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September 28, 2020  -  Find Your Style with the Song Titles Browser in Band-in-a-Box® 2020!

Looking for that perfect Style to start your Band-in-a-Box® project with? Don't overlook The Song Titles Browser in Band-in-a-Box®! We update this feature frequently, which allows you to search for a Style that matches a popular song based on title/artist when you type in your criteria within the StylePicker Window.

See this feature in action when you jump to the topic within our 2020 New Features video:
for Windows: 42:37
for Mac: 43:12

Didn't find the song you were searching for? Post your title request to our Wishlist forum: Songs to add to Band-in-a-Box® Titles database and alert our team to work on adding it with the next update - we think that the 3,400 new titles added with Version 2020 is proof that we're paying attention!

Posted on September 28, 2020 12:35 PM

Entries from September 2020:

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