RealTracks Sets 1-82 Update Summary (May 3 2010)
RealTracks name / number | ST2 name | New features / fixes |
361:Sax, Tenor, Jazz Sw 140; 415:Sax, Tenor, Jazz Sw 140 (Bluesy) | RealSax | 4-Bar endings added |
362:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 085 | RAcG | 4-bar endings added; Fixed several problem chords |
363:Pedal Steel, Background Ev 085 | Realpedj | 4-Bar endings added |
364:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 065 | RAcG10 | 4-bar endings added; |
365:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 085 | RAcG11 | 4-bar endings added; |
366:Bass, Electric, Country Ev 065 | RBass006 | 4-bar endings added; |
367:Guitar, Electric, Background Dreamy Ev 065 | RElGt002 | 4-bar endings added; Chord Selection improved |
368:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 065 | RAcG07 | 4-bar endings added; |
369:Pedal Steel, Background Ev 065 | RPedSt03 | 4-Bar endings added |
370:Pedal Steel, Background Hank Sw 120 | RPedSt02 | 4-Bar endings added; Several Problem chords fixed |
371:Pedal Steel, Background Hank Sw 190 | RPedSt04 | 4-Bar endings added |
372:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Hank Sw 120 | RAcG02 | 4-bar endings added; |
373:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Hank Sw 165 | RAcG08 | 4-bar endings added; |
374:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Hank Sw 190 | RAcG09 | 4-bar endings added; |
375:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Hank Sw 165 | RAcG13 | 4-bar endings added; |
376:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Hank Sw 190 | RAcG14 | 4-bar endings added; |
377:Guitar, Resonator, Background Trav Ev 088 | RResG01 | 4-Bar endings added |
378:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming DoubleTime Ev 088 | RAcG04 | 4-bar endings added; Minor endings enabled; improved Variety of 2/7 chords. 2-bar endings fixed |
379:Bass, Electric, Country DoubleTime Ev 088 | RBass003 | 4-bar endings added; improved variety of 7 chords |
380:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Syncopated Sugar Ev 102 | RAcG05 | 4-bar endings added; RealCharts improved; Chord selection process improved |
381:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Syncopated Sugar Ev 102 | RElGt007 | 4-Bar endings added |
382:Guitar, Slide, Background Blues Ev 085 | RSlide01 | 4-bar endings added; Minor endings added |
383:Guitar, Slide Soloist Blues Sw 120; 418:Guitar, Slide, Soloist Blues Sw 120 (Bluesy) | RSlide02 | 4-Bar endings added |
384:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Rock Southern Ev 120 | RElGt005 | 4-Bar endings added |
385:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Blues Chuck Sw 102 | RElGt004 | 4-bar endings added; |
386:Bass, Electric, Blues Chuck Sw 102 | RBass008 | Many previously unavailable chords enabled |
387:Bass, Electric, Metal Ev 085 | RBass004 | 4-bar endings added; |
388:Bass, Electric, Metal Ev 120 | RBass001 | 4-bar endings added; |
389:Bass, Electric, Metal Ev 165 | RBass005 | 4-bar endings added; |
390:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Metal Ev 085 | RElGt011 | 4-Bar endings added |
391:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Metal Ev 120 | RElGt003 | 4-Bar endings added |
392:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Metal Ev 165 | RElGt012 | 4-Bar endings added |
393:Guitar, Electric, Soloist Metal Wild Ev 120; 394:Guitar, Electric, Soloist Metal Wild Ev 120 (SemiWild); 414:Guitar, Electric, Soloist Metal Wild Ev 120 (WildCresc) | RElGt008 | 4-Bar endings added; chord Selection improved; |
395:Guitar, Electric, Soloist Metal Ev 120 | RElGt013 | 4-Bar endings added; chord Selection improved; |
396:Guitar, Electric, Soloist Metal Ev 085 | RElGt014 | 4-Bar endings added; chord Selection improved; |
397:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Paul Sw 140; 398:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Paul Sw 140 ('2' only); 399:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Paul Sw 140 ('4' only) | RBass002 | 4-bar endings added; unlocked previously unavailable chords; |
400:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Ray Sw 160; 401:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Ray Sw 160 ('2' only); 402:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Ray Sw 160 ('4' only) | RBass007 | 4-bar endings added; minor endings enabled; Several missing chords unlocked; improved variety of m/m7 chords; |
403:Sax, Tenor, Motown Rock Ev 120; 417:Sax, Tenor, Motown Rock Ev 120 (Bluesy) | RSax002 | 4-Bar endings added |
404: Sax, Tenor, HipHop Rock Sw 100; 416:: Sax, Tenor, HipHop Rock Sw 100 (Bluesy) | RSax003 | 4-Bar endings added |
405:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 120 | RAcG03 | 4-bar endings added; 2-bar endings fixed |
406:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 136 | RAcG06 | 4-bar endings added; improved variety of m7 chords |
407:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 165 | RAcG12 | 4-bar endings added; |
408:Guitar, Resonator, Background Allis Ev 120 | RResG02 | 4-Bar endings added |
409:Fiddle, Background George Ev 085 | RFid001 | 4-bar endings added; |
410:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Country Cowboy Ev 165 | RElGt006 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled |
411:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Train Pickin' Ev 130 | RElGtTr | 4-Bar endings added |
412:Guitar, Electric, Soloist Cowboy Ev 165 | RElGt009 | 4-Bar endings added |
413:Guitar, Electric, Soloist Train Pickin' Ev 130; 419:Guitar, Electric, Soloist Train Pickin' Ev 130 (Bluesy) | RElGt010 | 4-Bar endings added |
420:Bass, Electric, Blues Sw 120 | RBass010 | 4-bar endings added; |
421:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Blues Sw 120 | RElGt015 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled; Chord selection diversified |
422:Guitar, Electric, Soloist Blues Sw 120 | RElGt017 | 4-Bar endings added |
423:Harmonica, Background Blues Sw 120 | RHarm002 | 4-Bar endings added |
424:Harmonica, Soloist Blues Sw 120 | RHarm001 | 4-Bar endings added |
425:Organ, B3, Background Blues Sw 120 | ROrg001 | 4-bar endings added; Chord Selection improved |
426:Banjo, Bluegrass Ev 130 (Rhythm) | RBanj001 | 4-bar endings added;some missing slash chords added |
427:Bass, Acoustic, Bluegrass Ev 130 | RBass009 | 4-bar endings added; increased total number of available riffs; improved variety of m/m7 chords |
428:Fiddle, Rhythm Bluegrass Ev 130; 429:Fiddle, Rhythm Bluegrass Ev 130 (Chops); 430:Fiddle, Rhythm Bluegrass Ev 130 (Shuffles) | RFid002 | 4-bar endings added; Minor endings added; Several previously missing chords enabled |
431:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Bluegrass Ev 130 | RAcG15 | 4-bar endings added; improved variety of 7 chords |
432:Mandolin, Rhythm Bluegrass Ev 130 | RMand001 | 4-Bar endings added |
433:Banjo, Bluegrass Ev 130 (Soloist) | RBanj002 | 4-bar endings added;some missing slash chords added |
434:Fiddle Soloist Bluegrass Ev 130 | RFid003 | 4-bar endings added; Minor endings added |
435:Guitar, Acoustic, Soloist Bluegrass Ev 130 | RAcG16 | 4-bar endings added; |
436:Mandolin, Soloist Bluegrass Ev 130 | RMand002 | 4-Bar endings added |
437:Sax, Alto, Older Sw 140; 438:Sax, Alto, Older Sw 140 (Bluesy) | RASax004 | 4-Bar endings added |
439:Trombone, Older Sw 140; 440: Trombone, Older Sw 140 (Bluesy) | RTrom001 | 4-Bar endings added |
441:Trumpet, Older Sw 140; 442:Trumpet, Older Sw 140 (Bluesy) | RTrpt004 | 4-Bar endings added |
443:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Sw 140; 444:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Sw 140 ('2' only); 445:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Sw 140 ('4' only) | RBass012 | 4-bar endings added; improved variety of m7 chords; Several missing chords unlocked |
446:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz Sw 140; 447:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz Sw 140 ('A' only); 448:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz Sw 140 ('B' only) | RElGt019 | 4-Bar endings added; Several missing chords enabled; support for 7-slash chords added |
449:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Sw 140; 450:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Sw 140 ('A' only); 451:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Sw 140 ('B' only) | RPno0001 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled; dim/m7b5 chords diversified; Support for 7 slash chords added |
452:Bass, Acoustic, Soloist Jazz Sw 140; 453: Bass, Acoustic, Soloist Jazz Sw 140 (Bluesy) | RBass015 | 4-bar endings added; improved variety of m/m7 chords |
454:Piano, Acoustic, Soloist Jazz Sw 140; 455:Piano, Acoustic, Soloist Jazz Sw 140 (Bluesy) | RPno0004 | 4-Bar endings added |
456:Sax, Alto, Jazz Sw 140; 457:Sax, Alto, Jazz Sw 140 (Bluesy) | RASax002 | 4-Bar endings added |
458:Sax, Tenor, Jazz Sw 140 (Extended); 459:Sax, Tenor, Jazz Sw 140 (Extended, Bluesy) | RSax005 | 4-Bar endings added |
460:Trombone, Jazz Sw 140; 461: Trombone, Jazz Sw 140 (Bluesy) | RTrom002 | 4-Bar endings added |
462:Trumpet, Jazz Sw 140; 462:Trumpet, Jazz, Sw 140 (Bluesy) | RTrpt003 | 4-Bar endings added |
464:Bass, Acoustic, Bossa Ev 140 ; 465:Bass, Acoustic, Bossa Ev 140 ('A' only) ; 466:Bass, Acoustic, Bossa Ev 140 ('B' only) | RBass011 | 4-bar endings added; unlocked some missing chords |
467:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Bossa Ev 140; 468:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Bossa Ev 140 ('A' only); 469:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Bossa Ev 140 ('B' only) | RElGt018 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled; Chord selection diversified; 7 slash chords added |
470:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Bossa Ev 140; 471:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Bossa Ev 140 ('A' only); 472:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Bossa Ev 140 ('B' only) | RPno0002 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled; Support for 7 slash chords added |
475:Sax, Alto, Bossa Ev 140; Sax, Alto, Bossa Ev 140 (Bluesy) | RASax003 | 4-Bar endings added |
477:Trombone, Bossa Ev 140; 478:Trombone, Bossa Ev 140 (Bluesy) | RTrom003 | 4-Bar endings added |
479:Trumpet, Bossa Ev 140; 480: Trumpet, Bossa Ev 140 | RTrpt001 | 4-Bar endings added |
481:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Ballad Sw 085; 482:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Ballad Sw 085 ('2' only);483:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Ballad Sw 085 ('4' only) | RBass014 | 4-bar endings added; unlocked previously unavailable content; added some missing chords |
484:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 085; 485:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 085 ('A' only); 486:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 085 ('B' only) | RElGt020 | 4-Bar endings added; Chord Selection improved; Support for 7-slash chords added |
487:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 085; 488:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 085 ('A' only); 489:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 085 ('B' only) | RPno0003 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled; Support for 7 slash chords added |
490:Sax, Alto, Jazz Ballad Sw 085; 491:Sax, Alto, Jazz Ballad Sw 085 (Bluesy) | RASax001 | 4-Bar endings added |
492:Trombone, Jazz Ballad Sw 085; 493:Trombone, Jazz Ballad Sw 085 (Bluesy) | RTrom004 | 4-Bar endings added; Sound quality improved |
494:Trumpet, Jazz Ballad Sw 085; 495:Trumpet, Jazz Ballad Sw 085 | RTrpt002 | 4-Bar endings added |
496:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Honky 1 Ev 120; 497:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Honky 1 Ev 120 ('A' only); 498:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Honky 1 Ev 120 ('B' only) | RElGt031 | 4-Bar endings added; 7 chords improved |
499:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Flash 1 Ev 140; 500:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Flash 1 Ev 140 ('A' only); 501:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Flash 1 Ev 140 ('B' only) | RElGt032 | 4-Bar endings added; 7 chords improved |
502:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Honky 2 Ev 120; 503:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Honky 2 Ev 120 ('A' only); 504:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Honky 2 Ev 120 ('B' only) | RElGt033 | 4-Bar endings added; 7 chords improved |
505:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Flash 2 Ev 140; 506:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Flash 2 Ev 140 ('A' only); 507:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Flash 2 Ev 140 ('B' only) | RElGt034 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled; 7 chords improved |
508:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Dire Ev 085 | RElGt026 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled |
509:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Dire Ev 120 | RElGt027 | 4-bar endings added; Several missing chords enabled |
510:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Dire Ev 140 | RElGt028 | 4-bar endings added; Several missing chords enabled |
511:Guitar, Electric, Soloist Dire Ev 140; 512:Guitar, Electric, Soloist Dire Ev 140 (Bluesy) | RElGt038 | 4-Bar endings added |
513:Bass, Electric, Funk James Finger Ev 100 | RBass031 | 4-bar endings added; Several missing chords enabled; Improved variety of m7 chords |
514:Bass, Electric, Funk James Slap Ev 100 | RBass032 | 4-bar endings added; Improved variety of m/m7 chords; |
515:Bass, Electric, Funk Smooth Jammin Ev 100; 516:Bass, Electric, Funk Smooth Jammin Ev 100 ('A' only); 517:Bass, Electric, Funk Smooth Jammin Ev 100 ('B' only) | RBass038 | 4-bar endings added; Many missing chords enabled; Improved variety of m7 chords; |
518:Bass, Electric, Pop HalfNotes Ev 085 | RBass027 | 4-bar endings added; improved variety of 7/m7 chords |
519:Bass, Electric, Pop HalfNotes Ev 120 | RBass028 | 4-bar endings added; improved variety of 7/m7 chords |
520:Bass, Electric, Pop HalfNotes Ev 165 | RBass029 | 4-bar endings added; improved variety of 7/m7 chords |
521:Bass, Electric, Pop Syncopated Ev 136 | RBass030 | 4-bar endings added; Many missing chords enabled; Improved variety of 7/m7 chords |
522:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 120 | RAcG17 | 4-bar endings added; Minor endings added |
523:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 190 | RAcG18 | 4-bar endings added; Minor endings added; Several previously missing chords enabled |
524:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 165 | RAcG25 | 4-bar endings added; |
525:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 190 | RAcG026 | 4-bar endings added; |
526:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Hank Sw 065 | RAcG19 | 4-bar endings added; improved variety of 7 chords |
527:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Hank Sw 085 | RAcG20 | 4-bar endings added; |
528:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Hank Sw 120 | RAcG21 | 4-bar endings added; improved variety of 7 chords |
529:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Hank Sw 065 | RAcG27 | 4-bar endings added; improved variety of 7 chords |
530:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Hank Sw 085 | RAcG028 | 4-bar endings added; |
