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August 16, 2023  -  User Showcase Song - Blue July

Good afternoon folks,
The merits of working with the Merritts are many and varied.

I recently had the opportunity to write a song with Janice and here it is, fully formed and wonderfully informed by her voice & melodic sense, for your ears & eyes.
It's a finished piece, mastered et al, but ANY feedback is most welcome.

Audio only: SoundCloud
Video: YouTube

Janice tracked & treated by Bud. The vocal FX chain:
Izotope Breath Control > Nectar EQ > Nectar Compression > Nectar Reverb
The slight reverb is an EMT 140 Plate Reverb sim.

The band/instruments:
735 Piano Acoustic Rhythm Jazz ballad Hipass filter
Real Drums Jazz Brushes - sticks
1065 Trumpet soloist smooth bluesy w slap back delay,
quite a bit of Multiriffing as well as cut n paste work.

The additional stuff:
Bass - Emperador semi acoustic flat wound strings BDI21 HEAVILY compressed
Guitar - Bruno Royal Artist semi acoustic, neck pickup DI hipass + trem

Mastered by Fran Ashcroft at HappyBeat Studio.

Words (because they do matter to some folk)

Posted on August 16, 2023 11:27 AM

Entries from August 2023:

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