
Thanks for your replies.

I'm now using Version 2021 (844) 64 bit application on Windows.

Very interesting asking this...
>Also, when you are importing the MIDI file, are you using the File | >Open Special, File | Open, or File | Import? If you are using File |
> Import and using 2021 in specific, where are you directing the data to?

I've been importing the melody from a MIDI file from the Edit Melody Track>Import Melody From Midi File to the Melody Track.

So I tried it with the MIDI file Pipeline supplied "Midi-Lyrics.kar.mid" and no lyrics at all appear in the sheet but in the lyric editor it has multiple instances of "Non-Lyric". If I go to edit each "Non-Lyric" the actual lyric is in the edit box!

Next I tried Open Special>Open MIDI file (I had not tried that before!)

Midi-Lyrics.kar.mid - Appears with lyrics and the lyrics editor shows them as expected.

Using my own MIDI files, they too also import with lyrics and the lyrics editor shows them as expected.

So it seems that it's the
Edit Melody Track>Import Melody From Midi File
is the bit that's not working correctly.

I really want to just import the melody and lyrics from the MIDI file, rather than the whole file, but this gives me a work around.
