MIDI Styles Set 42: Crossover
With 20 great new Nashville-created styles for Band-in-a-Box, Styles Set 42, Crossover, is comprised of a wide variety of contemporary styles from several genres of music including Rock, Country, Pop, Alternative, and more. These styles feature live drums, live MIDI guitar patterns, punchy bass lines, and in-the-pocket keyboards. Styles like CR_NORAH, CR_MAYER, CR_ERIC, CR_TRACY, CR_BETH cover many of today's Pop, Rock and Country grooves by artists such as JohnM, LisaM, MichelB, and more.
Cr_Allay - Crossover Style [CR_ALLAY.STY]
Slow to Medium Crossover Groove with sw. 8th Blues Rock Feel. T=90-120
Cr_Allis - Crossover Style [CR_ALLIS.STY]
Slow to Medium Crossover Groove with ev. 8th Bluegrass/Country feel. T=105-130
Cr_Beth - Crossover Style [CR_BETH.STY]
Slow to Medium Crossover Groove with ev. 8th Latin Rock feel. T=90-116
Cr_Bonne - Crossover Style [CR_BONNE.STY]
Medium Tempo Crossover Groove with sw. 8th Blues Rock/Country feel. T=90-135
Cr_Brach - Crossover Style [CR_BRACH.STY]
Medium Tempo Crossover Groove with ev. 16ths Rock /Country feel. T=96-112
Cr_Eric - Crossover Style [CR_ERIC.STY]
Medium Tempo Crossover Groove with ev. 8th R&B Rock/Country Feel. T=88-102
Cr_John - Crossover Style [CR_JOHN.STY]
Medium Tempo Crossover Groove with ev. 16th Rock/Country feel. T=90-106
Cr_Jones - Crossover Style [CR_JONES.STY]
Ballad Tempo Crossover Groove with ev. 8 Jazz Feel. T=80-116
Cr_Kembo - Crossover Style [CR_KEBMO.STY]
Medium Tempo Crossover Groove with ev. 16th Blues Rock/Country feel. T=80-90
Cr_Lisa - Crossover Style [CR_LISA.STY]
Dark 3/4 Crossover Groove with ev. 8th Rock/Country Feel. T=125-150
Cr_Mayer - Crossover Style [CR_MAYER.STY]
Medium Tempo Crossover Groove with ev. 16 Rock/Country feel. T=90-104
Cr_Miche - Crossover Style [CR_MICHE.STY]
Medium Tempo Crossover Groove with ev. 16th Rock/Country feel. T=90-104
Cr_Nick - Crossover Style [CR_NICK.STY]
Medium Tempo Crossover Groove with Blues even 8th Rock/Country feel. T=100-145
Cr_Norah - Crossover Style [CR_NORAH.STY]
3/4 Crossover Groove with sw. 8 Country Feel. T=75-110
Cr_Paula - Crossover Style [CR_PAULA.STY]
Medium Tempo Crossover Groove with ev. 8 Rock/Country feel. T=80-110
Cr_Sarah - Crossover Style [CR_SARAH.STY]
Medium Tempo Crossover Groove with ev. 8 Rock/Country Feel. T=80-110
Cr_Tracy - Crossover Style [CR_TRACY.STY]
Medium Tempo Crossover Groove with ev. 8 Blues Rock/Country Feel. T=95-120
Cr_Train - Crossover Style [CR_TRAIN.STY]
Medium Tempo Ballad Crossover Groove with ev. 16 Rock/Country feel. T=70-90
Cr_Trany - Crossover Style [CR_TRANY.STY]
Medium Tempo Ballad Crossover Groove with ev. 16 Rock/Country Feel. T=80-110
Cr_Wall - Crossover Style [CR_WALL.STY]
Medium Tempo Ballad Crossover Groove with ev. 8th Rock/Country feel. T=95-115
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