531:Bass, Acoustic, Pop Sw 065 | RBass018 | 4-bar endings added; improved variety of m/m7 chords |
532:Bass, Acoustic, Pop Sw 085 | RBass019 | 4-bar endings added; improved variety of m/m7 chords |
533:Bass, Electric, 12-8 Crystal Sw 065 | RBass023 | 4-bar endings added; improved variety of 7 chords |
534:Bass, Electric, Pop Sw 065 | RBass033 | 4-bar endings added; improved variety of m/m7 chords |
535:Bass, Electric, Pop Sw 085 | RBass034 | 4-bar endings added; improved variety of m/m7 chords |
536:Bass, Acoustic, Pop Sw 120 | RBass020 | 4-bar endings added; improved variety of m/m7 chords |
537:Bass, Acoustic, Pop Sw 165 | RBass021 | 4-bar endings added; improved variety of m/m7 chords |
538:Bass, Acoustic, Pop Sw 190 | RBass022 | 4-bar endings added; improved variety of m/m7 chords |
540:Bass, Electric, Pop Sw 165 | RBass036 | 4-bar endings added; improved variety of m/m7 chords |
541:Bass, Electric, Pop Sw 190 | RBass037 | 4-bar endings added; improved variety of m/m7 chords |
542:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Dreamy Ev 085 | RElGt029 | 4-bar endings added; |
543:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Dreamy Ev 120 | RElGt040 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled; Chord selection diversified |
544:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Dreamy Ev 165 | RElGt041 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled; Chord selection diversified |
545:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Dreamy Ev 190 | RElGt042 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled; Chord selection diversified |
546:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Waltz Sw 140 ;547:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Waltz Sw 140 ('A' only) ;548:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Waltz Sw 140 ('B' only) | RBass016 | 4-bar endings added; Several missing chords enabled |
549:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz Waltz Sw 140; 550:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz Waltz Sw 140 ('A' only); 551:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz Waltz Sw 140 ('B' only) | RElGt016 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled; Chord Selection improved; Support for 7 Slash endings added |
552:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Waltz Sw 140; 553:Jazz Waltz Sw 140 ('A' only); 554:Piano, Acoustic, Rhyth m Jazz Waltz Sw 140 ('B' only) | RPno0005 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled; Support for 7 slash chords added |
555:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Freddie Sw 085; 556:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Freddie Sw 085 ('A' only); 557:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Freddie Sw 085 ('B' only) | RAcG034 | 4-bar endings added; Improved variety of dim/7sus chords |
558:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Freddie Sw 140; Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Freddie Sw 140 ('A' only); 560:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Freddie Sw 140 ('B' only) | RAcG035 | 4-bar endings added; Improved variety of dim/m7b5 chords |
561:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz WesComp Sw 140; 562:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz WesComp Sw 140 ('A' only); 563:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz WesComp Sw 140 ('B' only) | RElGt052 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled; Chord Selection improved; Support for 7 Slash endings added |
564:Bass, Electric, Blues Monday Sw 065 | RBass026 | 4-bar endings added; |
565:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Blues Monday Sw 065; 566:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Blues Monday Sw 065 ('A' only); 567:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Blues Monday Sw 065 ('B' only) | RElGt025 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled; Chord selection diversified |
568:Guitar, Electric, Soloist Blues Monday Sw 065 | RElGt037 | 4-Bar endings added |
569:Guitar, Resophonic, Rhythm Blues Delta Sw 065 | RNatSt03 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled |
570:Guitar, Slide, Soloist Blues Monday Sw 060 | RSlide05 | 4-Bar endings added |
571:Harmonica, Background Blues Monday Sw 065 | RHarm003 | 4-bar endings added; Minor endings added |
572:Bass, Electric, Blues BB Ev 085 | RBass024 | 4-bar endings added; improved variety of 7 chords |
573:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Blues BB Ev 085; 574: | RElGt023 | 4-bar endings added; Several missing chords enabled |
576:Guitar, Electric, Soloist, Blues BB Ev 085 | RElGt035 | 4-Bar endings added |
577:Guitar, Resophonic, Rhythm Blues Crossroads Ev 085 | RNatSt01 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled |
578:Harmonica, Background Blues BB Ev 085 | RHarm005 | 4-bar endings added; Minor endings added |
579:Bass, Electric, Blues Roadhouse Ev 120 | RBass025 | 4-bar endings added; improved variety of 7 chords |
580:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Blues Roadhouse Ev 120; 581:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Blues Roadhouse Ev 120 ('A' only); 582:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Blues Roadhouse Ev 120 ('B' only) | RElGt024 | 4-bar endings added; Several missing chords enabled; 2-bar endings fixed |
583:Guitar, Electric, Soloist Blues Roadhouse Ev 120 | RElGt036 | 4-Bar endings added |
584:Guitar, Resophonic, Rhythm Blues Roadhouse Ev 120 | RNatSt02 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled |
585:Guitar, Resophonic, Rhythm Blues Muddy Sw 120 | RNatSt04 | 4-bar endings added; Several missing chords enabled |
586:Harmonica, Background Blues Roadhouse Ev 120 | RHarm004 | 4-Bar endings added |
587:Sax, Tenor, 2-Beat Rock Ev 110; 588:Sax, Tenor, 2-Beat Rock Ev 110 (Bluesy) | RSax004 | 4-Bar endings added |
589:Banjo, Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 (Rhythm);590:Banjo, Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 (Rhythm - Simple) | RBanj003 | 4-bar endings added; |
591:Banjo, Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 (Soloist) | RBanj004 | 4-bar endings added; |
592:Bass, Acoustic Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 | RBass017 | 4-bar endings added; improved variety of m7 chords |
593:Fiddle, Rhythm Bluegrass Doc Ev 100; 594:Fiddle, Rhythm Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 (Chops); 595:Fiddle, Rhythm Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 (Shuffles) | RFid009 | 4-bar endings added; |
596:Fiddle Soloist Bluegrass Ev 100 | RFid005 | 4-bar endings added; |
597:Guitar, Acoustic, Soloist Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 | RAcG22 | 4-bar endings added; |
598:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 | RAcG023 | 4-bar endings added; |
599:Mandolin, Rhythm Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 | RMand003 | 4-bar endings added; Several missing chords enabled |
600:Fiddle, Background Train Ev 130 | RFid006 | 4-bar endings added; |
601:Fiddle, Soloist Train Ev 130 | RFid004 | 4-bar endings added; |
602:Harmonica, Soloist Blues Sw 120 | RHarm011 | 4-Bar endings added |
603:Pedal Steel, Background Train Ev 130 | RPedSt06 | 4-Bar endings added |
604:Guitar, Electric, Chet Comp Ev 130 | RElGt022 | 4-bar endings added; |
605:Guitar, Electric, Chet Pickin' Ev 100 | RElGt021 | 4-bar endings added; Several missing chords enabled |
606:Guitar, Nylon, Chet Fishin' Sw 120 | RNyGt001 | 4-Bar endings added |
607:Guitar, Nylon, Chet Train Ev 130 | RNyGt002 | 4-Bar endings added |
608:Guitar, Resonator, Background Hayride Sw 190 | RResG06 | 4-Bar endings added |
