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October 26, 2017  -  User Showcase Song - Quiet Desperation

Just the audio:

Quiet Desperation © 2017
Kenny: lead guitar and harmony vocals / processing via whatever he does
Drums 1 RD N’ville Even8ths / Neutron / 140 EMT reverb sim / Ozone Imager
Drums 2 - additional snare/cymbal tracks from RD file / Neutron / 140 EMT reverb sim / Ozone Imager
Bass RT 684 Electric PopHalfNotesSync Ev 120 / Neutron
Fiddle RT 1753 Background Pop8ths Ev 110 (comped from multiple generations) / Logic Pro X overdrive sim / Neutron / 140 EMT reverb sim (held chords created from same RT for chorus)
Guitar RT 998 ElectricHardRockLACrispSync Ev 120 Direct Input / Logic Pro X amp-speaker-mic sim / Neutron
(held chords created from same RT for chorus)
Guitar RT693 Acoustic AcRockBright Ev 120 / Neutron / 140 EMT reverb sim
Mixed in Logic Pro X / Mastered via Ozone 7 Advanced
Janice: music Bud: words

Thanks to:

- Kenny for the vocals and letting his lead guitar “dance with the fiddle;”
- David for his inspiring quote;
- floyd jane for putting the golden ears on the mix and counsel;
- Noel for early on bridge structure advice; and,
- as always to PG Music for enabling fun and fellowship.

Posted on October 26, 2017 09:09 AM

Entries from October 2017:

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