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August 09, 2017  -  Band-in-a-Box® 2017 Feature - Natural Arrangements!

With Band-in-a-Box® 2017, we added the Natural Arrangements option!

If you give a pro musician a complicated chord progression, with fancy extensions like C7b9b13 or Gm11, the musician may reinterpret these rather than playing them exactly as written. This can achieve a much better sounding arrangement because the musician has freedom to choose from similar chord extensions. Now you can get Band-in-a-Box to do the same thing, with options to set this on a global basis, song basis, or individual tracks!


There is an "Arrangements Options" dialog accessible within Prefs - simply choose "Arrange" and you will see on the bottom left of this dialog the option for "Natural Arrangements (re-interpret complex chords)". Within the drop-down menu for this, you can choose:
-Never (even if set in song settings)
-Disabled (unless set in song settings)
-Always for Jazz (unless disabled in song settings)
-Always for All Genres (unless disabled in song settings)

You can also choose to use this setting for just one song, using the "Song Settings" button - just choose the "Enable for this song" option within the drop-down menu on the middle right of this window.

Looking to set this for a specific track or tracks within the song? You can do this too! With the song open, go to Track Settings | Set Natural Arrangement, and select an option.

Posted on August 9, 2017 09:34 AM

Entries from August 2017:

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