609:Guitar, Resonator, Background Roundup Sw 120 | RResG04 | 4-Bar endings added |
610:Mandolin, Rhythm Chop Sw 120 | RMand004 | 4-bar endings added; Several missing chords enabled |
611:Mandolin, Rhythm Fast Chop Sw 190 | RMand006 | 4-Bar endings added |
612:Pedal Steel, Background Opry Sw 130 | RPedSt10 | 4-Bar endings added |
613:Guitar, Resonator, Background Hank Sw 130 | RResG05 | 4-Bar endings added |
614:Harmonica, Background Hayride Sw 190 | RHarm009 | 4-Bar endings added |
615:Harmonica, Background HeeHaw Sw 165 | RHarm008 | 4-bar endings added; Minor endings added |
616:Mandolin, Rhythm Bouncy Sw 165 | RMand005 | 4-bar endings added; Several missing chords enabled |
617:Pedal Steel, Background Shuffle Sw 136 | RPedSt05 | 4-Bar endings added |
618:Fiddle, Background Allis Ev 120 | RFid008 | 4-bar endings added; Minor endings added; Several previously missing chords enabled |
619:Guitar, Resonator, Background Cowboy Ev 165 | RResG03 | 4-Bar endings added |
620:Pedal Steel, Background Cowboy Ev 165 | RPedSt07 | 4-Bar endings added; RealCharts improved |
621:Pedal Steel, Background Easy Ev 136 | RPedSt09 | 4-Bar endings added |
622:Pedal Steel, Background Waylon Ev 176 | RPedSt11 | 4-Bar endings added |
623:Banjo, Background Backporch Ev 098 | RBanj005 | 4-bar endings added;7th, m7, sus & 7sus chords now have more variety;7+ chords previously caused errors |
624:Fiddle, Soloist George Ev 085 | RFid007 | 4-bar endings added; RealCharts improved |
625:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Rascal Sw 075 | RAcG30 | 4-bar endings added; |
626:Harmonica, Background Travis Ev 085 | RHarm010 | 4-Bar endings added |
627:Pedal Steel, Background 12-8 Crystal Sw 065 | RPedSt08 | 4-Bar endings added |
628:Bass, Electric, Funk James FingerSlap Ev 100 | RBass039 | 4-bar endings added; Several missing chords enabled; Improved variety of m7 chords; |
629:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopAmericanDirty Ev 120; 630:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopAmericanDirty Ev 120 (A:arp); 631:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopAmericanDirty Ev 120 (B:power) | RElGt065 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled; RealCharts Improved |
632:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopAmericanMuted Ev 120; 633:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopAmericanMuted Ev 120 (A:sync); 634:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopAmericanMuted Ev 120 (B:8ths) | RElGt079 | 4-bar endings added; RealCharts improved |
635:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RootsRockDirty Ev 100; 636:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RootsRockDirty Ev 100 (A:held); 637:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RootsRockDirty Ev 100 (B:sync) | RElGt083 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled; RealCharts Improved |
638:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RootsRockTremolo Ev 100 | RElGt081 | 4-Bar endings added |
638:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RootsRockTremolo Ev 100 | RElGt081 | 4-bar endings added; RealCharts improved |
639:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockThrash Ev 085; 640:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockThrash Ev 085 (A:16ths); 641:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockThrash Ev 085 (B:sync) | RElGt030 | 4-bar endings added; RealCharts improved |
642:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockThrashHollow Ev 085; 643:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockThrashHollow Ev 085 (A:8ths); 644:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockThrashHollow Ev 085 (B:sync) | RElGt051 | 4-Bar endings added |
645:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopRockBritEdgy Ev 120; 646:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopRockBritEdgy Ev 120 (A:arp); 647:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopRockBritEdgy Ev 120 (B:8ths) | RElGt047 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled; RealCharts Improved |
648:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopRockBritHeavy Ev 120; 649:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopRockBritHeavy Ev 120 (A:8ths); 650:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopRockBritHeavy Ev 120 (B:power) | RElGt053 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled; RealCharts Improved |
651:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasBoogie Sw 140; 652:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasBoogie Sw 140 (A:sync); 653:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasBoogie Sw 140 (B:classic) | RElGt072 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled |
654:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasBoogieShuffle Sw 140; 655:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasBoogieShuffle Sw 140 (A:shuf); 656:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasBoogieShuffle Sw 140 (B:qrtrs) | RElGt073 | 4-bar endings added; RealCharts improved |
657:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasRockChop Ev 120; 658:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasRockChop Ev 120 (A:sync); 659:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasRockChop Ev 120 (B:8ths) | RElGt050 | 4-bar endings added; RealCharts improved |
660:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasRockCrisp Ev 120; 661:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasRockCrisp Ev 120 (A:simple); 662:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasRockCrisp Ev 120 (B:heavy) | RElGt054 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled |
663:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm SouthernRock Ev 085; 664:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm SouthernRock Ev 085 (A:fpick); 665:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm SouthernRock Ev 085 (B:Strum) | RAcG33 | 4-Bar endings added; Several previously unavailable chords enabled; |
666:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SouthernRock Ev 085; 667:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SouthernRock Ev 085 (A:sync); 668:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SouthernRock Ev 085 (B:steady) | RElGt045 | 4-Bar endings added; CMaj/Cm chords improved, RealCharts Improved |
669: Guitar, Slide, Background EasySouthern Ev 120 | RSlide03 | 4-Bar endings added; audio quality improved |
670:Guitar,Slide,Background EasySouthern Ev 165 | RSlide04 | 4-Bar endings added; audio quality improved |
671:Organ, B3, Background Southern Ev 120 | ROrg009 | 4-Bar endings added |
672:Guitar, Slide, Soloist Blues Sw 165 | RSlide06 | 4-Bar endings added; Several previously unavailable chords enabled; Audio quality improved |
673:Organ, B3, Background Blues BB Ev 085 | ROrg002 | 4-Bar endings added |
674:Organ, B3, Background Blues Roadhouse Ev 120 | ROrg003 | 4-Bar endings added |
675:Organ, B3, Background Blues Monday Sw 065 | ROrg004 | 4-Bar endings added |
676:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming FolkRockBritEighths Ev 085 | RAcG31 | 4-Bar endings added; RealCharts improved |
677:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockBritDriving Ev 085; 678:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockBritDriving Ev 085 (A:arp); 679:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockBritDriving Ev 085 (B:heavy) | RElGt044 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled; RealCharts Improved |
680:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockBritSoulful Ev 085; 681:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockBritSoulful Ev 085 (A:chords); 682:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockBritSoulful Ev 085 (B:arp) | RElGt057 | 4-bar endings added; RealCharts improved |
