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August 11, 2017  -  Hip Hop - Happy 44th Anniversary!

Today we celebrate the 44th anniversary of the birth of Hip Hop!

Learn more about the history of Hip Hop, courtesy of Google:

Now, you may not associate Hip Hop with Band-in-a-Box, but you should!!! There are over 50 hits when you search for the Hip Hop genre in the StylePicker window, including Sets:
28: Smooth Jazz
32: Alternative Contemporary Rock
36: Rock On! (check out Dance 5 - Rock On)
46: Requested 4
47: Contemporary Country 2 (check out CC_Town)
56: Pop
62: Requested 6
65: Requested 7
71: Urban Pop MultiStyles

Hip Hop specific RealTracks are available too! Check out RealTracks Set 7: Acoustic Jazz Bass and Rock Sax! and Set 272: Rap and Hip Hop.

RealDrums Sets? Yup! Ed (Great Oz) Clare has some great Hip Hop RealDrums with RealDrums Set 16: Urban Pop, Franklin Richardson's contribution of the SmoothJazzCoolSw16^ drums in RealDrums Set 28: Smooth Jazz, and Craig Scott's drums in RealDrums Set 3: Fusion, Hip-Hop and More! are great too!

Posted on August 11, 2017 10:33 AM

Entries from August 2017:

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