Wikipedia has a good summary. It will be interesting to see how this actually plays out as far how venues, musicians and other performers respond. If a restaurant or bar advertises live music as a regular part of their business I wonder if musicians, band and crew members will need to be put on the payroll. If I perform at, say, 20 - 30 different venues in year 2020 will I need to get W-2 forms from each venue? How much will it cost me to file my taxes? If I get a license to perform on the Santa Monica Pier will I then be a city employee for the time I am there performing even though I am only getting paid via tip jar? Live performances on that pier and many other beach locations are a normal part city business that attracts revenue.
"services that relate to the usual course of the “hiring entity’s” business" seems to be the caveat statement causing confusion.

A google search for "how does AB 5 affect musicians" brings up many interesting articles. I am speed reading through a few and it sure looks qwerky. Even for YouTube venturists of any age.

Last edited by Tobias; 01/14/20 02:05 PM.

Does the noise in your head bother me ?