Originally Posted By: Robertkc
Rob & Anne-Marie,
A lovely song concept with a sweet melody and marvelous vocals ( and harmonies).
I liked everything about the arrangement except the solo violin...perhaps it adds a little gypsy wildness,though, so will have another listen.
Beautiful images on the video.


Originally Posted By: B.D.Thomas
Simply wonderful! The music, the video, and of course your great singing.
My only minor complaint is the violin solo, it doesn't feel like it's part of the band. But that's just a minor nit in a great arrangement.

Thanks Robert and BD.

And about the violin:
The instrument that accompanies the entrance of the white horse, is the Loop Arabian Ceremony.
I wanted to "give" that horse an instrument of its own, to indicate that this is a special horse, the guide that is told about earlier, that will take you to a place that "looks\feels like" Eden.
It had to be clear, even if you didn't see the video, that something extraordinary is happening.


We are Rob Meulman and Anne-Marie Bovenkamp from The Netherlands.
