MIDI Styles Set 32: Alternative Contemporary Rock
This collection features 20 great new Alternative Contemporary Rock, Hip Hop and Pop styles. This broad spectrum of contemporary Pop/Rock grooves range from the commercially successful off-center Pop styles of Alternative Rock to down-tempo, Jazz-inflected Trip Hop. Influenced by the styles of artist like: SherylC, Nelle, Pinc, KellyO, Minem, Mobe, Blink, AvrilL, JanetJ, Crede, AliciaK, Our Lady Piece and JenniferL. Styles Set 32 is a collective study of recent trends in popular music. 20 included Styles: TripHop; AltRock; HipHop; RockTronica; PopBallad; ModernRock; SoulGroove, and Dance.
Alternative Rock 1 style [ALTROCK1.STY]
Alternative Contemporary Rock with even 8ths feel. 5 instruments: Acoustic Guitar, Bass, Drums & High Synth at "a." Add Distorted Electric Guitar at "b." Tempo = 150-190
Alternative Rock 2 style [ALTROCK2.STY]
Hard Alternative Rock with even 16ths. Starts with Drums & Organ, then adds Bass & Electric Guitars at "b." 5 instruments: Bass, Room Drums, Distorted & Overdriven Guitars & Organ. Tempo = 70-100
Alternative Rock 3 style [ALTROCK3.STY]
16th note Alternative Rock style with Bass & Drums at "a." Add Electric Guitars & Synth at "b." 5 Instruments: Electric Bass, Room Drums, Distorted Guitar, Pad-Halo, Rock Organ. Tempo = 80-100
Alternative Rock 4 style [ALTROCK4.STY]
Medium even 8ths Alternative Rock style with finger Bass, Power Drums & Strat Guitar at "a." Add low Strings and loud electric Guitar & Tambourine at "b." Tempo = 100-145
Dance 3 - even 8th dance feel [DANCE3.STY]
Bright even 8ths Dance feel with 5 instruments: Power Drums, Synth Bass, Crystal Atmosphere comping, Strat Guitar Comping, Brass Shots, Tambourine & extra Drum sounds at "b." Tempo = 150-190
Dance 4 - pop-rock Dance style [DANCE4.STY]
Bright Pop-Rock Dance style with Synth Bass1, Drums & Organ comping figure at "a." At "b" add Hi Synth Strings Pad, Poly Synth & Percussion. Tempo = 100-140
Hip Hop 3 - sw. 16ths groove [HIPHOP3.STY]
Contemporary slower Swing 16ths Hip Hop feel with TR-808 Drums, Synth Bass, Electric Piano at "0a." Add Acoustic Piano 8th notes & Strings, Percussion at "b." Tempo = 75-110
Hip Hop 4 - funky hip hop groove [HIPHOP4.STY]
Funky Swing 16th Hip Hop. 5 instruments: Bass, Drums, Electric Piano, Electric Guitar picking at "a." Add Synth & Funkier Drum & Guitar rhythms at "b." Tempo = 80-110
Hip Hop 5 - funky, sw. 16ths hip [HIPHOP5.STY]
Funky Swing 16ths Hip Hop style. Electric Piano, Synth Bass, TR-808 Drums. Add Funky Electric Guitar comping, Congas and Brass shots at "b." Tempo = 70-110
Hip Hop 6 - Bright Beat hip hop [HIPHOP6.STY]
Bright Beat even 8ths Hip Hop with 5 instruments: Bass, Drums, Harp Ostinato 8ths, Low String Pad. Add bright Piano and High Strings at "b." Tempo = 100-135
Modern Rock 1 - Ev. 8ths Rock [MODROK1.STY]
Even 8ths modern Rock sound with Poly Synth ostinato & Low Drone, Power Drums at "a." At "b" add Electric Guitar, Slap Bass, Poly Synth & Hi Pad, Power Kit Drums. Tempo = 120-155
Modern Rock 2 style [MODROK2.STY]
Modern Rock with 16th based feel, pushes on "and of 2." 5 instruments: Power Drums, Synth Bass1, Acoustic Piano comping with pushes, Pad Halo. Add extra drums at "b." Tempo = 80-120
Pop Ballad 2 style [POPBALL2.STY]
This Pop Ballad style begins with Piano, quiet String Pad. At "b", add soft Shaker-Tambourine & Drums, Hi Strings, Acoustic finger-style Guitar. Tempo = 60-95
Pop Ballad 3 - Slow Pop Rock Bal [POPBALL3.STY]
Rock-Pop ballad with acoustic Guitar strumming, Fretless Bass long tones, Pad-Bowed at "a." Add Hi Strings, Snare Drum on 2&4 at "b." Tempo = 70
RockTronica 1 - bright dance gro [ROKTRON1.STY]
Bright Dance with Electronica aspects. Includes 5 instruments: Synth Bass1, Electronic Drums, Muted Electric Guitar. Add High Poly Synth 8th notes & Distorted Guitar at "b." Tempo = 110-145
RockTronica 2 - Up-Beat Electron [ROKTRON2.STY]
Upbeat Electronica with Rock aspects. 5 instruments: Synth Bass, electronic Drums, Overdriven Guitar, Echosweep. Add Pad Sweep Synth & Euro-Disco beat at "b." Tempo = 120-160
Soul Groove 1 - slow pop groove [SOULGRV1.STY]
Slow soulful Pop groove with 5 instruments: Electric Piano, Slap Bass1, Drums, Low String Pad. Add Muted Guitar, Hi Strings & Percussion at "b." Tempo = 60-110
Soul Groove 2 - soulful slow gro [SOULGRV2.STY]
Soulful slow groove with 5 instruments: Electric Piano (add chorus), Fretless Bass (add chorus) & Drums at "a." Add Organ and Muted Guitar at "b." Tempo = 60-100
Trip Hop 1 - even 16ths Rock [TRIPHOP1.STY]
Contemporary Rock (even 16ths feel) featuring the Rap TR-808 Drum set. 5 instruments: Soft Pad, Electric Piano, Drums, Synth Bass1 & acoustic Guitar. Tempo = 135
Trip Hop 2 - Contemp. dance groo [TRIPHOP2.STY]
Contemporary Dance feel ala DestinysC & JanetJ. Acoustic Guitar & Bass riff. 5 instruments: Acoustic Guitar, Santur, Synth Bass2, Drums, Synth String1. Tempo = 110-135
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