MIDI Styles Set 46: Requested 4
This set features more great styles suggested by our customers in the Styles Wishlist forum - styles like SkaNew.sty, Horton3.sty, Slackrs.sty, Toastrs.sty, and 9/8Jig.sty. Also included are fretboard styles that take advantage of the new Fretboard Tunings available with Band-in-a-Box 2005, such as DADGAD, Drop D, Open G, Nashville, and more.
Chuk Rock - Basic 60s rock [CHUKROK.STY]
Medium-up tempo even 8ths feel. 4 Insts: ac. piano, el. bass, mt. guitar, and drums. The guitar and piano usually push into every 2nd bar. Intensity increase at 'b'. T=145
DADGAD - alternate guitar tuning [DADGAD1.STY]
This style features 2 guitars using the alternate guitar tuning known as "DADGAD". With this tuning, both of the open "E"s are tuned down to "D"s. The 'Guitar' track features a finger pickin style. The 'String' track features strumming. To see the DADGAD tuning in action (and also to learn the chord voicings, positions etc.) open the Guitar fretboard window and choose to display either 'G' or 'S' (Guitar or Strings) - the 2 DADGAD guitar tracks. Then, additionally, view the actual voicings in notation. This style was fairly easy to create using the Stylemaker 'Macro' feature. The ac. Bass enters at 'b'. This is a great way to learn the chord shapes for DADGAD tuning. Use this style with any tune or chord progression then check out the guitar part on the fretboard display. For closer examination, use ctrl-right or ctrl-left to toggle forward and backwards. T=200
DADGAD High Strung- alternate gu [DADGADHI.STY]
A smooth, slow, simple, 70s & 80s Pop-Rock ballad with a swing feel. The 12 string guitar gets a nice easy strumming sound. In this style, the 12 string guitar features the High Strung DADGAD tuning. The tuning is D(8va),A(8va),D(8va), G,A,D. High Strung - sometimes known as "Nashville tuning" consists of tuning the lower 3 strings UP an octave. There are other variations of Nashville and other octave tuning alterations. T=80
Drop D tuning -Med. Sw. Nylon Gu [DROP_D.STY]
Drop D Guitar tuning - Med tempo swing rhythm Nylon guitar. This style demonstrates the "Drop D" guitar tuning. For the Drop D tuning, the low E is dropped to D. You can view the voicings on the guitar Fretboard. Use this style whenever you need the Drop D tuning. It's also a great way to learn all of the Drop D voicings. Just generate a tune with any chord progression, and watch the Fretboard display with "G" checked. T=100
Drop D Hi - med. 2-beat Ctry [DROPD_HI.STY]
This style features the DropD tuning with the lower 3 strings of the ac. guitar transposed up one octave. A medium 2-beat Country swing featuring "High-strung" Drop D acoustic guitar strumming. The "Nashville" type transposition of the lower 3 strings up an octave gives the Guitar a more cutting-through middle range sound - with close voicings. T=118
Double Drop D - alt. guitar tuni [DROPDDHI.STY]
Double Drop D tuning - with the lower 3 strings tuned an octave above. A medium 2-beat Country swing featuring High-strung Double Drop D acoustic guitar strumming. Tuning low to high: D (8va), A (8va), D (8va), G, B, D. Check out the sound of the Double DropD_Hi tuning on the guitar fretboard (select "G"). As you can see, the chord voicings are the same, but in the notation window you can see that the lower 3 strings are an octave higher. T=108
Double Drop D - slow 50s swing b [DUBDROPD.STY]
Double Drop D tuning - on ac. guitar. Guitar tuning low to high - DADGBD. Check out the Double Drop D tuning on the Guitar fretboard. This is a slow 50s swing ballad style with rhythm section and strings. T=85
Open E High Strung -loose 16ths [E_OPENHI.STY]
This style features the Open E High Strung guitar tuning - The guitar is tuned to and open E chord. The lower 3 strings are up an octave. Tuning - from low to high - E (8va), B (8va), E (8va), G#, B, E. Check out the guitar chording - "G" on the guitar Fretboard. A great way to learn about Open E tuning. In this case the chords are the same but the lower 3 strings are up an octave. T=105
E,A,D strings high - even 8ths, [EAD_HIGH.STY]
This even 8ths, 60s style features an ac. guitar using the "High Strung" or "Nashville-type" tuning. With "High Strung" tuning, the low E, A and D strings on the guitar are tuned one octave higher. The fretboard displays normal voicings and chord shapes. The Notation displays the transposed notes. You'll notice some duplicated notes and closer voicings. The strumming tends to cut through very well since it's in a more middle range. The effect is almost like having a Ukulele with a guitar sound and more possibilities. T=160
