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August 18, 2021  -  User Showcase Song - Three Sisters and Me

Hi everyone,

I made a song about three human values, but also about "my skills" to address this issue. Of course this is meant with a big wink. It is called Not so tactful:

I starts as an acoustic ballad and becomes a kind of rock ballad.
Some background vocals i made with the help of melodyne. Always a lot of work, but I think it sounds natural, although it is for you to decide!

The lyrics is about the three sisters Truth (Verity), Honesty and Respect (Esteem) and how they are treated.
These lyrics can be read on SoundCloud.

Let me know what you think of this song.
Some technical information on the song:

Style: BATON.STY, Key: Bm , Tempo 90
RT: 908 :Bas, Elec. RT: 1538 :Guitar, Elec,
RT: 3059 :Guitar, Ac, RT: 3394 :Guitar, Ac, RT: 3057 :Guitar, Ac, Fingerpicking
RT: 3152 :Fiddle, 5-string Sw, RT: Drums: Americana 16
Ceilings of Sound for Percussion: Clap
Fabfilter: EQ and Processors, Reverb and Delay for vocals and instruments (no Delay)
Melodyne for BG vocals
Others: Transient Master and Vari compression on drums, Fresh Air (Slate digital), Space Designer Room Reverb
Daw: Logic Pro X,
Mixing: Neutron3 / Relay
Mastering: Ozone 9 advanced.
Canva: Art design software for album cover

Posted on August 18, 2021 10:47 AM

Entries from August 2021:

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