MIDI Styles Set 81: Look Ma! More MIDI 4
An assortment of old and new folk, rock, country, and rockabilly awaits you in this amazing pack of MIDI styles. "Look Ma! More MIDI" volume 4 fuses MIDI SuperTracks with classic MIDI parts to bring you new and original arrangements. Whether you're looking for half-time reggae, Celtic jigs, or bent-note country, this collection of MIDI styles is an absolute must-have!
Ale House MIDI Americana Ballad [ALEHOUSE]
A 12/8 Americana ballad that features a piano MIDI SuperTrack. Acoustic string bass, acoustic guitar, muted electric guitar, and drums join in.
Bog Dance MIDI Slow Celtic Waltz [BOGDANCE]
This slow Celtic waltz features an acoustic piano MIDI SuperTrack. Acoustic bass, nylon guitar, voice oohs, and brushes complete the arrangement.
Campout MIDI Campfire Folk Swing [CAMPOUT]
A simple MIDI campfire folk style with a swing feel. Instruments include steel-string acoustic guitar, DADGAD-tuned nylon guitar, percussion, and harmonica.
Dark Matter All-MIDI Synth Rock [DARKMATR]
This all-MIDI chugging eighth-note rock style features MIDI SuperTracks synth bass. It's joined by a synth pad, two electric guitars, and a standard drum kit.
Dawn Light MIDI Ev8 Country Rock [DAWNLITE]
An all-MIDI country rock groove with an even-eighths feel. Instruments are electric bass, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, country piano, and rock drums.
Delusion MIDI Classic Psych Rock [DELUSION]
A classic psychedelic rock style with all MIDI tracks, including MIDI SuperTracks synth piano, synth bass, muted electric guitar, strings, and drums.
Jump Up MIDI 50s Rock 'n' Roll [JUMP_UP]
This classic '50s Rock 'n' Roll style features a rockabilly swing MIDI SuperTracks piano. Acoustic bass, electric guitar, voice oohs, and drums join in.
New Start MIDI Country Ballad [NEWSTART]
A MIDI country style that features MIDI SuperTracks piano and bass. Acoustic guitar, strings, and drums join in.
Opry Time MIDI Bent-Note Country [OPRYTIME]
This classic country style features a bent-note MIDI SuperTrack piano. All tracks are MIDI, including electric bass, two guitars, and drums.
Rocky Mountain MIDI Fast Country [ROCKYMTN]
This old-timey country style has a fast native tempo and uses MIDI instruments. MIDI SuperTracks piano is joined by electric bass, acoustic guitar, and drums.
Schottis MIDI Accordion Folk [SCHOTTIS]
A Swedish schottis folk style with MIDI SuperTracks accordion. Acoustic bass, acoustic guitar, and drums are also used.
Sea Cliff MIDI Celtic Slip Jig [SEACLIFF]
A Celtic slip jig style that only uses MIDI. A MIDI SuperTrack piano is featured, and is joined by acoustic bass, two acoustic guitars, and percussion.
Stockade MIDI E Piano Rockabilly [STOCKADE]
An all-MIDI rockabilly style with MIDI SuperTrack electric piano. Acoustic bass, two electric guitars, and drums complete the band.
Sun Loft Slow MIDI Indie Pop [SUNLOFT]
This all-MIDI indie pop RealStyle has a slower tempo and features a MIDI SuperTracks bass. Jazz electric guitar, acoustic guitar, halo pad, and drums join in.
Wah Gwaan MIDI Half-Time Reggae [WAHGWAAN]
An all-MIDI reggae style with a half-time feel. MIDI SuperTracks bass and organ are featured. Muted electric guitar and drums join in.
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