MIDI Styles Set 63: All Blues 2
The Blues have made a dynamic contribution to the development of today's music. This styles set adds another 20 exciting Blues styles that range from older Delta Blues to the newer city Blues. Titles such as Cray1, Raitt1, BeeBSlo, Jreed, and AlKing1 faithfully represent the best of the Blues tradition - both old and new.
BeeB Slow - Slow 12/8 Blues [BEEBSLO.STY]
low 12/8 Blues (a la BBK, AlbertK and others), featuring a full band. The drums play ride cymbal and sidestick for the "A" sections, then switch to snare at "B". The Bass plays a simple slow shuffle part, and the HonkyTonk Piano adds chords and fills. At "B" the Piano plays triplets with the right hand only, while the electric Muted Guitar plays short chord shots on 2 and 4. The Drawbar Organ plays a chord pad at "A" and switches to a Rock Organ sound at "B". T=45-75
Blues Jump - Blues Shuffle [BLJUMP1.STY]
Swing Blues Shuffle Jump, (a la LouisJ, BBK and others), ideal for swing-blues in major keys. This style features the Acoustic Bass and Left Hand of the Piano doubling a classic blues walking bass line. The Piano RH and Snare drum play off-beat 8ths, while the Trumpet and Tenor Sax play jump blues riffs in unison and harmony every other 2 bars. At "B", bongo drums are added, and the horn riffs change. T=100-200
Blues Tracy - Soulful Blues Rock [BLTRACY.STY]
Soulful even 8ths Blues Rock a la BobbyBB, TracyC etc. This style features features Clean Electric Guitar playing a repetitive comping pattern, while Acoustic Piano adds chords and fills. Drums and Bass lay down a steady groove emphasizing the 1 and "and of 2". Also featured is the rock organ which adds a few fills and chords. At "B" the general level goes up, and Drums switch to ride cymbal. Also added is a tambourine, which plays on 2 and 4. T=70-120
BluesWolf - Slow Blues Shuffle [BLWOLF.STY]
Primitive Blues Shuffle, a la HowlinW, MuddyW and others. In this style the bass is played using a jazz guitar patch, and honky tonk piano plays simple blues chords with the right hand only. The drums play a simple shuffle part, and the clean electric guitar adds basic open chords. At "B" harmonica enters with some blues riffs in the background, and the drums play a slightly busier groove. T=80-130
Blues 12/8 - Slow 12/8 Blues [BLZ128.STY]
Slow and gritty 12/8 Urban Blues, a la AlbertK, BuddyG and others. This style features Piano, El. Bass and Drums with some horn backing at the "B" sections. The Piano plays simple accompaniment, with very few fills. The Bass plays a simple walking line, and the drums stick to HiHat, Snare and Kick throughout. At "B" the Trumpets and Tenor sax play held chords. T=50-100
BobbyBB - 12/8 Barrelhouse Blues [BOBBYBB.STY]
12/8 Barrelhouse Blues, Late 50's a la BobbyBB, BBK and others. This style features HonkTonk Piano, Acoustic Bass, Drums, Clean Electric Guitar, with Brass in at "B". The drums play a jazzy part, using snare, kick drum and ride cymbal. The piano plays a funky chordal accompaniment at "A" and then plays triplet figures in a higher register at "B".The electric guitar plays a simple chordal part. The acoustic bass plays a simple slow shuffle line throughout. At "B" Brass joins in and adds to the intensity, as the overall level goes up.
BoDid 1 - Rockabilly Blues [BODID1.STY]
Bright '2 Beat' Rockabilly Blues, a la BoD, GatemthB and others. This style features Acoustic Guitars strumming, Acoustic Bass playing a simple 2 beat bass line, and Drums playing kick drum on 1 and 3, snare on 2 and 4, and ride cymbal. Also included in the "A" sections are shaker and simple clean Electric Guitar parts. At "B" tambourine is added, and the Clean Electric Guitar adds fills. T=160-250
BonnieR - Med. Blues Shuffle [BONNIER.STY]
Acoustic Guitar driven Medium Blues Shuffle, a la BonnieR, EricB and others. This style features Acoustic Guitar, El. Bass and Brushes drum kit. At "B" a tambourine is added on 2&4, and Voice Oohs are also added. At "B" the Drums play a bit louder. T=70-130
BuddyG - Raucous 12/8 Blues [BUDDYG.STY]
Really Loud Rocking 12/8 Blues a la StevieR, BuddyG and others. This style features a repetitive riff doubled by the overdrive electric guitar and the electric bass, along with piano comping and loud hi-hat based drumming at "A". At "B" the drums switch to ride cymbal, and Rock Organ is added. At "B" the Piano plays in a higher register, playing more triplet chords. T=60-120
Canned 1 - Ev.8 Rock Blues [CANNED1.STY]
