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#805432 03/27/24 08:48 AM
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Those living across “the pond” in Europe I’m guessing are very familiar with the English country house, Bletchley Park. For those less familiar with Station X, it was the principal center for Allied code-breaking during the Second World War. Its main objective was to break enemy codes and decipher their communications; which through much hard work they accomplished. At its peak in 1945, nearly 10,000 personnel worked there, about three quarters of these were women. These people had a variety of backgrounds including math, linguistics, chess champions and crossword puzzle enthusiasts; many had formidable lateral thinking skills. The famous mathematician, computer scientist and crypto-analyst Alan Turing was one of many brilliant minds that worked there. I wonder how many musicians were among their ranks; afterall, we think laterally smile

What I would give if time, circumstance, skill and geography gave me the opportunity to work alongside those at Bletchley Park. I would love to have worked on the automatic decryption machinery developed there. As Tom Brokaw coined it, they truly were the greatest generation.

WWII should teach us many lessons, yet authoritarianism is on the rise around the world; how quickly we forget. And many young people I speak to have little interest in “ho-hum ancient history” despite the fact that if we had lost the war, and their parents, grandparents or they themselves were born with a defect or had “undesirable” family backgrounds that they wouldn’t be here today.

This song is a tribute to the men AND women who did their part to help win victory at Bletchley Park. I hope you find this song enjoyable and the theme reflective.

90 BPM

RealTracks in style: 680:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockBritSoulful Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 3765:Vibes, Rhythm PopBallad Ev 085
RealDrums in style:RockBritDrivingEv16^1-a:Snare, HiHat , b:Snare, Ride

Korg Keyboard: Synths, Piano
Roland Drumpad: Ride Cymbal
Fender Bass

Bletchley Park
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om kudos

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The theme is still relevant today and men without memory rush into the same abyss as their ancestors.
The song is beautiful and with the voice of Winston Churchill it is very moving. A great man!

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Epic! Very inspired concept, expertly executed. Hard to process that WW I was supposed to be "the war to end war", and yet...

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Sounds great Steve!
You are getting a little more brave on your bass aren't you? The bass sounds great!
Super mix.
Brilliant work!

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Steve ...

Thanks for the history lesson. My minor in college was American History. My degree is in physics with an emphasis on the physics of light. But history has always been a passion of mine.

I knew there was a code-breaking facility in England during WW !!, but knew little else about it. That was an interesting read!

I can tell a lot of planning went into this song - and certainly paid off! Very nicely conceived and presented. The bass sounds great!

Excellently done!


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Originally Posted by justanoldmuso

om kudos
om, I fully agree, the folks at Bletchley were totally brilliant . . . and hard working.
Thanks for listening.
BiaB 2024 Windows
For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.
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Well done.
Good tracks, well mixed.
Your Bass sounds Great.
Keep sounding the alarm. We cannot forget.


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The topic is as relevant today as it was back then.
I like your song, I've always had a weakness for theme songs, and you did a pretty good job.
I'm a little familiar with the story, in fact I wrote a song a long time ago called "Enigma" that has some similar elements to your song.
I'm not sure if I still have a copy of it.
BTW, the Morse code in my song said "Enigma" cool

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Originally Posted by laurent4114
The theme is still relevant today and men without memory rush into the same abyss as their ancestors.
The song is beautiful and with the voice of Winston Churchill it is very moving. A great man!
Hey Laurent, thanks for listening and the favorable review.
Winston Churchill? I agree. The perfect leader for what was needed.
BiaB 2024 Windows
For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.
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Hi, Steve.

Nice instrumental! I knew there were a lot of people working there, but 10,000 (including various outposts)? Wow.

Codebreakers did some amazing and critical work during WWII. Apparently many people's work there wasn't officially recognized until 2009.

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Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?
DC Ron #805706 03/30/24 05:20 AM
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Originally Posted by DC Ron
Epic! Very inspired concept, expertly executed. Hard to process that WW I was supposed to be "the war to end war", and yet...
Hi DC, tragically, I'm not sure if we will ever end all wars.

But I am inspired by the folks who worked at Bletchley.

Thanks for the listen and positive feedback.

