot on.

Well done

Nigel Spiers
Christchurch, New Zealand
David Snyder #679060 10/24/21 06:58 AM
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Originally Posted By: David Snyder

Wow. This is so cool. The song is very well done, as always, but the zeitgeist of what you are talking about really interests me.

I think a lot of artists and songwriters are "stunned" right now and feel blockades to creativity around a lot of things, for a lot of reasons. I know because they tell me so in droves. Some people are wondering if it all makes any difference, if anyone cares, if the world is going to blow up, etc. There are as many reasons and stories as there are people.

BUT, if any of us were to succumb to silence, that would be tragic. It would be (to use a fact or a metaphor, depending on your religion, or lack of it) "just what the devil wants."

SO, I always tell people, JUST KEEP WRITING!!! Just go up to the mic and yell, but don't stop. Don't be afraid of feedback either. Just DO IT. Make some noise!! Be yourself! Keep on rockin'!!

I am glad you did it and I hope you do more.

Also, I hope anyone reading or listening will do the same.

Keep singing y'all. We will get through this!!

Go Band-in-a-Box forum!!

P.s. I will be out for a week or so y'all do don't think I am abandoning ya, I just have to go see a man about a dog, as they say.



Have fun off the grid...

floyd jane #679071 10/24/21 09:24 AM
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If this is the result of wasted days, you really should "waste" more days.
This song is different from the ones we used to hear from you some time ago, when we were still on the forum (we're back now, btw).
You're melancholy, vulnerable....
And we'll all meet our writer's block some day.
But it is there to vanquish.
And so you did... very well!

Rob and Anne-Marie

We are Rob Meulman and Anne-Marie Bovenkamp from The Netherlands.

Bawb #679193 10/25/21 04:42 AM
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Originally Posted By: rsdean

I love the sentiment and message in this song. I believe we all can relate to this.

Great, great vocal as usual. The moody arrangement and instrument choices really highlight the overall feeling - I know how hard that is to do.

To me, this is just another one of your excellent creations.


Thanks, Bob....

Originally Posted By: Bawb
Hi Floyd,

In 20 foot letters made of plywood WOW!
Such profound lyrics. You're using a lot of more modern touches in your music and integrated them very well. Really cool tune and usual on the money vocals. Thanks for posting, I enjoyed the listen!

Every man looks at the whole "wasted time" scenario at one time or another. As I look back the thing I view as wasted time was working too hard for people who didn't appreciate me and would have worked me to death if they could make another buck off me. All this just to buy stuff... Worthless stuff! Maybe you could follow up with a song called worthless???

Appreciate that, Bawb....

floyd jane #679223 10/25/21 10:00 AM
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Well, we can relate to the wasted time notion as we've both thought alot during the last 18 months about the days that we can't get back.

Your vocals are always sublime and this is no exception. You have such a gift for putting together BiaB tracks, loops and programmed tracks and they all, with the layered harmonies, mesh so well. And the percussion and tick tocks had us visualizing the clock hands' motion.

The "dark" atmosphere of the entire production remind us of a southern gothic novel. Move over Dan Tyminski!

Your writer's block brought forth an impressive return all the way around.



Greg Johnson #679364 10/26/21 07:55 AM
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Originally Posted By: rayc
The narrative is cool and I love the way you counter it with the progressive steps forward i the backing.
Sometimes new tools inspire, sometimes the lack inspires but you're out of the dead zone with an ode to it.
It sounds great, you held notes are wonderful, the backing is a wonderful combo.
Exemplary on a few levels.

Thanks, ray!!!!

Originally Posted By: Greg Johnson
Well, my friend, I think you blew through that writer's block with a dozen sticks of dynamite......this is brilliant!!!! LOVE the tension in the song, LOVE the lyrics, especially this verse

sometimes i dread even raising my head
getting outta bed, i just lay there instead
thoughts locked, can't clear the block
one eye on the clock tick tock tick tock

That song is very experiential......kind of echoes in the mind/soul!! LOVE your use of the rhythmic lyrics....can't get 'em back.......AWESOME!!! Take care. Greg

Appreciate that, Greg!!!

floyd jane #679367 10/26/21 08:10 AM
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When I saw your song's title I had a different subject matter in mind!

Another perfect winner from Mr. Jane!

Loved it.

Seated at the restaurant, He "Darling can you say something that makes my heart beat faster"?
She "Your wife just walked in"!

