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June 21, 2023  -  User Showcase Song - SOS

Well, here's something new...


Carroll Kiphen wrote these lyrics about two years ago. I saw them on another website—really liked them—and did a quick acoustic work tape... sans a bridge, which I couldn't come up with at the time. And then... it sat... and sat... and I'm not sure why.

The work tape popped up on my phone couple of weeks ago and I decided to take another dive into it. For better or worse, this is what I've come up with. I'm not sure the production is where it needs to be... but I've taken it as far as I can go for now. I'm hoping some fresh and friendly ears will help steer me in the right direction.


And here's the band:

RealTracks 909: Bass, Electric, SmoothPoppy Ev16 090
RealTracks 801: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SouthernSnappyGritty
RealTracks 3267: Cello, Background CelticAirFlowingNatalie
RealTracks 3299: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockThrash12-key
RealTracks 3302: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockThrashHollow12-key
RealTracks 4137: Guitar, Electric, Soloist ProgRockTO Ev 130
RealDrums: AltRockSlowSteady8ths^4

Posted on June 21, 2023 01:33 PM

Entries from June 2023:

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