Originally Posted By: justanoldmuso
my big unobtainable dream for 2021 is that apple and MS
produce a pro audio mini OS that runs all pro audio software /supports interfaces. programmed in asm.
cut out all the bloat.
fast as blazes etc. perchance to dream lol.
my recording computers never see the net.
thus of all my friends i know, i'm only one who has never had a problem. interesting eh ??

I kept my music computer off-line for about three years straight but then one of my music software programs demanded an OS update. What a mess I got myself into. The Win 10 OS was so far out of date that I had to format my C:/ drive and do a fresh Win 10 install.

Now I keep my music computer off-line most of the time. The only time that I am connected is for Win 10 updates, about every other week or so, and installation and registration of software. I now have to keep Defender and antimalarebytes updated also. Its a real bummer.

I have my old XP music computer off-line for years with no problems.

Seated at the restaurant, He "Darling can you say something that makes my heart beat faster"?
She "Your wife just walked in"!

64 bit Win 10 Pro, the latest BiaB/RB, Roland Octa-Capture audio interface, a ton of software/hardware