64 bit Win 10 Pro, the latest BiaB/RB, Roland Octa-Capture audio interface, a ton of software/hardware
floyd jane #679398 10/26/21 11:14 AM
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You know I love the song. Which part? ALL of it!

You have multiple hooks that work from the rhythm, note choices AND repetition. You don't have an earworm with this one, you have a damn earworm farm!

The big takeaway I'm seeing, that I think is the coolest thing ever, is how this song is so relatable for so many.

To me there are two kinds of great lyric writers...
1-Those who can write a GREAT story that you get to witness in a song. There's emotional power in that.
2-Those who write a specifically generic song so that others say "that's me." To clarify, "generic" doesn't mean it doesn't have a subject, it's just more open to include the listener to the point of them feeling it for themselves. That this IS them. There's obviously emotional power in this as well. Just in a different way.

It had a little bit of that "Your Song" concept to me. Just the song about a song concept. I've always like that song an awful lot as well. You took in a different direction and every bit as great. You 100% nailed it with this one my friend. I appreciate you sharing this!

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.
floyd jane #679460 10/26/21 03:17 PM
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Hey Floyd, Chicago did the same thing with 25 or 6 to 4! Write about the block if nothing else is happening! Somehow I feel that you'll get on a roll again pretty soon! The song sounds really good as always! Those bass slides? really work with vocal part matching it! Take care, Torrey

floyd jane #679472 10/26/21 04:33 PM
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Got a bit of writers block in stating the superlatives about your song.

Really notch etc. Deserves all the wonderful accolades it has received.

Great vocal and a superb production.

If Dave is reading this - the guitar at 2.05 sounds like the song Simple Man.

Almost posted our song called "Wasted" - might do so soon - slightly different type of wasted however.


bluage #679565 10/27/21 04:35 AM
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Originally Posted By: TuneMonger
Well, this resonated strongly with me - for every song I post on the forum, I've written ten that are mundane and go straight in the can. Many of us here are older and watching our lives just pass us by. Gotta get those songs out, stay alive, keep the circulation flowing. Terrific song that many will relate to vividly.

Thanks, TM. Keep it going...

Originally Posted By: bluage
To Mr. Floyd Jane:

Let's see...You say you got 'writer's block', but then you turn around and write a song about it. Funny kind of 'writer's block' you there, partner. Ha, ha laugh !!!

You certainly brought the frustration thing front-and-center, that's for sure:

"sometimes i dread even raising my head
getting outta bed, i just lay there instead
thoughts locked, can't clear the block
one eye on the clock tick tock tick tock"

Here's what 'caught my ear': Got the full-bodied vocal harmonies workin' just fine as usual. The band you selected sounds like your personal orchestra, as usual. Your vocal track is clear and strong, as usual.

Sure sounds like you cured yourself of your 'writer's block', Mr. Jane. Oh, happy day !!!

LOREN - thanks for stopping in for a listen....

floyd jane #679644 10/27/21 02:08 PM
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What a lovely song Floyd. So different. So many twists and turns in the song. The backtracks very cool. Super vocal and loved your effects and mixing. Well done

Scott Collingwood
floyd jane #679659 10/27/21 03:14 PM
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Actually Floyd you may have a bit of a problem. You have written so many really good songs it is most likely easy to get stuck and wonder "how am I going to top that"

I think you get better with every new song you write and this one is no exception.

You have become very professional at all this. When I listen to your stuff it is like listening to other icons of the music world. Good as anyone out there.

Some of this will be around long after you are gone.

Best wishes,


New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo
floyd jane #679767 10/28/21 04:49 AM
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Hi Floyd,

What days have you wasted?
All these days you have in mind were needed to make good songs. And that is what you did again with this beautiful song!
Very good, interesting effects you used too and a nice finale.

I read a lot of the posting collegues mentioned that 'wasted' time of yours. Of course, because you created an open goal for this.
But have more of those days to enjoy us...


Hans Berkhout
dcuny #679828 10/28/21 09:33 AM
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Originally Posted By: jptjptjpt
Yep, this one speaks truth.

Some nice melodies in the different sections of the song. Nice writing. Very catchy tune. Good use of the band. Good one all around.

jpt3 - thanks!!

Originally Posted By: dcuny
Listening in my 'phones. Great use of stereo. The production (your main focus) really shines here.

Yep, it's go repetition. And it works. wink

The processed claps at 2:42 were a bit too processed for my non-adventuresome ears.

Everything else was just delicious ear candy.

