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October 20, 2017  -  Band-in-a-Box® Version 2017 for Windows Patch Update 468 Available!

Attention Band-in-a-Box® 2017 for Windows users - the latest patch update (468) is available, and can be downloaded here.

Summary of Changes for Version 2017 Build 468:
Fixed: Various popup dialogs (eg editing volume on mixer) might appear partially off screen.
Fixed: Setting "Audio Master (Base) Tempo" does not take effect until reloading the song.
Fixed: If importing audio while launching the Audio Chord Wizard, the wrong audio master tempo is set, causing the audio track to never be in sync with the style.
Fixed: Dragging to the WAV quadrant of the drop station would ignore the "Drag Master as separate tracks" setting.
Fixed: The [Edit Soloist] and [Edit Melody] buttons in the Event List Editor dialog did not work.
Fixed: Disabling "Draw interpolation" would cause random lines between sample points in the Audio Edit window.
Fixed: If a THRU harmony is selected, then Band-in-a-Box would freeze when soloing the Soloist or Thru tracks.
Fixed: Changing the color setting for "Window background" in the Audio Edit window had no effect.
Fixed: Hitting [Cancel] in the Audio Edit Settings dialog would cause a random zoom to occur.
Fixed: The [Sample] button in the Audio Edit window would zoom in to the far left of the screen, rather than to the cursor.
Fixed: If opening a song that was saved in the Mac version, a random character would be inserted at the beginning of these lead sheet fields: "Style", "Tempo", "Copyright", "Composer", and "Composer2".
Fixed: When exporting a video of the chord sheet, the the resulting video might be cropped.
Fixed: The drop station would take a few seconds to respond during the first attempt to drag and drop.

Posted on October 20, 2017 11:57 AM

Entries from October 2017:

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