Broken Wires - Urban Pop + [BRWIRES+.STY]
An even 16th Urban MultiStyle with A/B/C/D sections.?
City Slick - Urban Pop + [CITYSLK+.STY]
An even 16th MultiStyle with A/B/C/D sections. T=100
Climbing Beat - Urban Pop + [CLIMBBT+.STY]
This is a MultiStyle with A/B/C/D substyle sections. Even 16 Urban Pop MultiStyle. T=100
Drama - Urban Pop + [DRAMA+.STY]
This is an even 16 Urban Rock MultiStyle with A/B/C/D substyle sections. T=105
Good Girl - Urban Pop + [GOODGRL+.STY]
This is an even 16 Urban Rock MultiStyle with A/B/C/D substyle sections. T=105
Requiem - Urban Pop + [REQIEM+.STY]
This is an even 16 UrbanPop MultiStyle with A/B/C/D substyle sections.?
Shopping - Urban Pop + [SHOPING+.STY]
This is an Urban Pop MultiStyle with A/B/C/D substyle sections, and a triplet feel.?
Slow Hardness Urban Pop + [SLOHARD+.STY]
This is an even 16 Urban Pop MultiStyle with A/B/C/D substyle sections. The Bass (Lead 1b sine) and the Euro Hit play a repeated rhythmic pattern motif. The 60s Strings play an answer motif.?
Uplift - Urban Pop + [UPLIFT+.STY]
This medium-slow, even 16 Urban Rock MultiStyle features an active syncopated bass line with fall-offs on the first note of the bar; A/B/C/D substyle sections.?
Urban Folk - Urban Pop+ [URBFOLK+.STY]
This is a, even 16 Urban Folk Pop MultiStyle with A/B/C/D substyle sections.?
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