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September 07, 2017  -  Macworld Review - Hands on with Band-in-a-Box 2017

Keith White has just shared his Band-in-a-Box 2017 for Mac review with us: Hands on with Band-in-a-Box 2017

While working with the new Band-in-a-Box 2017 for Mac version, Keith spent some time using the enhanced Song Titles browser feature within the StylePicker - make sure you check out his song links to hear his results!

I have used Band-in-a-Box for over 20 years professionally and have found it one of the most professional and useful programs in my arsenal. The 2017 version takes a great program to new heights.

Pros: vastly improved user control of interface; fabulous range of new sounds from all over the world: useful improvements to Song Titles Browser and Style Picker.

Cons: (as usual) can you have too much of a good thing?
-Keith White, Macworld Australia

Review - Hands on with Band-in-a-Box 2017

Posted on September 7, 2017 01:29 PM

Entries from September 2017:

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