MIDI Styles Set 51: Brit 80s Rock 2
Let's face it, the second British Rock invasion, in the 1980s, yielded far too many mega-hit grooves to be covered in just one Styles Set. That's why we've created this great new Styles Set 51 (a continuation of Styles Set 49) Brit 80s Rock-2, with 20 all-new Styles. Inspired by the grooves and sounds that came out of the British Rock groups of the 1980s, the Styles in Brit 80s Rock-2 cover rhythmic feels like: slow, medium and fast tempos, even and swung 8th and 16ths ballads, Rock-Latin, Reggae, Rock-Country, Rock-Jazz, Rock-Blues, and more.
Bowey3 - Brit 80s ev.8 Rock [BOWEY3.STY]
Fast ev.8 Rock style w/ 5 instruments: - strat guitar, syn bass.39/1, H-Tonk Piano 4/1, PwrDrs17. Oohs at 'b'. At 'a': heavy b-beat, 8th push into 3rd beat. Examples: Modern Love, I Want to Hold Your Hand. T=170
BoyG_Lat - 80s Rock-Latin [BOYG_LAT.STY]
'80s Rock-Latin w/ 5 instruments: - frt. bass, strat, drums & percussion, marimba, brass (2-part fills). Bass, guitar & marimba play syncopated 16ths. Examples: I'll Tumble for You, Brazil. T=105
Clashin1 - 80s Rock ev8 blues [CLASHIN1.STY]
Ev.8 Rock Blues. Band answers the melody. Use with pickup melodies. At B, dbl-time 2-beat. 4 instruments: dist. g, dist g. 13/2, el. b, PwrDrs. Examples: Should I Stay Or... , Blues Rock tunes. T=112
Coppers2 - ev.8, 80s Rock [COPPERS2.STY]
Up-tempo ev.8 Rock w/5 instruments: - Dist. rhythm guitar 31/1, clean guitar (4 to the bar chicks), syn bass 1 (w/ thumb perc. effect), drums. Organ & Looser feel at 'b'. Examples: Roxanne, Hard Day's Night.. T=130
Cultist1 - Brit 80s ev,8 Rock [CULTIST1.STY]
Even 8ths feel (conga plays 16ths), w/ 5 instruments: syn bass 1, strat 28/1, drums & percussion, poly synth, dist rhythm g 31/1. Driving feel at 'b'. Examples: Rock the Casbah, You Won't See Me. T=125
DavidB2 - Ev8 80s Brit Rock [DAVIDB2.STY]
'80s Brit ev.8 Rock w/ 5 instruments: - Syn Bass 1, el. drums 25, strat, Brass 62, Guitar 28/1. Echo effect w/ guitars. Electronic Drums 25. Examples: Let's Dance, Stand By Me. T=110
Def3 - 80s Brit Rock quasi balla [DEF3.STY]
With this ev.8 half time ballad, 2 bars at T=120 feels like 1 bar at T=60. 5 instruments: el. bass, ac. guitar (arps & strums), atmos.(arps), halo pad, drums.Examples: Love Bites, Hello. T=125
DireFast - 80s Rock-Country [DIREFAST.STY]
Up-tempo ev.8 Rock Country feel. 5 instruments: mt. guitar, Dist guitar 31/1, el. bass, drums, poly synth pad. Examples: Money for Nothing, Deacon Blues. T=135
DireMood - Brit 80s Pop-Rock [DIREMOOD.STY]
Pop-Rock-Country ev.8 style w/ 5 instruments: ac. Guitar (strums), jazz guitar (fills ala MarkK et al), el. bass, drums, slow strings. Examples: Sultans of Swing, Blue Bayou. T=135
DS_FstCt - Brit 80s Country Rock [DS_FSTCT.STY]
Ev.8 Country Rock 2-step feel w/ 5 instruments:- el. bass, strat, dist. guitar 31/1 (power chord 8ths), drums, organ. Examples: Walk of Life, Proud Mary. T=150
DurDSlow - Brit 80s Rock ballad [DURDSLOW.STY]
Slow ev.16ths Brit 80s Rock ballad w/ 5 instruments: Frt. bass, drums, Nyl. guitar (26/3), Strat (28/1). Slow Strings at 'b'. 2 guitars play syncopated 16ths comping. Examples: Ordinary World, Hey Jude. T=70
Fast8Rock -ev8 Brit 80s fast Roc [FAST8ROK.STY]
Fast ev.8 Rock w/ 5 instruments: ac. guitar (strum), frt. bass (rep. 8th notes), strat 28/1 (held power chords), dist guitar 31/1 (power chords). power drums 17. Examples: She Sells Sanctuary, Satisfaction. T=130
Genis2 - slow ev.16 80s Rock [GENIS2.STY]
Slow ev.16 Brit 80s Rock with an hypnotic, primitive feel. 5 instruments: - syn bass 1, dist guitar 31/1, poly syn, bass-lead 88 (16th note double stops), power drums 17. Examples: Mama, We Are the World. T=85
GeorgeM2 - 80s, sw.16 Rock [GEORGEM2.STY]
Loose swing 16th Rock feel w/ 5 instruments: frt. bass, drums, ac. Guitar (w/ 'high-strung' tuning), poly synth. Oohs at 'b'. Ac. Guitar - palm-damped 'Bo-Diddley' strum. Examples: Faith, Bye Bye Love. T=90
Gumshoe - Brit 80s Reggae-Rock [GUMSHOE.STY]
Very loose ev.8 Reggae-Rock feel w/ 5 instruments: mt. guitar (comp), ac. guitar (strum), frt. bass, drums, organ (shots and fills). Examples: Watching the Detectives, Swing Reggae. T=130
Queeny16 - Ev.16 Brit 80s Rock [QUEENY16.STY]
Ev.16 Brit 80s Rock w/ 5 instruments: El. bass, ac. piano, syn. bass 1 (16th arps), warm pad, power drums 17. Bigger sound at 'b'. Examples: Radio Gaga, My Way. T=100
Queeny2 - 80s Brit ev.16 Pop-Roc [QUEENY2.STY]
'80s Brit ev.16 Pop-Rock feel w/ 5 instruments: el. bass 34 (syncopated 16ths), drums, el. guitar 28/1 (strum), organ 19 (comp), slow strings (on bars 5,6,7,& 8). Examples: Another One Bites the Dust, Play That Funky Music. T=100
Sadee2 - Brit 80s, ev.16 Jazz-Ro [SADEE2.STY]
Brit 80s, ev.16 (slightly swung), Jazz-flavored Rock. Percussion-oriented drums. 5 instruments: - el. guitar 28/1, ac. bass, drums, el. piano 2, slow strings. Examples: The Sweetest Taboo, Any Bossa, Corcovado. T=83
TFF_Rok1 - ev.16, Brit 80s Rock [TFF_ROK1.STY]
Slow ev.16, Brit 80s Rock w/ 5 instruments: el. guitar 28/1, syn bass 1, drums, atmosphere 100 (16th arps), syn strings. Bigger sound at 'b'. Examples: Shout, Killing Me Softly. T=93
TuxRok1 - Med. ev.8 Brit 80s Roc [TUXROK1.STY]
Med-slow, even 8ths, Brit 80s rock w/ big back-beat. 5 instruments: syn bass 1, strat, dist. guitar, power drums 17, strings. Different feel and bigger sound at 'b'. Examples: Addicted To Love, Hard Day's Night. T=112
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