683:Bass, Electric, PopHalfNotesPush Ev 120 | RBass056 | 4-Bar endings added; RealCharts improved |
684:Bass, Electric, PopHalfNotesSync Ev 120 | RBass042 | 4-Bar endings added; RealCharts improved |
685:Harmonica, Background Pop Ev 120 | RHarm006 | 4-Bar endings added; Improved variety of sus & dim chords |
686:Organ, B3, Background Pop Ev 120 | ROrg007 | 4-Bar endings added; Several Problem chords fixed |
687:Harmonica, Background, Pop Ev 165 | RHarm007 | 4-Bar endings added |
688:Organ, B3, Background Pop Ev 065 | ROrg005 | 4-Bar endings added |
689:Organ, B3, Background Pop Ev 085 | ROrg006 | 4-Bar endings added |
690:Organ, B3, Background Pop Ev 165 | ROrg008 | 4-bar endings added; 2-bar endings fixed |
691:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming AcRockBright Ev 120; 692:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming AcRockBright Ev 120 (A:sync); 693:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming AcRockBright Ev 120 (B:eighths) | RAcG32 | 4-Bar endings added; Several previously unavailable chords enabled; |
694:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ElecRockArp Ev 120; 695:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ElecRockArp Ev 120 (A:arp); 696:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ElecRockArp Ev 120 (B:heavy) | RElGt046 | 4-bar endings added; RealCharts improved |
697:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ElecRockDirty Ev 120; 698:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ElecRockDirty Ev 120 (A:muted); 699:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ElecRockDirty Ev 120 (B:sust) | RElGt058 | 4-Bar endings added; Several previously unavailable chords enabled; |
700:Bass, Electric, PopHalfNotesPush Ev 085 | RBass050 | 4-Bar endings added; RealCharts improved |
701:Bass, Electric, PopHalfNotesSync Ev 085 | RBass041 | 4-Bar endings added; RealCharts improved |
702:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Spirited Ev 065 | RAcG036 | 4-Bar endings added; RealCharts improved |
703:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Spirited Ev 085 | RAcG037 | 4-Bar endings added; RealCharts improved; Cm/D chord enabled |
704:Flute, Soloist Bossa Ev 140; 705:Flute, Soloist Bossa Ev 140 (Bluesy) | Flu001 | 4-Bar endings added |
706:Guitar, Electric, Soloist Bossa Ev 140; 707:Guitar, Electric, Soloist Bossa Ev 140 (Bluesy) | RElGt067 | 4-Bar endings added |
708:Guitar, Nylon-Elec, Rhythm Bossa Ev 140; 709:Guitar, Nylon-Elec, Rhythm Bossa Ev 140 (A:simple); 710:Guitar, Nylon-Elec, Rhythm Bossa Ev 140 (B:energetic) | RNyGt003 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled; Audio quality improved; RealCharts Improved; Support for 7 slash chords added |
711:Bass, Acoustic, Bossa Ev 085; 712:Bass, Acoustic, Bossa Ev 085 (A:simple); 713:Bass, Acoustic, Bossa Ev 085 (B:energetic) | RBass047 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled; m7b5 chords improved. |
714:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Bossa Ev 085 | RPno0006 | 4-Bar endings added; Several Previously unavailable chords enabled; Support for 7 slash chords added |
715:Sax, Tenor, Soloist Rock Boogie Ev 160; 716:Sax, Tenor, Soloist Rock Boogie Ev 160 (Bluesy) | RSax006 | 4-Bar endings added |
717:Bass, Acoustic, Samba Ev 190; 718:Bass, Acoustic, Samba Ev 190 (A:simple); 719:Bass, Acoustic, Samba Ev 190 (B:energetic) | RBass048 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled; |
720:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Samba Ev 190; 721:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Samba Ev 190 (A:simple); 722:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Samba Ev 190 (B:energetic) | RPno0013 | 4-Bar endings added; Several Previously unavailable chords enabled; Support for 7 slash chords added |
723:Sax, Soprano, Soloist Samba 190; 724:Sax, Soprano, Soloist Samba 190 (Bluesy) | RSSax001 | 4-Bar endings added |
725:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Ballad Sw 060 (A:in2 B:DbIn2) | RBass052 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled; |
726:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Ballad Sw 060 (A:in2 B:DbWalk) | RBass053 | 4-Bar endings added; some previously unavailable chords added. |
727:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Ballad Sw 060 (A:walk B:DbIn2) | RBass054 | 4-Bar endings added; some previously unavailable chords added. |
728:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Ballad Sw 060 (A:walk B:Dbwlk) | RBass055 | 4-Bar endings added; C5b chords improved; some previously unavailable chords added. |
729:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Ballad Sw 060 (A:DbIn2 B:Dbwlk); 730:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Ballad Sw 060 (A-only: DbIn2); 731:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Ballad Sw 060 (B-only:Dbwlk) | RBass044 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled; |
732:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Ballad Sw 060; 733:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Ballad Sw 060 (A:in-2); 734:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Ballad Sw 060 (B:walking) | RBass043 | 4-Bar endings added; Several previously unavailable chords enabled |
735:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 060 (A:simple B:Dbl-simple) | RPno0015 | 4-Bar endings added; Several Previously unavailable chords enabled; Support for 7 slash chords added |
736:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 060 (A:simple B:Dbl-energetic) | RPno0016 | 4-Bar endings added; Several previously unavailable chords enabled |
737:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 060 (A:energetic B:Dbl-simple) | RPno0017 | 4-Bar endings added; Several previously unavailable chords enabled |
738:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 060 (A:energetic B:Dbl-energetic) | RPno0018 | 4-Bar endings added; Several previously unavailable chords enabled |
739:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 060 (A:Dbl-simple B:Dbl-energetic) Used by this Soloist: 740:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 060 (A-only:Dbl-simple); 741:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 060 (B-only:Dbl-energetic) | RPno0007 | 4-Bar endings added; Manyl Previously unavailable chords enabled; Support for 7 slash chords added |
742:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 060; 743:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 060 (A:simple); 744:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 060 (B:energetic) | RPno0008 | 4-Bar endings added; Several Previously unavailable chords enabled; 2-bar endings fixed |
745:Guitar, Electric, Soloist Jazz Ballad Sw 085; 746:Guitar, Electric, Soloist Jazz Ballad Sw 085 (Bluesy) | RElGt068 | 4-Bar endings added; audio quality improved |
747:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment Jazz Ballad Sw 085; 748:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment Jazz Ballad Sw 085 (A:simple); 749:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment Jazz Ballad Sw 085 (B:energetic) | RPno0014 | 4-Bar endings added; Several Previously unavailable chords enabled; Support for 7 slash chords added |
750:Sax, Tenor, Soloist Jazz Ballad Sw 060; 751:Sax, Tenor, Soloist Jazz Ballad Sw 060 (Bluesy) | RSax007 | 4-Bar endings added |
752:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz BeBop Sw 190; 753:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz BeBop Sw 190 (A:in-2); 754:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz BeBop Sw 190 (B:walking) | RBass045 | 4-Bar endings added; Several previously unavailable chords enabled; |
755:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz BeBop Sw 190; 756:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz BeBop Sw 190 ('A' Only); 757:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz BeBop Sw 190 ('B' Only) | RPno0011 | 4-Bar endings added; Several Previously unavailable chords enabled; Support for 7 slash chords added |
758:Sax, Tenor, Soloist Jazz BeBop Sw 190; 759:Sax, Tenor, Soloist Jazz BeBop Sw 190 (Bluesy) | RSax008 | 4-Bar endings added |
760:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Modern Sw 140; 761:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Modern Sw 140 (A:in-2); 762:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Modern Sw 140 (B:walking) | RBass046 | 4-Bar endings added; Improved variety of m/m7 chords; Several previously unavailable chords enabled; |
763:Clarinet, Soloist Older Swing Sw 140; 764:Clarinet, Soloist Older Swing Sw 140 (Bluesy) | RClr001 | 4-Bar endings added |
765:Guitar, Electric, Soloist Jazz Sw 140; 765:Guitar, Electric, Soloist Jazz Sw 140 (Bluesy)6 | RElGt069 | 4-Bar endings added |
767:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Modern Sw 140 | RPno0009 | 4-Bar endings added; Several Previously unavailable chords enabled; Support for 7 slash chords added |
768:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Sw 110; 769:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Sw 110 (A:in-2); 770:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Sw 110 (B:walking) | RBass051 | 4-Bar endings added; Improved variety of m7b5 chords; Some previously unavailable chords enabled |
771:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Sw 110; 772:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Sw 110 ('A' Only); 773:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Sw 110 ('B' Only) | RPno0010 | 4-Bar endings added; Several Previously unavailable chords enabled; Support for 7 slash chords added |
774:Sax, Soprano, Soloist Jazz Swing 110; 775:Sax, Soprano, Soloist Jazz Swing 110 (Bluesy) | RSSax002 | 4-Bar endings added |
776:Bass, Acoustic, PopWaltz Ev 085; 777:Bass, Acoustic, PopWaltz Ev 085 (A:simple); 778:Bass, Acoustic, PopWaltz Ev 085 (B:energetic) | RBass049 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled; |
779:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm PopWaltz Ev 085; 780:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm PopWaltz Ev 085 (A:simple); 781:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm PopWaltz Ev 085 (B:energetic) | RPno0012 | 4-Bar endings added; Several Previously unavailable chords enabled; Support for 7 slash chords added |
782:Sax, Tenor, Soloist Jazz Waltz Sw 140; 783:Sax, Tenor, Soloist Jazz Waltz Sw 140 (Bluesy) | RSax009 | 2-bar endings fixed |
784:Bass, Electric, PopCrossover Sw16 075 | RBass040 | 4-Bar endings added; Sound quality improved; Realcharts improved |
785:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming CrossoverSnappy Sw16 090 | RAcG038 | 4-Bar endings added |
786:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CrossoverChop Sw16 090 | RElGt080 | 4-bar endings added; RealCharts improved |
787:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CrossoverClean Sw16 090; 788:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CrossoverClean Sw16 090 (A:held); 789:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CrossoverClean Sw16 090 (B:finger) | RElGt062 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled; RealCharts Improved |
790:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CrossoverGrooving Sw16 075; 791:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CrossoverGrooving Sw16 075 (A:sync); 792:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CrossoverGrooving Sw16 075 (B:8ths) | RElGt043 | 4-Bar endings added; Several previously unavailable chords enabled; RealCharts Improved |
793:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming ModernCountrySync Ev 100 | RAcG039 | 4-Bar endings added |
794:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernCountrySync Ev 100; 795:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernCountrySync Ev 100 (A:strum); 796:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernCountrySync Ev 100 (B:finger) | RElGt061 | 4-bar endings added; Several missing chords enabled; |
800:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SouthernSnappyGritty Ev 090; 801:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SouthernSnappyGritty Ev 090 (A:held); 802:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SouthernSnappyGritty Ev 090 (B:8ths) | RElGt071 | 4-bar endings added; RealCharts improved |
803:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm DrivingCountryBalladClean Ev 065; 804:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm DrivingCountryBalladClean Ev 065 (A:chop); 805:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm DrivingCountryBalladClean Ev 065 (B:held) | RElGt063 | 4-Bar endings added; Improved variety of 7/7sus chords; Several Previously unavailable chords unlocked |
806:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm DrivingCountryBalladDirty Ev 065; 807:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm DrivingCountryBalladDirty Ev 065 (A:sync); 808:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm DrivingCountryBalladDirty Ev 065 (B:quarters) | RElGt074 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled |
809:Guitar,Electric, Soloist DrivingCountryBallad Ev 065; 810:Guitar,Electric, Soloist DrivingCountryBallad Ev 065 (Bluesy) | RElGt064 | 4-Bar endings added |
811:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Acc PopVancouver Ev 100 | RPno0019 | 4-Bar endings added |
812:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Western Swing Sw 165; 813:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Western Swing Sw 165 (A:bs-crd); 814:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Western Swing Sw 165 (B:4rs) | RElGt086 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled |
815:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Western Swing Sw 190; 816:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Western Swing Sw 190 (A:bs-crd); 817:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Western Swing Sw 190 (B:4rs) | RElGt087 | 4-Bar endings added; Several previously unavailable chords enabled |
818:Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryClassicSwing Sw 190; 819:Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryClassicSwing Sw 190 (Bluesy) | RElGt039 | 4-Bar endings added |
820:Mandolin, Soloist Bluegrass Ev 100; 821:Mandolin, Soloist Bluegrass Ev 100 (Bluesy) | RMand007 | 4-bar endings added; RealCharts improved |
822:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Country Waltz Sw 085 | RAcG043 | 4-Bar endings added; RealCharts improved |
823:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Country Waltz Sw 140 | RAcG045 | 4-Bar endings added |
824:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Country Waltz Sw 085 | RAcG040 | 4-bar endings added; Several missing chords enabled |
825:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Country Waltz Sw 140 | RAcG042 | 4-Bar endings added |
826:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Country Waltz Sw 110 | RAcG044 | 4-Bar endings added; B Substyle improved |
827:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Country Waltz Sw 110 | RAcG041 | 4-Bar endings added; B Substyle improved |
828:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Country Waltz Sw 110; 829:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Country Waltz Sw 110 (A:held); 830:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Country Waltz Sw 110 (B:arp) | RElGt085 | 4-Bar endings added; B Substyle improved |
831:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment Pop BouncyWaltz Sw 085 | RPno0020 | 4-bar endings added; 2-bar endings fixed |
832:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm AltCountryMoody Ev 075; 833:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm AltCountryMoody Ev 075 (A:held); 834:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm AltCountryMoody Ev 075 (B:arp) | RElGt048 | 4-bar endings added; Several missing chords enabled; RealCharts improved |
835:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm AltCountryRootsy Ev 075; 836:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm AltCountryRootsy Ev 075 (A:muted); 837:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm AltCountryRootsy Ev 075 (B:held) | RElGt055 | 4-bar endings added; RealCharts improved |
838:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopBalladClean Ev 085; 839:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopBalladClean Ev 085 (A:arp); 840:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopBalladClean Ev 085 (B:strum) | RElGt070 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled; RealCharts Improved |
841:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopBalladSlowGritty Ev 065; 842:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopBalladSlowGritty Ev 065 (A:arp); 843:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopBalladSlowGritty Ev 065 (B:heavy) | RElGt066 | 4-Bar endings added; Many previously unavailable chords enabled; RealCharts Improved |
844:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryRockPopping Ev 120; 845:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryRockPopping Ev 120 (A:sync); 846:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryRockPopping Ev 120 (B:busy) | RElGt059 | 4-bar endings added; RealCharts improved |
847:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryRockRiff Ev 120; 848:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryRockRiff Ev 120 (A:sync); 849:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryRockRiff Ev 120 (B:steady) | RElGt056 | 4-bar endings added; RealCharts improved |
850:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashvillePopClean Ev 120; 851:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashvillePopClean Ev 120 (A:held); 852:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashvillePopClean Ev 120 (B:arp) | RElGt060 | 4-bar endings added; Several missing chords enabled; RealCharts improved |
853:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashvillePopDirty Ev 120 | RElGt049 | 4-Bar endings added |
854:Guitar, 12-String Acoustic, Rhythm RockWaltzA-B Ev 140; 855:Guitar, 12-String Acoustic, Rhythm RockWaltzPicking Ev 140; 856:Guitar, 12-String Acoustic, Rhythm RockWaltzStrumming Ev 140 | RAcG056 | 7 chords improved; audio quality improved |
857:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockWaltzMutedA-B Ev 140; 858:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockWaltzMutedSteady Ev 140; 859:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockWaltzMutedSync Ev 140 | RElGt128 | Several previously unavailable chords enabled; RealCharts Improved |
866:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopRockWaltzSteadyA-B Ev 140; 867:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopRockWaltzSteadyMuted Ev 140; 868:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopRockWaltzSteadyGritty Ev 140 | RElGt082 | Many previously unavailable chords enabled |
872:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernRnBRockFunkyA-B Ev 065; 873:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernRnBRockFunkyOffbeat Ev 065; 874:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernRnBRockFunky16ths Ev 065 | RElGt109 | audio quality improved |
875:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NorthernRockFuzzyA-B Sw16 075; 876:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NorthernRockFuzzyQuarters Sw16 075; 877:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NorthernRockFuzzyStrum Sw16 075 | RElGt100 | Several previously unavailable chords enabled |
884:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasBluesRockLowA-B Ev 165; 885:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasBluesRockLowSync Ev 165; 886:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasBluesRockLowRiff Ev 165 | RElGt090 | Many previously unavailable chords enabled; improved 7 chords |
887:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment FolkPopPrairie Ev 100 | RPno0022 | several Previously unavailable chords enabled; slash chords improved |
888:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment PopBronx Ev 120 | RPno0021 | support for 7 slash chords added; Realcharts improved |
889:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment PopFunkyTexas Ev 100 | RPno0023 | many previously unavailable chords enabled; sus chords improved; support for 7 slash chords added |
890:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment PopLite Ev 140 | RPno0024 | sus chords improved; support for 7 slash chords added |
891:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment PopLiverpool Ev 065; 892:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment PopLiverpool Ev 065 (A-simple); 893:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment PopLiverpool Ev 065 (B-energetic) | RPno0028 | audio quality improved; C/F chord added; sus chords improved |
892:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment PopLiverpool Ev 065 (B-Energetic); | RPno0025 | audio quality improved; slash chords diversified |
894:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment PopLondon Ev 065 | RPno0034 | audio quality improved; slash chords diversified |
895:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment PopSlow12-8 Ev 060 | RPno0027 | slash chords diversified |
897:Guitar, 12-String Acoustic, Rhythm FolkRock Ev16 065 | RAcG051 | V/V7 chords improved |
898:Guitar, 12-String Acoustic, Strumming FolkRockWaltz Ev 150 | RAcG047 | 7 chords improved; Several previously unavailable chords enabled |
900:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming FolkRockWaltz Ev 150 | RAcG046 | Several previously unavailable chords enabled |
902:Bass, Electric, SmoothCool Sw16 075 | RBass058 | slash chords improved |
903:Bass, Electric, SmoothCool Sw16 100 | RBass059 | slash chords / 69 chords improved |
904:Piano, Electric, Rhythm SmoothCool Sw16 075 | REPn0006 | slash chords diversified |
905:Piano, Electric, Rhythm SmoothCool Dry Sw16 075 | REPn0002 | slash chords diversified |
906:Piano, Electric, Rhythm SmoothCool Sw16 100 | REPn0007 | slash chords / 69 chords diversified |
907:Piano, Electric, Rhythm SmoothCool Dry Sw16 100 | REPn0003 | slash chords / 69 chords diversified |
908:Bass, Electric, SmoothBallad Ev16 065 | RBass057 | slash chords improved |
909:Bass, Electric, SmoothPoppy Ev16 090 | RBass060 | slash chords improved |
910:Piano, Electric, Rhythm SmoothBallad Ev16 065 | REPn0005 | slash chords diversified |
911:Piano, Electric, Rhythm SmoothBallad dry Ev16 065 | REPn0001 | m7 chords improved; slash chords diversified |
912:Piano, Electric, Rhythm SmoothPoppy Ev16 090 | REPn0008 | slash chords diversified |
913:Piano, Electric, Rhythm SmoothPoppy dry Ev16 090 | REPn0004 | slash chords diversified |
914:Bass, Acoustic, ChaCha Ev 110 | RBass062 | Several previously unavailable chords enabled |
915:Bass, Acoustic, Mambo Ev 150 | RBass063 | audio quality improved |
917:Bass, Acoustic, Tango Ev 100 | RBass065 | sus chords improved |
918:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm ChaCha Ev 110 | RPno0037 | Many previously unavailable chords enabled; Support for 7 slash chords added |
919:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Mambo Ev 150 | RPno0039 | Several previously unavailable chords enabled; |
920:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Rumba Ev 110 | RPno0040 | several Previously unavailable chords enabled; 7sus chord improved |
921:Bass, Acoustic, Bossa Ev 110 | RBass061 | Several previously unavailable chords enabled |
922:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BossaFreeComp Ev 085 | RElGt132 | Support for 7 slash chords added |
923:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BossaFreeComp Ev 110 | RElGt133 | Maj7b5/aug chords improved; Support for 7 slash chords added |
924:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BossaGrooveComp Ev 110 | RElGt134 | Maj7b5/aug chords improved; Support for 7 slash chords added |
925:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Bossa Ev 110 | RPno0035 | Several Previously unavailable chords enabled; Support for 7 slash chords added |
926:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Waltz Sw 085; 927:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Waltz Sw 085 ('A' only); 928:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Waltz Sw 085 ('B' only) | RBass066 | Many previously unavailable chords enabled |
932:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm JazzWaltzFreeComp Sw 085 | RElGt136 | maj7b5 & aug chords improved; Several previously unavailable chords enabled |
933:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm JazzWaltzFreeComp Sw 110 | RElGt137 | Several Previously unavailable chords enabled; Support for 7 slash chords added |
934:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Waltz Sw 085 | RPno0036 | Many previously unavailable chords enabled; slash chords improved |
935:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Waltz Sw 110 | RPno0038 | Many previously unavailable chords enabled; improved 7sus chords |
936:Piano, Acoustic, Rehearsal Waltz Sw 140 | RPno0044 | Many previously unavailable chords enabled; Support for 7 slash chords added |
937:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm JazzBalladFreddie Sw 060 | RAcG060 | 7/7sus chords improved |
938:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm JazzFreddie Sw 110 | RAcG061 | several problem chords fixed; Support for 7 slash chords added |
939:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm JazzBalladFreeComp Sw 060 | RElGt135 | Several Previously unavailable chords enabled; Support for 7 slash chords added |
940:Piano, Acoustic, Rehearsal Showtunes Sw 140 | RPno0042 | Support for 7 slash chords added |
941:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment JazzStride Sw 140 | RPno0033 | Several Previously unavailable chords enabled; Support for 7 slash chords added |
942:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment | RPno0026 | 7sus chords improved; Support for 7 slash chords added |
943:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment JazzStrideBallad Sw 085 | RPno0032 | Several Previously unavailable chords enabled; Support for 7 slash chords added |
944:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MemphisCleanA-B Sw 190; 945:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MemphisCleanSustain Sw 190; 946:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MemphisCleanShort Sw 190 | RElGt127 | Several previously unavailable chords enabled; Audio quality improved |
950:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm CountryBoogieA-B Sw 110; 951:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm CountryBoogieMuted Sw 110; 952:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm CountryBoogieOpen Sw 110 | RAcG058 | Several previously unavailable chords enabled |
953:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryBoogieCleanA-B Sw 110; 954:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryBoogieCleanSync Sw 110; 955:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryBoogieCleanRiff Sw 110 | RElGt084 | Many previously unavailable chords enabled |
956:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryBoogieGrittyA-B Sw 110;957:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryBoogieGrittyMuted Sw 110;958:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryBoogieGrittyTwang Sw 110 | RElGt125 | Several missing chords enabled |
959:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm CountryBoogieA-B Sw 140; 960:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm CountryBoogieMuted Sw 140; 961:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm CountryBoogieOpen Sw 140 | RAcG059 | Several previously unavailable chords enabled |
965:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryBoogieGrittyA-B Sw 140; 966:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryBoogieGrittyMuted Sw 140; 967:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryBoogieGrittyTwang Sw 140 | RElGt131 | Several missing chords enabled |
974:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountrySwingCleanA-B Sw 140; 975:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountrySwingCleanMuted Sw 140; 976:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountrySwingCleanStrum Sw 140 | RElGt126 | improved variety of 7th chords |
980:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryWaltzCleanA-B Sw 085; 981:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryWaltzCleanHeld Sw 085; 982:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryWaltzCleanArp Sw 085 | RElGt114 | several problem chords fixed; chord diversity improved |
983:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryWaltzCleanA-B Sw 140; 984:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryWaltzCleanHeld Sw 140; 985:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryWaltzCleanPicked Sw 140 | RElGt130 | Many previously unavailable chords enabled; Chord selection process improved; audio quality improved |
986:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryWaltzGrittyA-B Sw 085; 987:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryWaltzGrittyHeld Sw 085; 988:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryWaltzGrittyArp Sw 085 | RElGt113 | several problem chords fixed; Many previously unavailable chords unlocked |
989:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryWaltzGrittyA-B Sw 110; 990:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryWaltzGrittyHeld Sw 110; 991:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryWaltzGrittyArp Sw 110 | RElGt115 | Many previously unavailable chords enabled |
992:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryWaltzGrittyA-B Sw 140; 993:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryWaltzGrittyPicked Sw 140; 994:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryWaltzGrittyStrum Sw 140 | RElGt116 | Several previously unavailable chords enabled |
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PG Music Inc.
29 Cadillac Ave Victoria BC Canada V8Z 1T3
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News and Notes
December 20, 2024
Update your Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows® Today!
If you’ve already purchased Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®, great news—a new update is now available! This update introduces a handy new feature: a vertical cursor...
December 18, 2024
Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Boot Camp: The AI Lyrics Generator
With Band-in-a-Box 2025® for Windows®, we've introduced an exciting new feature: the AI Lyrics Generator! In this video, Tobin guides you step-by-step on how to...

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