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October 09, 2020  -  Band-in-a-Box® 2020 Updates for Windows & Mac!

We've just released FREE Updates for both Band-in-a-Box® 2020 for Windows & Mac program users!

With the latest update for Band-in-a-Box® 2020 for Windows, you can now choose the "Save Exact Chord Text" checkbox to the Save XML dialog, there are VST feature updates, Audio Chord Wizard enhancements, updated program messages, we've applied fixes to an assortment of user-reported issues, and the DAW Plugin 2.12.15 Update has been added too!

Review the complete list of updates for build 734 and download it here.

The newest Band-in-a-Box® 2020 for Mac update also includes VST feature updates, as well as RealTracks & RealDrums Picker enhancements, smoother 'tabbing' between dialog windows, and additional fixes applied to an assortment of user-reported issues. If you missed adding the DAW Plugin 2.12.15 update from September, it will be added with this update too!

Review the complete list of updates for build 420 and download it here.

Posted on October 9, 2020 01:35 PM

Entries from October 2020:

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