Khan flo mah,

First, welcome to the forum and to Band-in-a-Box.

I'm sorry your disappointed with your purchase and irritated with how the products are marketed. However, this is a user forum so there is nothing we fellow users can do to address the issues you've brought up. We can and do empathize with your frustration. I sincerely hope you will take advantage of the thirty guarantee to exercise and evaluate the product and not let your frustration prevent you from learning about this amazing musical tool.

RealTracks are available +++ in sets +++ and purchasing RealTrack sets is one way to add additional content to your existing MegaPAK collection. However, it is not the most cost efficient way to add additional content.

The most cost efficient way to add content when you already have the ProPAK or MegaPAK is to upgrade your package when there is a new program release. Typically a new Windows program is released each December and a new Macintosh program is released each June. All operating specific packages are substantially discounted for the new release. There normally also is an opportunity to update just your program to the new release.

New content is added to each package with each release so even if you stay with the MegaPAK you can upgrade the program and you will also receive the added content.

May I suggest you take time to write an email to expressing your frustration and objections. There is a much better chance of things changing by writing to PG Music sales than venting here.

Jim Fogle - 2024 BiaB (1113) RB (5) Ultra+ PAK
DAWs: Cakewalk by BandLab (CbB) - Standalone: Zoom MRS-8
Laptop: i3 Win 10, 8GB ram 500GB HDD
Desktop: i7 Win 11, 12GB ram 256GB SSD, 4 TB HDD
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