Its Time (the Last Farewell) with Guenter and Jimmy

The next song in the collaboration project was the first (or maybe it was the second?) song I ever wrote back in November 2012. The song was selected by an artist call Mamaa Saiz (aka Jimmy Gray) who I had met on Streetjelly. Jimmy is quite a star on Second Life and is a wonderful performer and songwriter.

I received this wonderful vocal from Jimmy and decided that I really couldn't do the song justice so I asked our resident remix master, Guenter, to mix it for me. Guenter did the most incredible job with this mix. I am absolutely delighted with it.

Thank you Jimmy and Guenter.

LyricLab A.I assisted chords and lyric app. Export lyrics and import directly into Band-in-a-Box 2024.
Play-along with songs you know and love, download SGU files