MIDI Styles Set 73: LA Pop Jazz
We know you’re going to really enjoy Styles Set 73 which features Pop-Rock styles with a Jazz approach and flavor – the kind of approach used by some of the L.A.-based Pop-Jazz groups. These styles work very well with sophisticated Jazz chord progressions and chord extensions – as well as simple triads.
Big Sur - LA Pop Jazz [BIGSUR.STY]
Medium-slow even 16 groove.?
Catalina - LA Pop Jazz [CATALINA.STY]
Even 16 Rock-Pop with very short bass notes and sparse comping.?
Cornado - LA Pop Jazz [CORNADO.STY]
Very simple even 8ths sparse 60s Pop/Rock with 90s hip approach.?
Diner - LA Pop Jazz [DINER.STY]
Bouncy triplet feel (fast 12/8) with a Reggae approach.?
Fernando - LA Pop Jazz [FERNANDO.STY]
Even 16 Pop-Rock with a Jazz flavor (chordal embellishment is on).?
Kneelin - LA Pop Jazz [KNEELIN.STY]
Medium even 8th feel w/ typical Pop bass pattern.?
La Jolla - LA Pop Jazz [LAJOLLA.STY]
Bluesy up-beat shuffle feel (swing 8ths). At A, exuberant shuffle rhythm with blues piano fills, and guitar pushes into beat 3. More subdued shuffle feel in B. T=132
Marimba - LA Pop Jazz [MARIMBA.STY]
Even 16 Pop Samba feel. T=108
Montego - LA Pop Jazz [MONTEGO.STY]
Medium even 8ths Light Rock. T=120
Newport - LA Pop Jazz [NEWPORT.STY]
Slow even 16 feel.?
Oakmont - LA Pop Jazz [OAKMONT.STY]
Medium even 8 Pop with a Jazz flavor.?
Palo Alto - LA Pop Jazz [PALOALTO.STY]
Even 8 - Blues-flavored light-Rock with a Jazz flavor.?
San Fran - LA Pop Jazz [SANFRAN.STY]
Triplet feel.?
Santa Monica - LA Pop Jazz [SANTAMON.STY]
Even 16 feel generated by the (Strings) Syn Bass 2 which plays short 16th-note off-beat chords throughout.?
Sasser - LA Pop Jazz [SASSER.STY]
Even 16 Pop-Rock feel w/ Chord Embellishment.?
Shiny - LA Pop Jazz [SHINY.STY]
Medium even 16ths Rock groove with Jazz inflected harmony.?
Sky Blue - LA Pop Jazz [SKYBLUE.STY]
Even 8 Light Rock. T=118
Sunset Strip - LA Pop Jazz [SUNSTRIP.STY]
Easygoing Pop triplet feel, subtle backbeat on beat 3. Piano and brass utilize embellished voicings, good with Jazz chords. Quiet Electric Guitar comp on beats 2 and 4. At B, add Brass fills. T=120
VanNuys - LA Pop Jazz [VANNUYS.STY]
Swing Shuffle Blues (triplet feel). T=128
Wheelin' - LA Pop Jazz [WHEELIN.STY]
Medium even 8ths groove with a Jazz flair.?
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