Hi Rob,

My Internet computer is on from around 8 AM to 11 PM and I have never had any problems either. I also am very careful about what goes in this computer and what I view on line.

When working with my music computer I like to keep everything off that can run in the background, including my Ethernet card, Defender, anti-malwarebytes, and cCleaner. That way nothing can interfere with my recordings.

I know this is an old habit that I acquired back in the much slower CPU days but it is one that has always worked for me. So if it ain't broke I ain't changing it. YMMV

Seated at the restaurant, He "Darling can you say something that makes my heart beat faster"?
She "Your wife just walked in"!

64 bit Win 10 Pro, the latest BiaB/RB, Roland Octa-Capture audio interface, a ton of software/hardware