Thanks for posting the update.

Interesting reply from Joe. It seem that although the RealBand program doesn't have a limit of 255 bars, the BIAB algorithm within the RealBand program becomes unstable when generations near the BIAB physical limit of 255 bars.

An analogy would be a rope designed to be safe under a specific load at 20' will not break when used at that load at the 20' length. The same rope braided to a length of 100' will still be designed to work at that load for 20' and may break when used at the 100' length.

It's a limitation of BIAB although it presents within RealBand.

BIAB Ultra Pak+ 2024:RB 2024, Latest builds: Dell Optiplex 7040 Desktop; Windows-10-64 bit, Intel Core i7-6700 3.4GHz CPU and 16 GB Ram Memory.