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September 08, 2020  -  User Showcase Song - Together Again

You've all been so welcoming and encouragin when I posted my 1st song ("Light worker") that you made me feel more comfortable sharing this 2nd song I have composed and just published on Soundcloud.

Together Again

I used BIAB for the backing track:
Styles : Icepop.sty and a bit of Sputter.sty & Stutter.sty

I used MTT drums to give some more colors and variations for some fills.

I play all the guitars (funky rythms, lead & solo).

It starts as a jazz funk tune and then goes more into fusion when the solo comes.

Programs used :
- Reaper + Valallah reverb + OTT + Ozone 9
- THU for the guitar sounds

Hope you will like it.

Posted on September 8, 2020 12:09 PM

Entries from September 2020:

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