This 4/4 Rockin' Blues style is based on the grooves of free-wheeling Blues-Rock bands. The Electric bass plays a simple quarter note figure, while the drums play 8th's on the ride, with sidestick on 2&4. The Electric Piano and Clean Electric Guitar play classic rock-boogaloo comping figures. At "B" the drum switches to snare drum, and an overdrive guitar plays off-beat 8ths. T=120-180
Cray 1 - 90's Rock Blues [CRAY1.STY]
Loud, Rockin' 90's Blues a la RobertC, JimmieV and others. This straight 8th rock blues style features Clean Electric Guitar and MidTone Electric Guitar sharing the comping. The Electric Grand Piano provides rhythmical chording and blues riffs and the Electric Bass and Drums lay down a steady rock groove. At "B" the volume goes up to add intensity. Add lots of reverb to get that big 90's sound! T=90-140
JimmyR - Slow Blues Shuffle [JIMMYR.STY]
Primitive (Medium Slow) Blues Shuffle a la JimmyR, HowlinW and others. A sections have just 2 guitars (Clean Electric and Acoustic) playing roughly the same parts, along with a steady kick drum playing quarter notes. At "B" the drums play HighHats, Kick and tom fills, and Acoustic Bass enters playing simple quarter notes. T=70-130
Mildred - Sw.8 20 [MILDRED.STY]
Older style 1920's Jazz a la LouisA, MildredB and others. This style features left-hand Stride Piano, Tuba, and old trap kit (wood blocks, snare drum, kick-drum, and splash (sock) cymbal). At "A" the drums stick mostly to the wood-blocks, then add splash cymbal and snare at "B". At "B" Banjo enters, as well as clarinet, which adds background fills and jazz riffs. The LH Piano is slightly louder at "B". T=80-130
Miss-JH1 - Ev.8 Country Blues [MISSJH1.STY]
'2 Beat' 1930's style, ev.8 Country blues in the style of the Delta Blues Guitarists. Features Acoustic Guitar in the "A" Sections. The Piano track (using Nylon Gtr) doubles the guitar track playing the 1and the 5 guitar bass parts, and the upper guitar string parts are played on the string track, also using a guitar sound. At "B" Drums are added (using brushes on the snare and kick drum on 1&3) creating a "Train" effect. Acoustic Bass is also added, playing simple roots on 1 and 3. T=180
OtisS - Greasy Barrelhouse Blues [OTISS.STY]
Slow "Greasy" Barrelhouse Blues Piano, a la OtisS, RayC and others, featuring lots of right hand blues piano fills! This style features the acoustic piano, with the left hand part and right hand part on separate tracks (the RH part is on the string track). The piano is accompanied by a simple kick drum, with hand-claps on 2&4. At "B" the Acoustic Bass joins in with a very simple quarter-note part. T=45-75
Piano Honk1 - Sw.8 Piano Blues [PNHONK1.STY]
Honky Tonk Blues Piano Shuffle a la MeadeLL , OtisS and others. Features left hand piano shuffle accompaniment, with right-hand piano comping and fills on the guitar track. Drums provide a simple accompaniment on brushes, while the acoustic bass lays down a simple quarter note part based on the roots of the chords. At "B" the volume of the piano goes up a bit, and a few more right-hand fills are added. T=80-140
RayCh 2 - 50 [RAYCH2.STY]
Cut Time, 2-Beat, R&B Soul (Late 50's) with ev.8 feel. This style features Piano, Bass and Drums with a Bari Sax section! The Honky Tonk Piano plays a Left Hand straight 8th Boogie Woogie bass line that doubles the Acoustic Bass. The RH of the Piano adds fills and chords. The Drums play off-beat 8ths on the snare and quarter notes on the ride cymbal. The Bari Sax plays simple roots and fills in the "A" section, and then adds chord parts at "B" plus riffs. T=100-200
TBone - Jazz sw.8 Blues [TBONE.STY]
Jazzy Blues (med. swing) a la TBoneW, RayC and others. In the "A" sections this style features walking acoustic bass, jazz brushes on high-hats, tenor saxophone jazz fills, light piano chords, and electric guitar, which adds chords and classic blues fills. At "B" the sax lays out, and the drums switch to ride cymbal and snare. T=70-130
Texas Blues - 12/8 Slow Blues [TEXASBL.STY]
Powerful (Loud) 12/8 Slow Blues, a la StevieR, LZ and others. This style features Electric Bass, Drums, and Piano playing high triplet chords. At "B" an Overdrive Electric Guitar adds long held chords, and the overall level goes up. T=45-75
WilliD - 40 [WILLID.STY]
40's Jazz Blues Boogie, a la WillieD, NatC and others. This style features the Left Hand of the Piano playing a classic Boogie Woogie bass line at "A", then adding off beat Right Hand Chords at "B". The Acoustic Bass Walks, mostly matching the notes of the piano, while the (Nylon) Guitar strums 4 beats to the bar. At "A" the Drums, using brushes only, plays a very simple quarter- note backing, then adds off-beats. T=120-200
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