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October 14, 2021  -  User Showcase Song - Home

Over the past few weeks I've posted several songs from a project I did with my kids a few years back (prodigal)...this song is the climax of that story project...the prodigal son is finally home and his father accepts him there without condemnation or is the expression of the joy that the prodigal feels at that time...I promise this is my final post from that project (maybe?)...Dan

FYI: This is my favorite project ever because my kids helped out...they both live +250 miles away and it was a sacrifice for them to do this...neither one of them are into the style of stuff I write (not thematically but stylistically) but their talents brought it home (no pun intended)...they did it for "dear old dad" got to love them for that (or at least I do)...and I do with all my heart.

BiaB components:
1592 Bass
1761 Acoustic strumming
364 Acoustic fingerpicking

Vocals: Ian and Dan Simmons
I played everything else from my Yamaha Tyros 5
Key G...75 BPM

Posted on October 14, 2021 10:44 AM

Entries from October 2021:

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