Mr. Adachi!

So, what have we here, my friend? Another side, another face, another sound, another room in the musical mind of Shigeki Adachi???

Where to start? I love any music composed in waltz time, no matter what genre it is. That "one, two, three / one, two, three, / one, two, three" rhythm, it just makes me feel as happy as a child when I hear it.

The addition of the accordion is de-light-ful, and on a jazz kick, at that! Michel Legrand would probably love this, too.

Your vocalist, Ms. Natsuki Yoshikawa...does she swing, or does she swing?! Heck, yes, she does! I believe, I'm very sure, I'm almost certain, that this is first time I've ever heard a Japanese vocalist singing jazz, Shigeki, and it's finger-snapping, toe-tapping good. Ms. Yoshikawa's performance communicates sheer, unadulterated, jazz-singing pleasure. I'll bet she sings jazz while she's cooking her dinner, or vacuuming a rug, and with a smile on her face as she does so.

And who wrote these lyrics?

“I want to be dyed gently with your color”. Man, that is hot! In fact, the sentiments expressed by the words seem somewhat more dramatic and passionate than the upbeat, uplifting tone of the song would suggest. It's a startling contrast of feelings, like watching the sun come up, and then go down, all at the same time...

Congratulations, Shigeki, on treating us to this cool and hot little number, and with such a lovely title, too.

LOREN (a.k.a. "bluage")

"Music is what feelings sound like."-- borrowed from a Cakewalk Music Creator forum member, "Mamabear".