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November 05, 2020  -  Upgrading to Band-in-a-Box® 2020 is Easy!

Did you know... anyone who has owned a previous version of Band-in-a-Box® is entitle to upgrade pricing - you do not need to have your old version installed!

Maybe you used to own the Windows version, but you now have a Mac... that's not a problem either!
(or if you owned the Mac version, and now you have a Windows computer)

In both cases, you would purchase from the "Upgrade from 2018 or earlier or crossgrade" row here for a new Mac version, or here if you want the newest Windows version. Just need to upgrade your 2019 version? Use the "Upgrade from 2019/2020" row.

When you purchase your upgrade from either of these rows, you will receive a complete installation - just follow the steps of the setup, and your Band-in-a-Box® will be ready to use!

PG Music Inc. shopping cart accounts were not required to purchase from our website prior to October 29, 2014. With that in mind, you may have to create an account in order to upgrade - that's OK! You'll still be entitled to upgrade pricing.

Posted on November 5, 2020 10:55 AM

Entries from November 2020:

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