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September 28, 2020  -  User Showcase Song - Coral Sands

hi guys this all Biab except me on guitar phrase and solo thanks for taking time to listen and comments Eric Style is _PARANA.STY (Parana Lazy Bossa)

RealTracks in style: ~~465:Bass, Acoustic, Bossa Ev 140 ('A' only)
RealTracks in song: ~906:Piano, Electric, Rhythm SmoothCool Sw16 100
RealTracks in style: ~~923:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BossaFreeComp Ev 110
RealTracks in song: 479:Trumpet, Bossa Ev 140
RealDrums [in Song:SouthernPopFunkySoul^01-a:Hat, Snare, b:Ride, Snare

Posted on September 28, 2020 09:32 AM

Entries from September 2020:

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