Fast Rock 1 - even 8, 60s Rock [FASTROK1.STY]
Fast Rock 1 - ev. 8, 60s Rock & Roll. 5 instruments: piano, el. bass, el. guitar (28/1), drums. Organ pad Guit chuck lick at 'a'. High chicks at 'b'. Organ pad. Bass 8ths. Less busy at 'b'. T=160
High strung - Nashville guitar [HISTRUNG.STY]
High strung refers to tuning one or more strings up an octave. It's sometimes called "Nashville" tuning. In this case, the 3 bottom strings are transposed up an octave. This produces interesting sounding close voicings. The guitar fretboard display will show the regular chord patterns. Peaceful - quiet, slow even 8ths, with arpeggios (no drums or bass). T=84
Hobo1 - Fast Folk even 8ths styl [HOBO1.STY]
A Folksy style with a fast even 8ths feel. Features 2 acoustic guitars (Nylon and acoustic) for the 'a' section. Both guitars use the Open G tuning*. Add ac. Bass at 'b'. No drums. T=60
Jazz Quartet - med- tempo Jazz s [JAZZ~QT.STY]
A 4-instrument med-tempo Jazz swing style. Ac. piano, ac. bass, drums with brushes and very soft '4-to-the-bar' ac. guitar. Bass in '2' at 'a'. In '4' at 'b'. For the C minor blues demo, a solo was generated using Soloist 311 -Tenor Sax - Older Swing - Medium tempo. T=160
Jumpin - even 8ths, med-fast, 80 [JUMPIN.STY]
Jumpin - even 8ths, med-fast, 80s style Rock. Bass on repeated staccato 8ths. Syncopated rhythm at 'b' - based on groupings of three 8th- notes. T=140
Maytal1 - lazy swing Ska style [MAYTAL1.STY]
This is a Ska style with a lazy swing feel. In typical Ska fashion, the bass is predominant with very melodic lines and lots of breathing room. The even 8ths are slightly swung. T=140
Open E Tuning - Even 8ths, Folk [OPEN_E.STY]
Even 8ths, Folk. This style features the Open E tuning - on the acoustic guitar 'string' instrument'. The Open E tuning is (from low to high) E, B, E, G#, B, E. If you view the String instrument (ac. guitar Open E tuning) on the fretboard display, you can see how complex chords can be played with fairly easy guitar voicings. T=115
Open G tuning - swing 16ths Coun [OPENG.STY]
A Country Folk swing 16 ths with ac. bass (4 to the bar), piano, 12 string guitar strumming (using Open G tuning*) & drums. Slow strings at 'b'. *The Open G tuning is (low to high) D G D G B D. Major chords are played by barring with one finger across all strings.This type of tuning is used a lot in the Folk, Rock,Country and Ethnic genres. T=120
Open G High tuning - Even 8ths, [OPENG_HI.STY]
This style features the Open G - Hi Strung tuning - on the acoustic guitar 'string' instrument'. The OpenG Hi Strung tuning is (from low to high) D (8va), G(8va), D(8va), G, B, D. T=78-98
Peaceful - quiet and tranquil 16 [PEACEFUL.STY]
Peaceful - a very quiet and tranquil style with 2 acoustic guitars* - strumming and with arpeggios - in a slow, even 8ths feel. Pop- New Age feel. At 'b', add quiet ac. bass and shaker. Underlying 16th feel. The 2 ac. guitars feature the "High strung" tuning. The lower 3 strings are tuned up an octave. Slow tempos. T=75
Reggae Funk - 16ths loose Reggae [REGAEFNK.STY]
Contemporary slow swing 16ths Reggae. Laid-back feel w/ funky bass rhythm & percussive drums. T=87
Rock 2-beat - Ev. 16ths with bac [ROK2BEAT.STY]
Rock 2-beat - Even 16ths with back beat on 2 & 4. T=117
SkaLite 1 - jazz flavored Ska st [SKALITE1.STY]
SkaLite 1 - this is Ska style - with a bit of a jazz flavour. The ac. bass plays 4 to the bar throughout and the guitar plays off-beats and rhythmic feels. Bright Piano, ac. bass, el. guitar (28/1) and drums. Horns at 'b'. T=130
Slackr1 - Fast ev. 8 Ska style [SLACKR1.STY]
ast Ska style with Even 8ths feel. Energetic feel. T=160
Slip Jig 1 - 9/8 Celtic Jig [SLIPJIG1.STY]
A 9/8 Celtic Jig is sometimes referred to as a Slip Jig. Essentially 3 beats per bar, subdivided into 8th note triplets. T=110
StevieW4 - Hip Hip rock style [STEVIEW4.STY]
StevieW4 - Hip rock style with fast 4/4 swing 8ths feel. Swing feel is in-between even and swing 8ths. Fast 4/4 feel with backbeat on the 3rd beat of each bar. T=205
Toastr1 - up-tempo SKA style [TOASTR1.STY]
Up-tempo SKA style. Guitar & piano play off-beat 8th patterns against the downbeats of the bass. T=90-160
Zydeco3 - Funky med. even 8ths [ZYDECO3.STY]
Loose Cajun Zydeco style w/ funky ev. 8ths (slightly swung). T=90-140
9/8 Irish Jig - aka 'Slip Jig' [98_JIG.STY]
Irish Jig (sometimes referred to as a 'Slip Jig'). Each bar has a pulse of 3 (like 3/4 time) except that each beat is subdivided into 3 beats (as in a regular Jig). T=125
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