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October 18, 2017  -  User Showcase Song - Oh My Where Will We Go

Some of you may still remember a Dutch song contest we participated in, one or two years back.
Those may also remember that we did not win frown well.....

Anyway, that was not the original version. Anne-Marie adjusted the lyrics for the contest's theme.

This however, is the original version, with the original video. Shot at Anne-Marie's place. (Which is now my place too ;-))

Hope you'll like it, as always any comments are welcome.

Song link - YouTube

Style is ALBERTI.STY (Alberti Classical Piano)
BassCustom Synth is Synth/Plugin Loaded
PianoCustom Synth is Synth/Plugin Loaded
MelodyCustom Synth is Synth/Plugin Loaded
Style MIDI Instruments are : Acoustic Piano (1), Acoustic Piano (1),
RealTracks in song: 1680:Guitar, 12-String Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 085
MIDI Drums :1 Standard Drum Kit (1)
Oboe/Flute sequence played by Rob

Posted on October 18, 2017 09:28 AM

Entries from October 2017:

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