MIDI Styles Set 18: Praise & Worship
In response to your many requests for Styles in the Praise and Worship genre, we are glad to bring you these 20 great new contemporary styles. Today's Praise And Worship scene has an abundance of great groups who play very hip, exuberant and contemporary Pop-Rock style music, so these styles would be a great addition to your Band-In-a-Box styles library, even if you are not generally into Praise And Worship music.
Brownsvl -Praise&Worship style [BROWNSVL.STY]
Slow Pop 16ths w/ 5 inst.- piano, bass, drums 9, guitar 28 & organ 19. 'a' sec is quiet and un-busy. At 'b', add guitar, busier organ, tamb. & claps, busier drums w/16th feel. T=75
Crystal -Praise&Worship style [CRYSTAL.STY]
This is a slow 16ths Pop-Rock style with 5 insts - clav, frt. bass, elec. drums (25), Fr. Horn & Strings. Backbeat at 'a'. Bigger sound at 'b'. T=72
Faith -Praise&Worship style [FAITH.STY]
Combines 2 styles in one - funky swing 16ths at 'a', double time - driving' feel with bass in '4' at 'b'. 5 inst. - piano, bass, drums, guitar & organ T=120
Forever -Praise&Worship style [FOREVER.STY]
Soft & gentle Pop 8ths style with 5 insts - el. piano, frt. bass, strings(50), strings (49) & un-busy drums. 'a' sec.- string bg's. 'b' sec.- higher strings and more intensity. T=68
Forgiven -Praise&Worship style [FORGIVEN.STY]
This is a soft acoustic folk-pop style with 5 insts - el. piano, bass, drums, nylon guitar & ac. guitar. T=95
Glory -Praise&Worship style [GLORY.STY]
This is a medium Pop/Rock 8ths style with 5 insts - el.piano, Synbass (39), strat guitar, drums & strings. T=100
Grace -Praise&Worship style [GRACE.STY]
This is a medium Pop 16 style with 5 insts- el. piano, bass, drums, muted guitar & brass. The 'b' section is bigger and more intense. T=100
Haleluia -Praise&Worship style [HALELUIA.STY]
Soft Pop medium tempo with 5 insts - piano arps., bass, guitar, strings & drums. 'a' is soft with Alberti piano. 'b' - big backbeat & strat guitar added. T=100
Hosanna -Praise&Worship style [HOSANNA.STY]
This is a medium-tempo Country-Swing style with 5 insts - frt. bass, ac. guitar, strat guitar & organ. T=155
Jacque -Praise&Worship style [JACQUE.STY]
Latin-Rock style with 5 insts - ac. piano, bass, organ, strat & drums. The drum figure has a Latin flavor throughout. Repeated rhythmic motif at 'a'. More intensity at 'b'. T=95
Kingdom -Praise&Worship style [KINGDOM.STY]
Soft pop-folk 16ths w/ 2 ac. guitars (16th strum & 8th arps.) 5 insts-2 ac. guitars, bass, strings & light drums. Softer at 'a'. At 'b', drums - soft backbeat & higher strings. T=85
Ministry -Praise&Worship style [MINISTRY.STY]
Bouncy-swing style with 5 insts - piano, bass, drums (big back beat at 'b'), ac. guitar (easy folk strum) & organ (easy at 'a', fuller at 'b'). T=95
Morning -Praise&Worship style [MORNING.STY]
This style has a Pop - Latin feel. 5 insts - ac. piano, el. bass, mt. guitar, drums & choir. Vocal background throughout. Section 'b' is more intense. T=104
Praise -Praise&Worship style [PRAISE.STY]
This is a simple 3/4 Praise and Worship style with 5 insts - ac. guitar-strumming, organ, piano, drums & bass. T=95
Revealed -Praise&Worship style [REVEALED.STY]
Med-slow pop 16ths with a warm string section and arpeggiated guitar sound. 5 insts - ac. guitar, fr. bass, Atmosphere (100), strings (50). T=105
Revival -Praise&Worship style [REVIVAL.STY]
This is a medium - fast rock style with 5 insts - ac. piano, el. bass, drums, strat guitar and organ. T=155
Saved -Praise&Worship style [SAVED.STY]
This is an exuberant, Congregational, up-tempo 8ths rock style with 5 insts - ac. piano (2), bass (34) , drums, guitar (28) and organ (19). More intensity at 'b'. T=155
Spirit -Praise&Worship style [SPIRIT.STY]
Medium - fast shuffle style with 5 insts - piano, bass, drums, guitar & brass section. Spirited, congregational feel. At 'b' - more intense, add hand-claps & tamb. T=175
Twila1 -Praise&Worship style [TWILA1.STY]
This ia a fast 3/4 rock style with 5 insts - piano, bass, drums, PolySynth GM 91 & slow strings. T=180
Worship -Praise&Worship style [WORSHIP.STY]
A slow 16th Pop-Rock ballad style with 5 insts - el. piano (6), bass (36), guitar (28), drums, strings (50). The 'a' section is un-busy. Busier with big back beat at 'b'. T=85
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