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March 04, 2024  -  User Showcase Song - Slow Walking

It is 1963. As you are walking in the lobby of a Holiday Inn you hear the band playing in the lounge. You slow walk in time with the music from the lobby to the lounge bar.

Slow Walking

BiaB style : Humbling Slow MIDI Jazz Ballad
Tempo: 60 BPM

Bass - Ample bass - upright
Drums - Aria - jazz brushes
Piano - Lounge Lizard - Tined Based - 12 Warm Model V
Guitar - UVI Workstation - GM - jazz guitar
Strings - Kontakt - Amadeus - full string ensemble

I am playing the guitar (Jay Turser Jazz Box) and via my breath and keyboard controllers the Swam tenor sax.

Posted on March 4, 2024 10:46 AM

Entries from March 2024:

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