Thanks, David. I listened to that spot (2:42) a number of times and quite sure what you are referring to...I don't hear any particularly over-processed clap at that point, though there is an addition percussion loop added in at that point, so perhaps it is simply a case of too-much-busy-loopy-drum thing happening (?) - I can see (hear) an argument for that....

BlueAttitude #679969 10/29/21 04:11 AM
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Originally Posted By: BlueAttitude
Hi floyd,

Listened a couple of times through the phones, great stereo mix!

Love the intro! And the outro too for that matter wink

Vocals are top notch, and I really like the melody too.

The chorus is great! One that will stick in your head long after the song is over.

As far as the message goes, wasting time ... yeah, been there, done that!

I always love the attention to detail in your songs, very inspiring, and makes me strive to do more with my productions.

Excellent song, really enjoyed it.

BTW, the first few notes of the lead guitar that comes in at 2:05 reminds me of a Lynyrd Skynyrd song from way back. Can't put my finger on which one, going to drive me nuts until I figure it out! wink

Dave - thanks for the great review. Really appreciate that....
I imagine Brent has a bit of Skynrd buried in his guitar psyche. I set up the RT so that it plays at a much slower speed than it was probably intended in its original form....

floyd jane #680029 10/29/21 10:57 AM
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Dear floyd,

No day is ever, ever wasted, I personally believe. Sometimes, one has to rest to come back better, no? Se reculer pour mieux sauter, as the French say ...

The song ... Pianobilly said it best: you get better with each song you write. Modern sound coupled with your trademark storytelling style and wisdom-filled voice. Those drums in the background ... perfect. Harmonies: wonderful. Arrangement: well thought out, progressing from simple to more complex. Note repetition in the vocals in the chorus: inspired and modern-sounding. The song is SO relaxing, too ... it's so easy to just listen and forget about everything else - the mark of something truly well done.

In short: you're nothing short of a genius, it's a privilege to listen to you sing your creations. Blocks are irrelevant with you, it seems - carry on creating, thanks for sharing your creations with us. Such a joy to hear.

floyd jane #680101 10/30/21 12:16 AM
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Originally Posted By: floyd jane
Originally Posted By: BlueAttitude
Hi floyd,

Listened a couple of times through the phones, great stereo mix!

Love the intro! And the outro too for that matter wink

Vocals are top notch, and I really like the melody too.

The chorus is great! One that will stick in your head long after the song is over.

As far as the message goes, wasting time ... yeah, been there, done that!

I always love the attention to detail in your songs, very inspiring, and makes me strive to do more with my productions.

Excellent song, really enjoyed it.

BTW, the first few notes of the lead guitar that comes in at 2:05 reminds me of a Lynyrd Skynyrd song from way back. Can't put my finger on which one, going to drive me nuts until I figure it out! wink

Dave - thanks for the great review. Really appreciate that....
I imagine Brent has a bit of Skynrd buried in his guitar psyche. I set up the RT so that it plays at a much slower speed than it was probably intended in its original form....

Ok, so *that's* how you got Brent to play slow! grin Sounds great, fits the song perfectly.

Charlie Fogle #680485 11/01/21 11:11 AM
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Originally Posted By: BabuMusic
Ah, yes, worrying about it only makes it worse (true for everything). Man, you took that block and carved out a masterpiece of music, Floyd.

"gotta a white board list of a hundred things
half of them there since before last spring"

Oh, yeah, who can't identify with this song right from the opening. Gave it the first spin with the desktop Bose, but you're right, nothing beats the closeness of the cans. You know you can do no wrong in my ears, so my only advice (a request really) is to erase a couple more from that white board.

Really appreciate all of that, Marty...

Originally Posted By: justanoldmuso
as always nice vocs/talent.

excellent floyd.

nothing matter with repitition.
question is does song warrant it.
in this case it does.

cute ending/song mate.

Thanks, om....

Originally Posted By: Charlie Fogle
I read the comments before listening and agree with them. Good, cool song and excellent band and production. And yes, great sounding mix in the phones. Enjoyed my listen.


Thanks, Charlie...

rayc #680555 11/02/21 03:50 AM
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Originally Posted By: CaptainMoto
Oh, I've been there.
Nice job of capturing the malaise of being stuck in nowhere.
Somehow you've managed to turn it into a great song.


Thanks, moto....

Originally Posted By: edshaw
Good one, Floyd. Like the guitar break at 2:25. Overall, excellent listen.

Thanks, ed...

Originally Posted By: rayc
The molasses malaise?

the most meaningful musings I can muster a modern mold...maybe mundane ministrations, mostly my mental manipulations...

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