
I think it has something to do with the ASIO buffer since that becomes unavailable after bb crashes. I know this from trying to logoff/login on my Win 7 machine to try to avoid a hard boot after a crash....

I think it is more than likely the case that whatever is causing the crash of BB does not allow for release of the Soundcard Driver. Therefore it is still assigned to BB, but the program is no longer available.

Some things to try:

* Use the BiaB Options -> Return to Factory Settings and hit the second button down so that the soundcard and MIDi synth choices get readdressed. This is especially important after a crash, because there is a certain file (intrface.bbw) that BB must write to when it closes down and a crash doesn't allow for that to happen. So the first crash can create a corrupted file from there on out. Return to Factory Settings rebuilds that file for you.

*Switch to MME sound drivers inside BB, just to see what happens.

*Peruse your VST/VSTi stuff that BB is pointed to, there may be one in there that is not working and playing well with BB. One way to find out is to remove all VST stuff from the folder where you've assigned BB to look for them by copying and pasting All to another folder, then start bringing in one VST at a time and start up BB, play a song and shut down BB. When you come to the "rogue" VST, I'd expect the problem to reappear and you've found the culprit.