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BiaB 2024 Windows
For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.
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My eclectic musical tastes reaches Enigma, and my enjoyment of history and what humans are capable of makes me thrill in the knowledge of those times. I like the way this one starts out with a Morris-code beat. Man, I like the way you craft your music. Using Churchill was perfect. EXCELLENT tribute.

Enjoy whatever happens!

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Great!! Very cool!!

My father-in-law, God bless his sainted name, Jack Robinson, came from that generation.

Fresh out of Cornell University, and joining the army as an engineering officer, quickly rising through the ranks, he was placed in charge of all of the US machine gun factories, primarily responsible for making sure that the machine guns were up to spec when people got off the boats at Normandy and stuff.

Hell of a guy. Smart as hell and friendly as hell and loved his Scotch. He also was written up in the New York Times as having invented the first financial forecast modeling calculator for manufacturing by taping together three paper slide rules, along with a short instruction manual.

Yes there will never be another generation like that. Never ever ever. My father-in-law never could understand why he could do more stuff in his head than most other people could do with a computer and a phone loaded with 50 apps.

Plus he was one of the funniest guys that I've ever met.

There's a great series on Netflix (or there used to be) called World War II in Color and you can see what that generation was like.

Mind boggling.

Thanks for this great song that celebrates this generation.

Every one of us owe them a huge debt of gratitude. We literally wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them.

MarioD #805735 03/30/24 08:28 AM
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Originally Posted by MarioD
Sounds great Steve!
You are getting a little more brave on your bass aren't you? The bass sounds great!
Super mix.
Brilliant work!
Hey Mario, yeah, I guess I'm getting a bit more brave as time goes on. In addition to limited skill, my self-imposed requirement of playing my bass (relatively error-free) from beginning to end, limits how brave I can be. In the end, the bass line has to work. One way I look at it is at the concept-stage of the song I have one foot on the "platform" and the other on the "train" (credit to House of the Rising Sun). But at some point the train is moving and I've got to be fully onboard.

Thanks for listening and glad you enjoyed it.
BiaB 2024 Windows
For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.
Al-David #805796 03/30/24 03:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Al-David
Steve ...

Thanks for the history lesson. My minor in college was American History. My degree is in physics with an emphasis on the physics of light. But history has always been a passion of mine.

I knew there was a code-breaking facility in England during WW !!, but knew little else about it. That was an interesting read!

I can tell a lot of planning went into this song - and certainly paid off! Very nicely conceived and presented. The bass sounds great!

Excellently done!

Hey Alan, the physics of light? Wow, physics is even more fundamental than chemistry, I'm sure we could have an interesting conversation or two. My degree is in engineering.

Yes, planning was required for this one. From concept to posting took longer than most, about 12 weeks. I happen to be a WW2 enthusiest. Our movie watching toggles between luvy-luvy romance "chic flicks" and movies/documentaries on the Desert Fox, D-day, battle tank design and similar; care to guess who prefers which ? smile

Thanks so much for the listen and kind review.
BiaB 2024 Windows
For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.
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Great concept. Intro-ing and outro-ing with Morse was very clever and what follows is a great instrumental, though for me the WC talkie bit spoiled it, even though pertinent. Had the music been more period it would have worked well, but that's just minor opinion.

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Originally Posted by floyd jane
Well done.
Good tracks, well mixed.
Your Bass sounds Great.
Keep sounding the alarm. We cannot forget.
Many thanks Floyd.
I'm glad the alarm has been well-recieved so far.
BiaB 2024 Windows
For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.
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Originally Posted by B.D.Thomas
The topic is as relevant today as it was back then.
I like your song, I've always had a weakness for theme songs, and you did a pretty good job.
I'm a little familiar with the story, in fact I wrote a song a long time ago called "Enigma" that has some similar elements to your song.
I'm not sure if I still have a copy of it.
BTW, the Morse code in my song said "Enigma" cool
Hey BD, I appreciate the listen and review.
And agree the topic is very relevant today.
If you find your Enigma song, please share.

PS> Extra points for decyphering the Morse Code in my song smile
BiaB 2024 Windows
For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.
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Well crafted piece, both musically and technically. Your music a delight to listen to and Churchill was a nice touch and apt reminder for today. Is their a message in the Morse code?

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