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August 11, 2017  -  User Showcase Song - Tired, Drunk and Stoned

This song has a very authentic Nashville style sound to it with western and bluegrass influences. The story comes from my experiences playing many shows and getting worn so thin that sometimes you wonder if it's worth it to go on. I used all Band In A Box real tracks for the instrumental. The final mixing and vocals were done in Cubase LE AI Elements 8.

tempo 204bpm
Real Tracks used:
519, Bass, El, Pop Half Note
426 Banjo, Bluegrass
406 Guitar, Ac, Strumming
621 Pedalsteel, Bckgrd Easy
619 Guit, Res, Bckgrd, Cowboy
410 Guit, El, Rh Ctry Cowboy
601 Fiddle, Soloist, Train
436 Mandolin, Soloist, Bluegrass
412 Guitar, Electic, Soloist Cowboy

Posted on August 11, 2017 10:36 AM

Entries from August 2017:

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